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It's the next day in the morning I find myself next to a shirtless man. The man who encountered torturing an innocent girl yesterday. I blush at the memory of what happened yesterday.

He wakes up and sees a naked me stare at him I then quickly cover myself as I was noticing I was naked. He ignore my reaction. He then gets up butt naked. I admire the look.

He puts on his boxers and black ripped jeans he pulled from his drawer. Still shirt less. He turns to me. "Why are you covering yourself like that" he asked an eyebrow raising up.

"I-I'm naked" starting the obvious.
"You didn't seem to care yesterday" he snickers. I blush hard. "Y- you said you were gonna give me the rules or something" I ask changing the subject.

"Oh yea."  "Number 1 don't question my command. Number 2 you are to only obey me and only me. Number 3 I own you not anybody else. Number 4 you are to never leave this house either way I'll find you where ever you are. Number 5  you must be prepared for whenever I am to fuck you.if you disobey any of these you'll get hard punishment.Number 6 never touch yourself without permission."Your eyes widen at the second to last rule.

"A-alright" "Also don't think your my girlfriend or anything after what we did I don't love you and I never will you are not important to me." I nod "oh and one last thing you call me master no matter  where we are."

"Uhm can I have a shirt I left my other clothes in my room." "Yeah just get the shirt I had from yesterday it's in the floor" "alright thanks"
He walks out the room.

I walk towards the shirt on the floor and pick it up  . I then put my bra on. Fuck.. my only pair of under wear was ripped from yesterday. I then put on the shirt and walk downstairs to tell jimin.

I try to cover as much as possible walking down to his office not to show my bare pussy. "H-hey ji-" I stop myself from getting a hard punishment. Before I could start again taehyung walks in. I stay quiet from saying anything.

"What were you going to say y/n?" My eyes look at taeyhung hinting to jimin I want him out. He then notices in t he state I am and decides to play with me.

"Well spit it out y/n" he smirks taehyung then gives me a confused look. "I- uhm need new underwear" I mumble he heard me. "Yah speak louder" he jokingly says knowing I knew he heard me.

I look at taehyung. "I-I need new underwear the other one r-ripped" I say softly. Taeyhung starts to chuckle. "Now y/n how did it rip" he's trying to kill me I swear.

"Uhm y-you ripped it..." I say embarrassed. "Do you have any in right now" he already knows the fucken answer. "N-no"  he smirks "well let me see" he implied making my heart drop. "H-huh" "see I told you he's kinkier than me" Taehyung starts to chuckle and walk out knowing what will happen.

"Y/n come here" I walk up to the office chair he was sitting behind his desk. "Take your hands off the shirt" he smile
"I-I don't have anything under th-though. He grabs my thigh harshly causing me to yelp. "What did I say about questioning my commands" I can see the anger in his eyes. "N-not to do it" I answer back

"Close the office door" he says sternly
"R-right master" I say nervously to what is about to happen. "Come here"
I stand next to him. "Take off the shirt"
"Bend over on the desk" I do as he says.
He then gets up.

I imagine he's viewing my ass as I feel him just staring at my back. I then feel a sharp pain on my ass. He slapped it.
He keeps doing so. Every hit getting harder and harder. A slight groan falls out of my lips.

I can feel him smirking. After 20 or more smacks he stops and goes to one of his seat drawer to then take something out.
" come her" "y-yes master"

My Toy Kitten|jiminxreader| 18+Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя