"I...cause its...nice to get away" Niall murmurs.

"What?" Zayn's brows furrow.

Niall sighed, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Zayn scoots impossible close to him and grabs his arm gently. "Please, Niall? We just shared a really intimate moment last night. I'd really like to know what's going on. I love you, I won't judge. Just please, love tell me what's going on" he says softly.

Niall lets out a deep breath and gulps. "Me and my uncle just didn't get along...so I ran away. I didn't have any place to live so I was on the streets. I would play my guitar to entertain and people paid me. One day Sam came by and heard me and said I could stay with her whenever I liked. So for the last few weeks I've been in and out of Sam's house and shitty hotels, if I made enough or Sam would lend me some cash."

Zayn's eyes widen and he leans back some trying to comprehend what he just said. Niall homeless? What and why?

"What happened with you and your uncle?" Zayn asked cautiously, scared of what the answer might be.


Zayn leans in again, "Niall, what happened with you and your uncle?" he repeats slowly.

"He would hit me" Niall mumbles and drops his head in shame.

Zayn gasps and slaps a hand over his mouth. "Oh my God" he muffles.

"He's a drunk and an asshole. If he wasn't working at the gas station he was out drinking at the pubs. He never cared for me. He's just like my mum, calling me useless and ignoring me. Its no different."

"Oh I'm so sorry, baby" Zayn says tackng Niall in a hug and repeatedly kisses the top of Niall's head.

"So one night we got in this really heated argument. He called me a fag, worthless, useless, all the stuff I've heard before so I called him a pathetic drunk and he punched me. After that he passed out on the couch and I packed up and just fled."

"Is that why..." Zayn gulps and continues hesitantly, picking at loose strings on the duvet. "Is that why you cut yourself?"

Niall sighs, "I started cutting because it was the only thing that made me feel any better. It was my escape, it took away the pain. But I realize now that I have you...I don't need a razor. I have you and that's all I'll ever need."

Zayn's heart flutters but some tears escape his flooded eyes and he sniffles. 

Niall furrows his brows, "Why are you crying, babe?" he places a hand on Zayn's shoulder.

"Its all my fault!" Zayn yells.

"What? No! No, baby its not" Niall says quickly.

"Yes! If the kiss between Harry and I didn't happen then you two wouldn't of gotten in that dumb fight and your mum wouldn't of yelled at you and kicked you out and you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't cut yourself!"

Niall leans in and kisses Zayn's cheek where a tear has fallen. "Its not your fault, Zee, Harry kissed you. Besides I'm not living with my uncle anymore."

"Yeah but still. You don't need to be in this situation, no one does. Its not fair" Zayn replies.

Niall nods, "It isn't fair but shit happens, babe. But its okay, I'm with you. That's all that matters."

Zayn presses their foreheads together and kisses Niall softly. "Move in with me" he says pulling away.

Niall's eyes widen, "Wh-what? No."

"Yes, you can't be here. You can't be jumping from place to place and getting beat, its not right. You belong somewhere where you're accepted and loved and not treated like shit. Please, Niall be with me."

Niall sighs, "I couldn't intrude on your family-"

"It wasn't a question."

Niall purses his lips and thinks. A few seconds later, he's looking at Zayn and his mouth does a half smile. "Okay...I'll move in with you but we have to talk to your parents first of course."

Zayn squeals like a little girl and tackles Niall in another hug. "I love you."

Niall places a kiss behind Zayn's ear and smiles. "I love you too."

And Zayn pulls back so fast with wide eyes. "You what?"

Niall blushes and his eyes cast down to his lap. "I love you too" he mumbles nervously.

Zayn's heart leaps out his chest and he places a finger under Niall's chin making Niall look at him. He crashes his lips to Niall's in a desperate kiss and Niall moans at the contact.

Their lips move together in sync and its one of the best kisses they've ever shared. Zayn pulls away with the goofiest grin on his face. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that."

Niall smiles, "I said it last night."

And if Zayn's eyes get any bigger they'll pop out his head. "You did?!" he freaks.

Niall nods and Zayn groans. "You knew I didn't hear?! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

Niall shrugs but smirks. "I couldn't wake you, Zee. God knows you need your beauty sleep."

Zayn smacks Niall's arm and Niall throws his head back laughing. Zayn jumps on him and straddles his waist. "Shut up, ya git."

Niall leans up to kiss him and Zayn accepts. They kiss for a few seconds until Zayn pulls away grimacing.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Morning breath" Zayn replies.

Niall rolls his eyes and hops out the bed, his pale asscheeks on full display, much to Zayn's enjoyment. He turns back to him and smirks. "Shower?"

Zayn nods rapidly and jumps out the bed, running after Niall. The two have a happy time getting ready together. And they may or may not of had round two in the shower.


Omg I'm scared. Tonight I'm in my school play. Eek. Wish me luck:) And I hope y'all have a good weekend♡

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