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I slowly open my eyes. Josh was standing next to me in tears. "Why are you crying? I'm not dead."

Josh doesn't smile. "Do you remember the day the dam broke?" 

A look of confusion crosses my face. "Huh?"

He repeats himself. "Do you remember the day the dam broke? Before it broke to be specific."

I try to sit up. "Why are you asking me this?"

"ANSWER ME!" I flinch when he raised his voice. I try to think back to that day. "I was playing in the creek. I wasn't suppose to be out because of the hunters but I really wanted to swim." I pause for a moment. "There was this little boy playing with me too. He was a hunters child. He was climbing onto the dam and throwing a ball down to me. We threw it back and forth until he accidentally slipped. I rushed up to the top to look for him. I didn't see him anywhere." 

I bring my knees closer to me as I relive the moment in my head. "Suddenly I was pushed into the deep water on the other side. I could barely stay afloat. I could see a man turning the wheel to the dam letting the water flow out. Within seconds he was gone. I couldn't get my head above the water. I was sure I was going to drown but then I felt a hand grab me and pull me up. The boy had survived. Before I could speak to him, he was gone." 

It suddenly hit me when I think back to the next part. I look up at Josh who is sitting on a chair. "I-- I tried to turn the dam off but I couldn't get it all the way closed. I ran to go tell my dad but by the time I told him it was too late. A giant crack had appeared in the wall and the pressure had become to much. We were doomed. And--- and.."

I begin to cry. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have gone down to the creek that day. Then everyone would still be alive."

Josh looks at me with little emotion on his face. "This whole time we believed that you were just like us. But my brother was right. This is your fault. You caused more pain then you will ever know and on top of that you're the reason that our Alpha is dead. You---"

"JOSH STOP!" The Alpha comes in angrily and gets between us. "You know that there was way more to this than that. This is not all Darla's fault. She didn't turn the wheel. The hunters did."

A man walks into the room glaring at me. "She killed our mother and you're going to defend that nothingness, she deserves the worst there is for what she's done!" 

People outside the door begin to whisper among themselves. Some side with me but most side with the man. "The Werewolf King is right. She is traitor to her own kind, she is no Alpha."

Before anyone can react the man grabs me and pushes me out the door. You're going with me. There isn't a soul here that can stop me."

I look back at Josh who has mixed emotions but he turns away from me. "JOSH, DON'T TURN AWAY!" The Alpha reaches out to grab me but is held back by the guards. "Beta, please don't let him take me!" 

He tries to pull away but can't. I can't believe this is happening to me. Allison runs over to me shrieking. "PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER, SHE DIDN'T MEAN TO!!"

Steven grabs her pulling her back to safety. He shakes his head at me and walks away dragging my best friend away crying. 

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