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We stop and jimin gets out of the car. He opens the door for me and I walk out. As I'm walking out I see many people walking in. They look so elegant how could I ever blend in. Jimin looks at my nervous face.

"You'll be fine just obey my orders" he gives my shoulder a light squeeze to reassure me. We walk at the entrance. "Ah Mr.Park your father has been expecting you this way please." The man that was once greeting guest at the entrance leads us to a room at a booth.

It's slightly lid up enough to see the face of handsome man looks to be around his 20s .in a suit now standing looking at Jimin.
"Hello Father" jimin says not sounding as excited as he would to see his father. "Hello Jimin it's been a while since I've had last seen you." The handsome man exclaims.

What the fuck. This guy looks like Jimins age how can he be his dad. He doesn't look a day over 25. "F-father?" "Ah Jimin aren't you going to introduce me to your...friend here." He smiles.

"I don't have to and I don't want to seeing as it isn't your business but she's my girlfriend" he smiles sarcastically. "Ah well I'm hoping you don't do the same as you did to the other girl the last time I've heard of her well you know." He says unbothered.

Some how those words shook me to the core. Other girl? Did he have a other slave like me. What happens to her. I just have a bunch of question now. I keep quiet.

"Jimin sweet heart" a friendly voice appears.
"How have you been" the beautiful lady now standing in front of us exclaims. Jimin stays quiet. "Jimin don't be rude say hello to your mother." "Sup Jessica" he says not delighted at all. "She's mother to you."  " PFFT! That whore of a gold digger isn't my mo-" Jimin stops as a fist bruises his left cheek.

Jimins father clears his throat. "Don't ever disrespect her like that." "Honey don't be to rough on hi-" "I don't need your pity" Jimin spurs out. "Why did you tel me to cold here to drop shit on me?" He says obviously annoyed.
" They want profit off of us" " But we don't have any business with them" Jimin says confused.

"Exactly they've taken out 12 big businesses now we might not be able to compete much longer". " I see, have their man came after you yet" "Yes, they might come to you also."
"Shit" jimin says under his breath.

"Oh well" he says now unconcerned. "I see." His father smirks. I am now confused....

"Well" he looks at me. " You and your "friend can enjoy the party now I'll be taking my leave"
He walks out and stops half way. "Your very beautiful Jimins friend" he winks at me. Well it's confirmed he really is jimins dad. Jimin rolls his eyes. We head out.

We arrive at the bar where taehyung is now drinking what seems like whiskey. "Stay here I have an image and I don't want you ruining it" I roll my eyes. Jimin catches it and gives me a glare. "No drinking" he says sternly.

25 minutes later~

Tae left and I'm still here by myself. I'm about to look for Jimin as a cold hand touches my shoulder. I shiver. A dark raspy voice speaks in back of me. " Hello beautiful" is followed by a not so bad looking man. "Can I buy you a drink" I disobey jimins orders. "Sure" not trying to be rude as he seems nice.

"One water melon vodka" he winks at the bartender. The bartender stares at me looking worried for some reason. I shrug it off. He hands me the drink. I gulp it down not wanting for jimin to come and look at me drinking it.

"Thirsty huh" the man chuckles  "yeah" I say chuckling a bit embarrassed. He then continues to ask me questions. "You here with any boyfriend or master?" I lie for some reason. "N-no" "Oh! Well how lucky of me" he smirks. "Huh" I start to feel a bit hot and dizzy.

My Toy Kitten|jiminxreader| 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora