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The white sheets ruffle as the soundless person tosses in their sleep. Completely oblivious to the man laying beside them staring. As though they are a piece of art, the man studies every single feature on their beautiful face.

It's as though he could watch them for hours upon hours and never get tired of it. For they are now his new obsession. He's shown them his vulnerable side. Something no one has ever seen. Not even his best friend Taehyung.

Still studying their artwork of a face. The person he desires the most eyes flutter open to a half hearted smiling jimin.

"Morning kitten." He coos.

"Morning." Y/n mumbles out with a hoarse voice.

Even if he tried he could never stop loving their sweet voice. The voice that brings him so much euphoric feelings. Ones that he cannot describe. It was then that he realized. He was hooked.

"Cmon Y/n you gotta get up. Breakfast is ready." He says while shaking his kittens are softly. Sending some sparks as his hand makes contact with their arm.

Their body flinches from the slight sensation.
Deciding to get up at the sound of food they get up. Rubbing their eyes in the process. To which Jimin can't stop thinking how cute they look.
Like a child who doesn't wanna get up.

"Wait who made breakfast." Since Y/n usually did all the chores the last time she stayed here.
Something she is trying out asides. He thinks .

"Ah I did. I wanted to give you a little bit more rest. I'm not gonna push cooking on you right now. I want you to get comfortable." He smiles.

"Oh. Well do you have a change of clothes I can borrow." They ask fumbling with the hem of jimins black tshirt.

Jimin nods walking towards his closet and handing them a pair of sweat pants and another shirt. Probably a bit to big but he loves seeing them in big clothes. They look utterly adorable.

Giving Jimin a small thank you they head to the bathroom.

"You don't have to change their." He calls out. Walking towards them.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." He smirks pulling on their chin while caressing their cheek.

And just like that Y/n woke up and decided to be a tomato today. As Y/n tries to say something. They find themselves not being able to say anything.

The egotistical man notices Y/n's painfully obvious flustered state. Jimin chuckles making Y/n swallow hard. It's as though the man himself were god. His whole face is of a Greek god.

Who wouldn't fluster or cower in his presence.

"You should really start dressing. The foods gonna get cold kitten." Teasing them.


Jimin takes a step back to give his little one space to get dressed. As well as get a nice view of course. Fumbling with the black shirt the slowly lift it up.

This action making Jimin hard. By just seeing their bare chest makes him grow tight in his sweat pants. Looking at his kitten. Who could not have possibly been more red. Looking down completely embarrassed to the situation they are in.

He stalks over to them. They look up sacred as though he is going to do something. This action giving Jimin a weird feeling in his heart. Caressing their cheek as a reassurance. He takes the shirt and raises it over their head.

Putting their arms and head through the holes. Jimin pulls down the shirt. While straightening it out. Gently smoothing away all ruffles. Then looking up at them.

"I'll let you out in the pants. Though I wish you didn't have to wear any at all. I'll wait downstairs." And with that he walks out towards the dining hall.

Putting on their sweat pants quickly they follow behind him. Still flustered they walk beside him into the dining hall. In Aw with all the food displayed on the table. Fruits , pancakes , and waffles. All the breakfast items you can name.

Not noticing they were hungry till their stomach grumbled. Rather loudly making them turn red yet again. Cursing their stomach they take a seat. In which Jimin follows and takes the seat right in front of them.

He gives them a plate. Putting pancakes and fruits. They smile from the gesture. As they are eating Taehyung walks in.

Completely forgetting the obnoxious man exists.

"Top of the morning to ya Y/n." Smiling from ear to ear.

"Morning." Y/n not wanting to converse with the man any more.

Jimin simply ignores him. When Taehyung greets him as well. Making him pout and walk away to god knows where.

Finishing up breakfast I go up to gather the plates but Jimin stops me.

"It's fine kitten just meet me upstairs and pick out a movie for us to watch yea?"

"Oh okay." Y/n smiles.

"Good girl."

Then for some reason Y/n can't help but feel a tingling sensation between their legs.

Trying to ignore the feeling they make their way upstairs and brush their teeth. Getting comfy on jimins bed and scrolling through Netflix.

Deciding on ratatouille as Jimin walks in putting the movie on pause before starting it.

"Did ya pick one?"

"Mhm." Y/n smiles at him.

"It's ratatouille." They say giving him a toothy grin.

Looking at them in confusion. Unbeknownst to the movie they are about watch. He makes his way next to them.

Half way through the film Y/n somehow found themselves on his lap.

"I just don't fucken get it. A rat can somehow cook a 5 star meal." He says clearly frustrated at the ridiculous movie.

Making Y/n giggle at his frustration.

"He's not just a rat his name is remy. Cut him some slack he's had a hard life." They pout.
He scoffs.

"Yeah yeah rat,remy,sewer furball I don't care it doesn't make any fucken sense." Jimin huffs out.

Making Y/n giggle even more. The vibrations of their laughs making way to jimins chest.
Making him smile at the work of art they are.
Although it's his frustration that made them laugh.

He didn't mind. Just the fact that he made them laugh brings enough joy and makes him forget the frustration he had before about the Gordon Ramsey rat.

It's as though time stops.

They laugh like god.

Their whole presence is a joy itself.

If they ever knew how wrapped around their finger he is. Well he'd hope they never knew.

But they knew all right.

Authors note
Heys guys! Sorry it's been a while since I uploaded. I greatly apologize. Just a note that I love Taehyung and his character is just made up to be obnoxious!! I have nothing against him. Nether do I against ratatouille I love that movie so much! That's all I wanted to stay.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It would mean a lot for me if you could vote!! Thank you all again. Make sure to eat and drink water!! Love you all.<3

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