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I can hear voices arguing from the other side of the door. 

A male voice begins to yell. "Where is she?! I know you found her!" 

 I fling the door open as I see the Alpha go sliding into the wall. Turning my head, I expect to see vampires or even hunters at this point. But instead I see a wolf. A dark black wolf with a scar by his right eye. Confused, I back up towards the wall where the Alpha is. 

He gives me a strong look of disapproval. "I told you not to come out. Now I can't keep you safe."

My strength was beginning to fade. "From what?"

He looks up at the growling wolf. "Him."

Before I can even react, I slump to the ground and pass out. Something was wrong.



"Alpha Kain, whats wrong with her?" The wolf slowly forms back into his human self. 

I shake my head as a nurse comes into the room. "My medical team doesn't know. Ever since they all showed up, they have become sicker and sicker. 

My eyes met the Werewolf King's for a moment. How could my son become such darkness in such a little amount of time. 

"Where is my brother, I want him here now!" I nod to the guard who then goes to get Josh. The anger in his voice never left once his mother died. Exhausted, I sit down in a chair. My body ached. He pushed me pretty hard. "Why do you want Darla? "

The Werewolf King glared at me. "It doesn't concern you." 

Before I can say another word, Josh enters the room. He looks at his older brother in shock. "Luke, what happened to you? You look so... different."

They look at each other for a moment and then the Werewolf King turns away. "I came to see you. Just wanted to see what you ended up like yourself. I'm also here for Darla."

Josh's smile fades. "Why do you want her?"

He grabs his sword off the table, ignoring Josh's question. Josh gets in front of the door. "Answer me Luke!" 

Luke pushes Josh out of the way. "She's the reason for all of our misery. Just ask dad." With that he walks out the door. Josh turns and faces me. "What is he talking about?"

I put my hand on my face contemplating how to answer him. "Darla is the reason the dam broke."

Josh's shakes his head. "No it's not possible. She was just a child. She would never.."

I get up and walk over to him. "She never meant to, but one thing led to another. Please don't be angry at her. She doesn't even know herself."

Josh backs away from me. "I don't believe you. She couldn't have." 

Luke enters the room again. "She did, and she did it on purpose."

Josh runs out of the room heading towards the emergency room of the Pack House. 

There he saw Darla unconscious. He reaches down and moves a lock of her dark curly hair away from her face. Whispering he touches his forehead to hers letting a single tear run down his face onto her cheek. "I know you.. I trust you. Please don't let it be true. You mean everything to me. I don't want you to go with him." 

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