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I can hear the crickets chirping as we make our way through the dense forest. We run blindly  until we are on werewolf territory. I could faintly see a pack house in the distance.

Josh looks at me with a irritated face. "You have got to be kidding me.  We were this close the entire time?!" Everyone grumbled to themselves as we made our way towards the Pack house. 

"STOP!" We freeze as we hear a voice behind us. I growl as I shake my head. There was no way we were going back. We were so close. A man comes from behind a tree. "Rogues, this is  the Raging Water Pack." I cringe at the name. When I hear of water all I think about was the dam. 

Josh sighs in relief. "We all that remains from the two packs that drowned 15 years ago. The vampires held us captive until our escape today." I hear gasps coming from the trees around us. Wow, we need to work on being more observant as a pack. 

The man warily walks towards us. Guards come out from behind trees and brush. "This way, you need to speak with the Alpha. 


We enter into the pack house and see that we had awoken many wolves. News was spreading on who we were and we had become instant celebrities over night. 

I hear footsteps into the room we were all in. A man in his early 50's enters in. "Where is the Alpha's Daughter?"

I stand up and my eyes widen as realize who that man is. I crash into him giving him the biggest hug possible. "BETA!"

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