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Why!? If there's anything I'm scared of the most, those are the ghosts.

"Tyler!! Put me down! I don't wanna go in there, put me down or I"ll die!"

Since I didn't want to come with him, he carried me like I was a sack of rice.

"Okay." He put me down.

I shouldn't have told him to put me down because when he puts me down, we were already inside the house. I heard scary noises and screams.

I saw something that made me held onto Tyler's arm and buried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me making me feel safe.

"Don't let me go." I pleaded him.

"Yeah I won't, just hold onto me."

We were walking then I made a mistake of looking at what was in front of us because what I saw was a white lady slowly walking to us. I kept on shrieking and since I was so scared I let go of Tyler and ran.

I didn't know where I was going, so I hid myself in a room. I heard something or someone making it's way near me. Now I feel like I want to faint.

"Tyler!! Help me!" I kept on shouting so he woulde hear me.

Something slimy touched me and I looked at it, then I saw a zombie. I let out a blood curdling scream.

"Tyler!!!" I still shouted whileI was already kicking the zombie. Then another thing touched me again and I started to punch it.

"Hey, Hey, It's me Tyler." the voice said so I gave him a hug.

"Hey bro, Can you escort us out of here." He said to the zombie, then the zombie took out his costume then I saw it was a teen boy.

"Sorry hehe" I said, smiling at him.

"It's okay, sorry for scaring you too." He said, smiling at me.

"Ehem." I heard Tyler coughed, and he had an irritated expression in his face.

Well, don't know what his problem is.

"Here, put this on." He gave me his leather jacket. We just got out from the horror house and Tyler still has that irritaed face.

"Why?" I asked, but still put the jacket on.

"Be observant Chloe, every boy you passed by is looking at you" he said, clearly annoyed.

"Tyler" I said

"What?" He looked at me with one eye brow up, his face is back to normal.

"Can you get me that?" I asked him, pointing to a pink human size teddy bear.

"Sure, anything for you." My eyes twinkled after that. I really wanted that pink bear, it's so cute.

"Before you get that teddy bear, you need to shoot 100 times in 5 minutes." the man in the booth said.

"Uh Tyler, it's okay if you—"

"Okay, give me the balls" Tyler didn't let me finish what I was saying, then started playing.

After two trials, he still wasn't winning.

"That's enough, it's okay if you don't get me that teddy bear." I smiled to him in assurance. Even though I badly wanted that teddy bear, I wouldn't want Tyler getting tired just because of that stuff toy.

"No, just give me one last try" he told me, patting my head.

After the third try, I felt something soft pushed on my cheek, I saw Tyler holding the Pink Teddy Bear.

"Wow! Thank you for winning me this." I said still looking at the teddy bear.

"No worries"

"Come on, I"ll take you home."

Oh no, what am I gonna do. He can't know where I live. He knows my brother they were basketball team mates before and they already went to our house.

I know, I"ll just tell him to drop me off in Hailey's house which is just a few blocks away from our house.

I quickly texted Hailey, telling her that Tyler would drop me in their house.

"Thank you for this day" I said, giving him back his jacket.

"You're Welcome. I wish we can do this again."

"Yeah" I said, then suddenly realized what I just said. "I mean yeah, sure. Anytime, Anywhere. Hehe" I alughed awkwardly.

"So ugh, goodnight. Bye" he said, quickly kissed me and went back to his car.

I just touched my cheek where he kissed me. I hope this is real, and nothing ever goes wrong.

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