Chapter 49

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Can you believe that the chapter that ended with "From Petra" (I know you guys are feeling those Vietnam flashbacks) was back in March/April of last year? We're pretty much at one year from then. In fact, this month will be the two-year OFFICIAL anniversary of SBHS! 🎉

It's been a long journey and I still can't believe how many people that were here from the very beginning still read this. You guys are wild. But I recognize each and every one of you and I love and appreciate you :0 <3

But seriously, though, almost 18k reads? And we're still on episode 3 of season 1? Even more wild. But awesome wild.

And I STILL haven't finished the Q&A!


"This is my Super TNT."

Soren held up a seemingly normal bundle of TNT sticks. Suddenly, as he turned it over in the light, it flashed, similar to a holographic film wrapped around it.

"Woah," Axel exhaled. He leaned over Olivia to get a closer look. She blinked and leaned in as well, stating, "Wait, but I thought the Super TNT was the Formidi-bomb..."

The Order member scoffed and firmly put his fists on his hip. "Of course not! They're two different words, aren't they?"

"Well, we have the gunpowder now." Lukas pulled out the bags of the chemical substance and held it in front of him. "Let's make the Formidi-bo–"

Soren hysterically pulled his arm back and covered the TNT with his body. "No! No, no, no! The ingredients are highly unstable. Even putting them in close proximity to each other is a risk!" Lukas mouthed an "oh" and put away the bags, taking a few steps back. "It's why I used TNT rather than dynamite," the Architect continued, turning back to face the group, "because it decreased the chances of something going wrong and causing it to explode when handling."

"What's the difference between dynamite and TNT?" inquired Axel.

"TNT, or trinitrotoluene, is much more convenient to handle than dynamite as it is more stable in its chemical makeup. Dynamite consists of nitroglycerin, sorbents, and extra stabilizers to control it as it is much more volatile. It's why military forces use TNT in their explosives, and why I had originally created the Wither chips with trinitrotoluene: to keep it relatively safe but blow it up if something were to ever go wrong."

"Like now?" Gabriel coughed from the back of the group.

Soren's figure immediately sunk in. "Yes. Like now. Although, I had to remove the trinitrotoluene from the chips. Posed too much of a safety hazard." He grumbled to himself as he tucked the Super TNT in a case, muttering, "I told them we should have kept it."

"At least we have the Formidi-bomb now...?" Lukas shrugged and looked around for approval. The other two teenagers grimaced and shrugged as well. He sighed.

Gabriel cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "No time to waste, dear friends. We must get a move-on."

Everyone nodded and Soren whipped his arm out towards the back of the hallway. "To the minecarts!" He ran off and looked back, "I've always wanted to say that, heh. To people, I mean."

The teens stood there in disbelief as the Order went ahead. "Are you kidding me?" sighed Lukas. Olivia rolled his eyes. "I guess I can't blame the man too much."

Without warning, the end of the hallway split open and minecarts rolled into the corridor. Soren turned around and gestured to them with pride. "What are you all waiting for?"

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