Chapter 82

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My computer won't start up TvT sorry about the month-long delay! lol

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It was good that Jesse decided to get the drinks before digging up the time capsule. At this point, Petra was desperately trying to hide the fact that she was even crying and dug her face into her jacket, refusing to leave the table they were sitting at.

"You don't look that bad," Jesse shrugged off jokingly, eliciting a glare from his date. He awkwardly smiled back as a wordless plea of mercy as she pulled her jacket down from her nose.

"You're lucky you're across the table," she threatened.

Trying not to cough as he sipped from his cup, Jesse cleared his throat and tried to ease the conversation somewhere else. "Without the crying, uh... would you say this date was a success?"


"So quick!" He held his heart in feigned hurt.

Petra sniffled and looked to her side shyly. "But otherwise... I'd say it's fine. Because I'm with you."

Jesse smiled widely and leaned towards her. "Well, just you wait because there's more to come! Let's put this box away first."

"Away where? We're in the park..."

"We're going to my place. I have to pick something up. Let's go before we miss the bus!" He grabbed the box and reached out for her hand, pulling her along. She yelped a "Hey!" as they ran to the bus stop, the chilly wind blurring out the world around them.


After dropping the box off in Jesse's room, he led her to the living room and pulled out a large tray of Legos. "I know this is a little weird as a first date-kinda-thing, but remember how we used to always play with these? We'd make our own places and people and just mess around with them. I'd like to think of this as a way of us building the future... or is that super cheesy and cringy?"

Petra smirked and let out a small scoff. "You were always super cringy. But... I do like the idea. And I do miss messing around with Legos." She took a sip of her still-hot drink and looked at the cup. "Also, thanks for recommending this. I think I needed it after all that embarrassing sobbing. My throat feels better."

"To be honest, I kind of saw it coming."

She punched him in the shoulder. "You deserved that one."

Gingerly, Jesse rubbed his shoulder and laughed. "I'm sure I did." He continued to spill the contents of the tray onto the coffee table and spread out the bricks with his hand. "Alright, what are we doing first?"

"Well, where did we leave off the last time we did this?" Petra sat down on the floor and picked up some pieces. "We were on that adventure, right?"

"Yeah. You know what, how about we add something new to it?" Jesse's question made the ginger-haired girl perk up. "What about adding the Witherstorm?"

"That's gonna be a huge build and you know that, Jesse."

"But you don't back down from a challenge, do you?"

"You bet I don't."


After about half an hour, they managed to grab a conglomeration of black, gray, and purple blocks and assort them into something similar that represented the Witherstorm. Large, blocky tentacles splayed out from the bottom, holding up the giant structure.

Both Jesse and Petra stepped back as they admired their handiwork. "I don't think I necessarily want to add more to this," said the redhead. "I kind of subconsciously suppressed memories of the Storm so I don't really remember too much of what it looked like, to be honest."

The brown-haired male nodded in agreement. "This is fine. We can keep it this way - it was already a lot of work to make it."

With the Storm prepared for their year-long story, Jesse searched the bricks for his character, grinning widely when he found the buff martial artist who was still holding his sword. Petra found the pieces of her character, a bombshell woman who had years of training as a Navy Seal. She put the character back together, making sure to add the Golden Gun she named "Miss Butter".

"I forgot how awesome my character was," Petra commented, lovingly looking up and down the small toy gun. "I'm definitely going to bring her back in the next storyline." Jesse scoffed and held up his person. "He's way better. How could you not like a martial artist with a sword? It's like something from an anime."

"That's like comparing reality to fiction. Of course, fiction is cool - but something realistic is much easier to bring to life."

"We'll see about that." Jesse began moving his character around, making it brandish the sword in the air. "Miss Butter can't take down this monster. We have to work together!"

"But how?" Petra made her person look around. "We don't have any idea where to look or how to even start!"

"We'll search for The Chaos of the Water."

The redhead unamusedly exhaled through her nose. "'The Chaos of the Water'? Seriously?"

"You try and make a better name!" he pouted.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and continued on. "The Chaos hasn't been seen in years. We don't even know where they might even be."

"We'll have to start with the talisman."

"The Chaos Talisman? I thought that was a myth."

"Your military brain can't handle what lies in between worlds. We'll look where it's rumored to have originated from... the Temple."

"Alright. The Temple it is."

"It'll be dangerous," Jesse added as they were about to set off. "So, before we go, I want you to know... I really enjoyed my time working with you, even if we disagreed along the way. You mean a lot to me, so take care of yourself. Please."

Petra looked up at Jesse and he gave her a smile filled with all of his heart. A long time ago, he had considered saying something to her through their game but could never find the right time and always changed how his character would react. Now, however, it was perfectly okay. Everything was okay. She felt the same and that was all he needed, and in the wake of the Storm grew his love and appreciation for her that he would have lost otherwise. It was just a game but her character was still her. And she was what he wanted.

"... Jesse."

"Hm?" He perked his head up at his name.

"No. Let's take care of each other. Watch each others' backs. We can do so much more together. Am I right or am I right?"

The male twin smiled softly. Of course she would only be able to say something like that through their game. She could never say that through her own voice. "You're always right."

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