XV. I Can Go the Distance

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“Wha—what?” was all Lennox could bring himself to say. It was hard enough to believe the young redhead before him wasn’t dead after directly touching the generator, which should have fried her or burned her or something, but now there was a miniature robot that had been her phone just a few split seconds ago climbing over the top of her hand and up to her shoulder. Its eyes were eerily familiar to those of the two Autobots gaping with him, but it didn’t look as intelligent in the way it rubbed against her cheek, nuzzling her like a cat would. Worst of all, Catherine was staring back at him like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“It’s a long story so I’ll tell you straight up: I’m the Allspark,” she replied, and continued when his expression remained dumbfounded. “You know—the Cube? That thing you had Sam run around with? The one we used to destroy Megatron? That Cube. And you remember how it can cure and bring the Autobots to life? Well, I have that power, as my little phone-drone shows.”

As if to confirm her statement, the little robot chirped, a smiling face flashing onto its chest screen. Lennox still could not close his mouth, nor could he bring himself to move, his mind literally about to shut down from the confusion running rampant through it. He did manage to shake his head, although that did nothing to clear his thoughts. It was only when he saw the redhead smile sadly that he regained some composure and took a step forward, running a hand through his hair to try and wrap his mind around it.

“What… When… H-how did this…?”

“How did I become the Allspark? That’s part of that long story I was talking about, and I’d be happy to tell you if you’ll agree to me joining the human-Autobot alliance.”

“Join the—No! It’s too dangerous, you’re too young, and this is just…” he rambled, trailing as his mind faltered on words to say again.

I knew he’d say that. You’re just too kind, Lennox. “You know very well I’m more than capable of fighting in dangerous situations, and, yes, I am technically too young to join, but I’ll assume Prime didn’t say anything and tell you that I don’t have to be a soldier—I can be a liaison. It’s what Prime asked me to be, anyways. And, frankly, Lennox, while I am human, I'm the Allspark, too. In a way, I belong with the Autobots.”

“Catherine,” Ironhide rumbled, stepping closer, “it was not wise to use your powers so openly. And were you not the one who thought it was safest to not join us?”

“Whoa, whoa, wait,” Lennox called out, moving much closer now and looking between them. “What the hell are you talking about? When did Prime ever talk to you about any ‘liaison’ business and why didn’t he tell me? Why didn’t you tell me about this Allspark business and everything else, too?”

Catherine sighed, though not with exasperation, “How do you think you would have reacted? You would probably be even worse than you are now. Not to mention the place we were staying was full of people who experimented on the Allspark. And yes, I did say it was best if I didn’t stay with the Autobots, but things are different now. With Sector Seven gone and you in charge, Lennox, I don’t think I need to worry about being experimented on or studied. And, frankly, while I could hide at home, it would be better if I hid among the Autobots. That way, if I was found out, they would already be there.”

“Catherine,” the brown-haired man spoke sternly, grabbing her arms and turning her to face him. “Please tell me what is going on. I’m pretty lost right now, and it’s sounding like a lot of this has to do with NEST, which means I need to know about it.”

She waited a moment, watching his expression, before nodding, “Alright. I’ll tell you everything.”

There, standing before her three-member audience she began to explain everything that had happened barely two months ago. She explained how her blood was now Energon-based, allowing the Allspark’s energy to bond with her. She left out the visions she’d seen or how the power works, but she told him what she could do, such as revive Jazz. He’d gone wide-eyed then, and she had to elaborate on how, yes, the shard was useless. She had all the reviving and healing powers, and the shard was just a ruse to keep Sector Seven and everyone else off her tracks. They couldn’t afford to have their friend and the Allspark in the organization’s hands, subjected to God-knows-what. She continued on from there, telling him what Prime had asked and spoken to her about, and how she’d thought it was safest to stay home, but not anymore. Ironhide placed his agreement here and there or added some input she didn’t know, and all the while Lennox watched so intently she was afraid he might explode from whatever emotion was thundering inside him. Never once, though, did she see any hint of him considering her some freak, and she silently thanked him as she finished.

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