Chapter 1.

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Perries POV:
I laid in my room my only room in complete silence the only noises were occasional cars driving by I tried to get comfortable on my mattress but it still was hard under my back. I sighed and laid on my side looking at the box at the side of my bed seeing them laying there I picked up the paper and ink and held them to my chest with tears stinging in my eyes. I held them there my family.

I woke up the next morning and grabbed my backpack slinging it over my shoulder. I walked out of my place. My place was a small building with pipes in 1 floor high with a mattress and blanket and a cardboard box. That's my home not like any normal 16 year old I know. I still go to school and most of the time I'm reading. I love reading I escape my world and enter a whole new one. One where I don't have to worry about me getting food in for the day or getting bullied in school or getting my grades up. I walked around the corner and walked through the back door into the gym changing rooms and the new coach was there she was aware of my problems I guess you could call it "good morning Perrie" she said and smiled "good morning mrs Thirlwall I'm just going to use the shower" she smiled and nodded. I walked into the showers taking my grey t- shirt and jeans off. I had to use the schools bathroom facilities for my hygiene I took a shower here everyday and Mrs Thirlwall was kind enough to make me a lunch and do my washing of the few cloths that I had.

I showered and got dressed walking out into the main changing room and saw Jade Thirlwall she was well wow she was amazing. Jade was the most popular girl in the school and all the guys and girls liked her and wanted to date her plus she was the coaches daughter. I had no chance even if I wanted one I was a loner. I liked being in the corner of the room with no one looking at me reading a good book.  I picked up my bag and rushed out the room. I Leaned against the wall catching my breath. I didn't even realise I was holding my breath when I was looking at jade. She drives me crazy.

Jades POV:
"That girl is super weird" I said to my mum. It's kinda cool having the coach as my mum but not too much. "Who Perrie" I shrugged "I don't know her name all I know is that she's a weirdo" my mum slapped the back of my head lightly "what was that for" i whined rubbing the back of my head "because that girl has to go through it her life's hard enough without you and all your friends and your boyfriend bullying her" I rolled my eyes at her stupidity "how is her life hard so what if she gets bullied everyone does once in a while" my mum sighed "Jade you need to not be so spoilt and think about the real world your privileged that you have a house, family, money and food" I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag walking out to find my boyfriend.

"Hey babe" he said and wrapped his arms around my waist I turned around giving him a kiss. "Hi you still coming to the party this weekend" he said taking my bag from my shoulder "yes Corse I am it's not a party if I'm not there" he grinned "that's right anyway let's go to class" we walked through the corridors hand in hand. "Oh babe I need to ask you a favour" he nodded "anything for you" I leaned against my locked and he leant on the wall beside me "there's this girl I think her names Perrie total weirdo anyway she's been near my mum a lot recently and I was just wondering could you sort her out she'll ruin my reputation" he nodded and cracked his knuckles "corse I will"

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