I inhaled deeply before opening the door to face Klayton. He looks down at me sheepishly, and a little surprised. It was almost like he had not expected me to actually open the door and face him.

"Now what?" I ask pointedly while crossing my arms against my chest. He has me here now, and I didn't know why. What did he want from me?

I voiced my questions and he closed his eyes, painstakingly. He inhales deeply, and then peers down at me again. "Adira," He sighs. "There is so much I want to tell you, but you're not ready. Also, please be a bit more careful, you hit your head pretty hard. You may have a slight concussion but it will go away with time and rest. Everywhere else on your body should be okay —I was the one to tend to your wounds,"

I huff in annoyance and ignore the latter of his words about my injuries from the crash. I was fine.

"So, don't tell me. Just kidnap me, right?" I turn around and sit on the bed, exasperated. He follows me in and stands beside me, not sitting on the bed but still in close proximity. It's unnerving.

"I want to tell you," He grabs his hair and growls in frustration. "I don't know how."

I narrow my eyes at him and watch his every move. How can someone so handsome be so crazy?

I need to get out of here.

"Klayton," I purr. Instantly he's facing me, with a look of genuine confusion. He's interested, but cautious. I could almost laugh at the situation, but it's really not funny.

Due to our close proximity, it takes me no effort to close the gap between us. With my hand, I gently place it on his muscular shoulder and rub it across his chest. He instantly relaxes his tense stance under my hands.


I place both of my hands on each of his shoulders, making him face me completely. We stare into each other's eyes and once again, I'm perplexed by his beauty. I look at every inch of his face, from his dark eyebrows and mesmerizing eyes to his sharp jawline. His skin is almost an olive tone, and I want to run my tongue across it. My eyes almost stop at his lips, where I'm mostly drawn. We both lean in, and right before our lips make contact, my small voice stops us.

"Please, let me go." My pleading eyes search his.

His jaw clenches and he grips onto my hips. "I can't."
Fear, once again, encompasses my being.

I do the only thing I can think of.

I scream.

Bloody murder.

"Help! Help me! Someone please!" I scream, and don't stop. Klayton is chasing me around the room, trying to get me to settle down. I slip past him and run out of the bedroom, heading for a destination I do not know.

As soon as I exit the bedroom, I'm in a hallway speeding down and coming face to face with a pair of stairs that leads up, and another that leads down. I hear him growl from behind me as he is stalking over, and I quickly make a decision.

Downstairs it is.

How many floors is this house?

I'm scrambling to keep up my footing as I'm racing down all the steps, still shouting for help. Klayton is behind me, although I can tell he isn't trying his hardest to stop me. If he really wanted to, he could. We both know this.

His house is huge.

This is good. This means more space for me to hide and get away from Klayton, who I definitely believe is a crazy psychopathic killer.

I don't have time to stop and gaze at the beauty that is Klayton's home, as I run to his front door. I open it quickly and sprint outside towards the forest. I almost bubble in excitement as I can almost feel my new found freedom.

My legs are burning from this cardio and once I'm deep enough into the woods, I stop. I bend over, grabbing my knees and panting. I look side to side to see if Klayton has followed me and I don't think he has. I grab my phone that is in my pocket, hoping to call someone, anyone, for help.

It's dead.

I curse in frustration and begin walking in a random direction, hoping it will somehow lead me to civilization.

I'm constantly casting glances around to see if he has followed me, but again I see nothing. I grow weary and continue my walking.

After about another 10 minutes, I hear the sound of a branch snapping. I instantly stop walking and strain my ears to see if I can hear anything else. My heart starting pounding in my chest and I cast uneasy glances all around.

Is he here?

"Klayton?" I ask warily.

Suddenly a bush behind me rattles, and I cast my glance over there. A pair of obsidian black eyes stare at me through the dark greenery, and I swallow uneasily. They looked evil.

"Come out, you coward!" My voice shakes and I'm trembling. This isn't Klayton.

I'm not sure who or what it was though.

Immediately, I'm screaming again. A giant, dark brown and deadly wolf jumps out from the bushes and is aiming straight for me. I stumble to the ground, my palms digging achingly into the dirt on the forest floor. Its teeth are bared at me and it snaps its jaws towards me. I see it's saliva string inside its mouth, and I know I'm it's next meal. I'm crawling backward and trying to get to my feet.

This is literally the worst day ever.

It lunges.

I'm still screaming, and I'm pretty sure I'm about to become a nice human steak for this wolf. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, and brace myself for the impact that was sure to rip me apart.

It never came.

I look to my left where I hear growling and snapping and I see two wolves now wrestling each other on the ground. It wasn't pretty. It was the same dark brown wolf that almost just attacked me and a much larger one that was muscular and pure jet black. I see both of their furs are matted and this fight is looking deadly.

I scramble to get myself up and turn around, looking to see if Klayton had found me yet. I'm still in close proximity to the wolves but at a relatively safe distance. At this moment, I'm hoping Klayton isn't searching for me. He could seriously get hurt, and although I think he's mentally deranged, he doesn't deserve any harm.

I quickly spin around towards the wolves when I suddenly hear a man groaning in pain. I fear it is Klayton, and start to tentatively walk towards where the animals were fighting.

Expect now, stood two men.

Two very naked men.

I screech in a startle, and they both turn to look at me. It was Klayton, and some other man I didn't know but I could slightly recognize him from somewhere— I just couldn't put my finger on it at this moment.

They were stark naked and covered in dirt as if they had just been rolling around. No, I shake my head. This can't be.

I quickly avert my eyes as Klayton slowly walks over to me, not bothering to cover himself up. I blush a crimson but am too riled up to linger on such things.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I shake my head no.

"I think I'm going crazy Klayton," I look up with him. Tears are welling in my eyes. "Tell me that this isn't real, that you weren't just a wolf."

He's silent.

Suddenly, everything dawns on me. It's like an epiphany, where things are starting to conjure up together and make sense.

The red book. The drawings. Him. The wolf. The Moon Goddess.

Klayton watches me take it all in, with a grim expression on his face. The other man is just standing there, looking bored.

My mind is racing.

Alpha Klayton | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن