Chapter 26 + Extra Side-story!

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Ha, I just realized I forgot to paste the extra story thingy in chapter 25 for 1k reads. It will be at the end of this chapter! Enjoy!



"Wait!" shouted Lukas. He ran past the others and picked up a circular object. It was the strange amulet thing Jesse and his sister had found earlier.

"Put it somewhere safe so we can run!" yelled Jesse. They all started running in the direction Ivor had gone and checked their backs periodically to see if the floating jellyfish thing was still there.

"I think it's a ghast!" Olivia said over the screeching. Axel shook his head vehemently. "This is not the time for learning about new creatures in our environment!"

Girly squealing echoed throughout the Nether. Suddenly, Lukas shouted, "Look! A bunch of carts!"

"Let's get in- wait, where's Jesse?" said Olivia, turning her head frantically.

"Over there!" said Axel, pointing at a spot behind them. Jesse had lost control of his crutches and had fallen, unable to get up. Axel ran over to Jesse and picked him up, throwing him over the shoulder. Olivia came as well and grabbed the crutches before darting back to the carts, Axel following closely behind.

"Go, go, go!" shouted Lukas! They helped Jesse in, gave him the crutches, and then all jumped into separate carts behind him. Just as the ghast caught up with them and seemed as if it was going to do something, their carts started up and rolled away.

Jesse winced and gripped his crutches and the side of his cart. "Everybody, hold on!"

Now that the ghast was gone, the ride was many times more peaceful. Lukas took this time to admire his surroundings. "Wow. The Nether."

"Yeah..." whispered Olivia. "That is a lot of lava. And fire. And other things that could burn you to death."

Jesse's eyes widened when he caught sight of what was up ahead. He made a small cry, yelling, "Oh no!" and Lukas inhaled sharply.

"Oh, that's a drop," the blonde said with shaky breaths, "that is very, very much a drop."

Axel furrowed his brows. "What are you talking about, new guy? What dro– Oh, crap! You weren't kidding."

"Here we go!" Jesse winced as his leg started to throb. He put his hands in the air anyway.

With a rush of air coming over them, they were down the drop and bounced once as they returned to a flat track.

Jesse saw another obstacle and instead of a frightened cry this time, he said it in disbelief. "Oh, no."

The netherrack was low enough to just barely pass over the carts, much to the group's dismay. With only seconds to act, they curled down and got as low as they could, sliding under the netherrack.

The brown-haired boy looked back. He let out a breath and turned around. He had only a millisecond to register the second wall of netherrack.

With a yelp, he ducked again, checking behind him again to make sure everyone was okay. He turned around.

"Okay, so, I'm not the only one seeing that we're running out of track, right?" Axel piped up from the back cart.

"No!" cried Lukas. The blonde clenched the edges of his cart even tighter.


From the glow of the lava around them, Jesse could spot something like a lever next to the track. What if he–

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