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I can't seem to fall asleep. The rain seemed to be never ending and Wesley was still in my mind. How could he... He had such a bubbly personality and genuine heart.

My mind turns back to Luke. He was so serious. His dark green eyes never seemed fazed by things that came his way. He was definitely born to be a leader. Even as a child, I remembered him being distant from everyone.

I stand up and quietly get out of bed. One of the main reasons I couldn't sleep was knowing how much pain Luke was going through right now. I tiptoe down the dimly lit hallway. I open the last door near the stairs and walk inside. I shut the door silently and walk over to the chair by his bed.

I could see his sweat drenched hair covering his pale face. He looked terrible. As I lean over, Luke suddenly jolts up panicking. "Shh, it's just me Luke."

He groans and lays his head back down. A part of me couldn't help feel guilty for his pain. "Darla, you aren't hurt right?"

I nod as he closes his eyes again. "Good, because if anyone is going to kill you it's going to be me." He laughs but starts coughing.

I shake my head and smirk. "You had that coming."

He looks at me for a moment. A part of his face hidden in the shadows of the dark room. "Am I forgiven?"

I reach over and hold his hand. "I forgave you a long time ago."

He smiles and squeezes my hand. "That's good to hear. It was killing me knowing that my own mate hated me."

My mind seems to focus on the word mate. It seemed to have slipped my mind.

"You don't love me do you, Darla?"

Our eyes meet as I'm taken aback by his question. Did I love him? I don't know if I loved him but I did care for him.

He chuckles and turns his head the other way. "One day you will." Within seconds he was back asleep.


The next morning I'm woken up by a crash. I look over and see a vampire coming at me from the window.

I look over at Luke who has jumped out of bed. Wow, He had healed extremely fast.

He quickly gets infront of me and takes down the vampire. The house suddenly erupts with growls, clashing, and banging. We were being attacked.

Luke grabs my hand and we head towards the window. We were surrounded by hundreds of vampires. we both look at each other and I grip his hand tighter. This was not good.

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