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Jesus I don't even know where I should start to even try and escape. I mean last time I'm sure not getting caught by Jimin or taehyung was a fluke and just pure luck. But now he has security guards? Pretty sure Lady Luck is not on my side as of right now.

Like what did I deserve for me to get here? What could I have possibly done to put me in this situation as of now. What if I'm in a dream you know? I can just try and pinch myself to wake up. If I just close my eyes and think very very hard to wake up.

Right that will work. I hope. Closing my eyes and breathing in and out. Pinching my cheeks till they feel numb. Consecrating as hard as I can. "Come on." I whisper to myself.

The sound of the bedroom door opening takes me out of my consecration. Opening my eyes and looking at the person ahead. Taehyung appears in the doorway with a look of amusement in is face. Just staring. What's with these guys staring at me. Seriously, no wonder none of them have girlfriends. I think. I'll have to ask about that later.

Though I think now I know why he's staring at me. Maybe it's because I'm sitting here pulling my cheeks like a mad man. Yeaaa I think that's why.Taking my hand away from my cheek. That's most likely red from my foolish action.

Taehyung starts chuckling. "What do you want." The annoyance clear in my tone. Still glaring at him I shake my head flying my hands up in a 'what?' motion so he gives me an answer. "What I can't say Hi?" Lifting his eyebrows up.

"No I don't like you and quite frankly I don't want to talk to you." I scoff. "Wow here I thought we were friends. Ouch y/n ouch." He says with a fake hurtful tone. A hand over his chest.

Rolling my eyes deciding to ignore him. Still feeling his eyes on me. He is still looking at me what the hell does he want. Creep. Looking back at him while my eyes catching his. It's silent. It goes on to be silent for a few minutes of us just staring at each other.

Another minute goes by of me hoping he looks away and leaves. Though it feels as if we are in a staring contest. He starts walking closer to me. Taking his sweet time. One foot in front of the other. Now in front of me. Still keeping his gaze onto mine.

Inhaling he speaks. "Why'd you leave y/n." Nodding his head towards to me. Is he kidding me. Is he honestly that much of an idiot. Why did I leave?! He's really asking me that question!?

Narrowing me eyes at him. My mouth about to speak. Though I'm stopped. "He's spent weeks every day every hour trying to look for you. Were you lived what school you went to. He wouldn't eat or sleep. Y/n you left without warning. He- he missed you. That's not something he does." Sighing I look away from him.

"Listen if your goal is to make me feel bad or whatever-." He interrupts me. "No that's not my goal at all actually. Just thought you should know." I swear I'm about to go off.

"You know what fuck this. I don't want to be here. Whether he cares about me or not that's beyond me. I didn't ask for any of this. I DONT CARE IF HE LOVES ME I DONT WANT TO BE HERE. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS. INFACT I WONT STAY HERE." Now pissed off I jump off the bed and make my way towards the door.

Taehyung goes to grab me but I pull away hard enough to get out of his grasp. Running out the door I hear Taehyung calling my name. I'm not gonna stay here. I refuse I can't believe he thinks I would stay here after telling me that.

Like does it look like I give any fucks sir?
No not one. So please refrain from telling me shit I don't care about thank you very much.
I don't like any of you and nothing you say or do is gonna change that fact.

Running down the halls I look to find the stairs. I was here for awhile so I knew my way around a bit. Now sprinting down the stairs I run past the living room to where the front door is. Shit the security how the fuck did I forget that.

If I go to the back door there shouldn't be as much as there is in the front. Going back again past the living room into the kitchen I go over to the slide door. Hearing my name being called once again by Taehyung. Fucker it's not like I'm going to listen to you.

Hearing foot steps getting closer I try sliding the door. Shit it's stuck. No no no no why me why right now. Open up you little shit!! Come on please open! Now pushing it with all my weight the foot steps get louder. My knuckles turning white from my hard grasp on the door.

The door finally budging its slides open I almost fall forward from the force. I run as I hear the foot steps arrive in the kitchen. Hearing my name being called out. Though it wasn't Taehyungs anymore.

It was Jimin's. If he catches up with me I won't ever have a chance to leave again. So I better hurry the fuck up. Going down the outside stairs leading to the pool I trip on one of the stairs. Spraining my ankle.

"Shit!" I hiss out loud. Hearing him call my name out again even closer makes me forget about my leg and run not caring about the pain in my ankle. Tears begin to form as the pain gets more and more unbearable.

Now limping towards the gate behind the pool. That's where the Forrest is. If I can make it past there and run into to the woods I can take the same route I did last time to the highway. Just a little bit more.

Come on stupid ankle don't give up on me! I reach the end of the pool. Im closer to the gate now just touch the gate. Come on. Just reach a little harder.

Though its never this easy is it? Jimin grabs my waist pulling me towards him. The gate now blurry in my eyes. Feeling it yet again hopelessness.

"No no no." I whisper as I sob. "Y/n that was very stupid of you." Jimin says sternly.
"Shut up." I whisper. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP." I yell slapping and punching him not even trying to get out of his grasp. The only goal being trying to inflict pain on him. Key word trying.

"Y/n stop it." Him and his calm voice fuck it makes me wanna punch him more. He speaks as he gets a hold of my arms easily. Holding them down on my thighs. "Let go you asshole!" Trying to free myself from his grasp. But it's no use he's obviously stronger then me.

Though that's not exactly gonna stop me from trying. Still trying to free myself I start kicking. He pins down my legs with one hand the other still pinning my hands.How can this be so easy for him?

"I hate you. I hate you so much." I whisper now stopping all my movements. Tears running down my cheeks. God I hated crying so much. Especially in front of him. That's the worst thing I can do.

"Why can't you just die. Everything would be so much better if you die. WHY CANT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE. IVE TOLD YOU I DONT WANT TO BE HERE." His grip on me gets tighter. I wince as he grips me even more tighter. He's hurting me.

"Stop your h-hurting me." I whisper though it came out even more pathetic than I wanted it to. Looking up at him finding his gaze with mine. I give him pleading eyes. He won't budged. His face though.

He's emotionless. Not even his eyes are dark of anger. Just nothing.I try and kick him though it only came off as a tap of the foot since his grip on me was so strong.

"Q-quit it. Stop Jimin. STOP." I yell. His grip loosens. He blinks and looks again me. I try and get up to run. Though my ankle curses me and I topple over hitting my head on the title floor. Groaning as I try and crawl yet again to the gate.

Though he once again catches me. Obviously.
He pulls me towards him. Now standing up he brings my face to his. He grips my jaw his eyes staring directly into mine. His expression different. It's soft?

"Let me g-"

His lips fall onto mine.

My Toy Kitten|jiminxreader| 18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora