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Welsey picks up a cup and throws it up and down in the air. "See that's the difference between Hunters and Werewolves. Hunters choose their partners."

I roll my eyes. "Well aren't you so special."

He laughs. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just Hunters are very picky. Even though we are the elite and strongest of our kind, we are still just human. We don't have this mate bond."

I sigh. "Must be nice to just be human. Never having to worry about territories and different creatures attacking you."

Welsey puts his cup down. "So what exactly is your plan now. Obviously the pack doesn't want you. And your mate wants you dead. You're kinda running out of options."

I throw my hands up. "I don't know. But what I do know is I can't stay here. Now that I have a mate bond, he'll be coming for me."

Wesley cringes. "Ugh, I would hate to be connected to such a loser."

I glare at him but then shake my head.  He was right but why did it bother me so much that he talked bad about Luke.

Luke.. even though he said he hated me, I knew deep down it was just from the pain of losing someone he loved. It wasn't necessarily unjustifiable, he was just hurt and didn't know how to cope with it.

Suddenly my wolf instincts kick in. Someone was coming. "Wesley, is there a back door? We need to go now!"

We run out the back and I follow him to wherever he was going. I could hear a growl behind me. He had caught up to me.

"Darla, you aren't leaving me!!"
I turn when I hear Luke's voice. We both stop and look at each other.

"You wanted me dead two seconds ago."

Luke turns away from me. "I-- I'm not sure what's going on in my head but I can't let you leave. Gosh I hate what you did... Why did you do it?! We would have perfect for each other if you had just stayed away from the creek like we were all told."

Suddenly he comes running at me at pins me to a tree. His hands rising up to my neck with the intention to choke me but instead he hugs me. "Darla, I'm sorry.. I know you weren't the reason she died. But.. it's killing me that you were the only one that could have saved her and you failed."

I close my eyes. His words painfully touching my heart. He was right, I failed. If I had just tried to turn the wheel a little harder maybe noone would have died.

Before I could say word, Welsey pulls Luke off of me. "Stay away from dog!"

Luke quickly transforms into his wolf. Anger seething through his growl.

Welsey gets infront of me. " All you've done so far is cause Darla pain. Just leave her alone."

Luke tilted his head in confusion. He transforms back into his human self. "You're a hunter. Right?"

Welsey nods. Luke looks at me and then back at him. He reaches out and pulls me towards him. "I know what you're doing you manipulating weakling. You're doing exactly what was done to my Aunt years ago. You may be able to fool Darla but you don't fool me!"

Welsey glares at him. "Give her back!"

Suddenly wolves surround us. "The guards had finally found us. Wesley saw he was out numbered looked at me and smirked. He jumped into a tree and within seconds he was gone.

Luke roughly pushes me infront of him. "So now you want to shunned from all Werewolves I see." His voice filled with disgust.

I glare at him as I back towards an opening in the trees. "You tried to kill me and turned my pack against me. I think you did that all on your own!"

He looks down guilty but soon recovers. "He's not your friend Darla. He's playing you."

I laugh. "No he's not, he's been keeping me safe this entire time."

Luke rolls his eyes. "There isn't a single hunter on this planet that befriends a wolf. He's up to something."

I shake my head not believing a word he says. "He's different. You don't know him like I do."

Luke stares at me for a moment in disbelief. "You've know him like a day, Darla! We on the other hand were friends when were little, my brother was held captive with you. My father has done everything in his power to keep you out of harms way."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah and two minutes ago you tried to drown me."

He sighs as one of the guards handcuffs me. "Look Darla, all I'm saying is Hunters don't befriend werewolves unless it's a trap. I'm just trying to look out for you."

I laugh." You can't be serious right now, like I just said YOU WANTED ME DEAD!!"

He groans. "Why can't you just let it go for now. Obviously, my anger was blinding me. The mate bond is what helped me see through it. You have to believe me Darla."

He reaches out to me but I step away. "Don't touch me. The only person I trust at this point is the Hunter. You are the last person on my list that I will ever trust."

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