31. pastel pink

171 19 129

I'm sure this has already been said but.. aren't singers/bands prostitutes.. bc they sell themselves for our pleasure..?

As Oli lays next to me he whispers sweet things to me. It's been three months and.. I still have cancer. I've been throwing up blood violently all morning and having chest pain...

That's why we are in bed at 6 pm. I bite my tongue and press my body to his. He holds me gently trying not to hurt me. I'm not even upset at this... I know I'm weak. I can feel the sickness constantly consuming me.

I was giggling and skipping away from my demons as the followed me but I fell. They are seeping into my body and they are also getting to Oli. He acts strong but I know dealing with me is hard...

"You're so strong. I admire you so much," my husband says. Yes, we had a wedding before I started to stay in bed all day and stopped eating.

It's hard to swallow food.. "in a few years from now we can look back at this and laugh at how sappy we are," he whispers to me and me only.

I'm not going to make it... We both know It. The chemo didn't work. Nothing has worked.. "we can adopt a baby.. raise her or him into a beautiful person. I've always known you'll be a good parent," he whispers and I close my eyes as he talks.

The pain inside of me is unbearable but the hospital can't do anything. I like my bed... I like our bed. "S-sing to me," I mumble Horsley. I've been losing my voice lately and I can't talk half of the time.

"Eyes like a car crash
I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away
Body like a whiplash
Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way
I feel about you," he sings softly touching my face. I keep my eyes closed so he can't see the pain in my eyes.

"I watch you like a hawk
I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb
Will the hunger ever stop?
Can we simply starve this sin?" He pauses and clears his throat and wipes his tears away. Everything seems to be fading.

"That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights, I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you."

I open my eyes and watch my husband sing me a song while crying. This is my last hours... I can feel it.

"Deathbed, all I'll see is you
The life may leave my lungs
But my heart will stay with you," he sings and sits cross-legged next to my laying body. He puts his hand up my shirt and feels my heartbeat.

"That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a ghost in the silence, I disappear
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you
Tides will bring me back to you" he wipes more tears away.

"That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a ghost in the silence I disappear
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you," he finishes it and I weakly smile as he cries for me.

Time Bomb ♡Koli♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora