10. Rainbow

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*Pouts* you didn't vote?

My outfit is really pretty and it makes me look even paler than usual, or maybe that's just me? I skip down the stairs and almost run into Ronnie.

"Where you off to?" He asks and I smile.

"I'm going to the Bring the horizon concert," I chirp and he laughs.

"Bring me the horizon, and you'll hate it. Do you know anything about it?" He asks and I pout.

"No.. but I want to go to any concert. Even if I never listened to them. It's going to be a surprise," I giggle.

"Save yourself the trouble and don't go," he says and I pout.

"I can and will, watch me," I say with sass and skip away. I say bye to my parents yet again and leave the house and get into the uber that will take me to the concert.


When I'm at the concert I get to be so close to the stage I can touch it. That's one thing being rich helps with. I'm not really liking the scene though.. everyone seems rough and loud.

People keep looking at me and flirting bit I just want the band to come out and sing. As I think this they finally do. I gasp when I see who the lead singer is.

"What's up fuckers!?" Oli yells into the mic and everyone screams.

The first song they 'sing' is called Fuck and it makes me feel.. excited? He's rocking out and looking into the crowd.

Then he sings a song that I like way better called 'mother's tongue' during this song is when his eyes land on to me. He smiles and comes over to the edge so he's right in front of me.

"And yeah, I could be punching
But I always tend to fluctuate
And I feel sick that I'm buzzing, oh, love, I'm in trouble
I'm sorry, but you got me gushing all over the place
I never wanna get wet
But I think we're chosen like our fates were woven
And all of those bad choices were left turns on the way" he sings to me and then holds out his hand.

I take it and he helps me up on stage and sings the rest of the song around me and I just blush and watch him.

"Isn't he so cute?" He yells into the mic and the crowd cheers and I blush. He then grabs my hips and kisses me. I'm hella awkward as this happens but it's not too long of a kiss. I kiss back and then he pulls back and I cover my face.

"You can watch from there," he says pointing to the side of the stage. I nod and go over to the side and watch as he performs and screams into the microphone.

I love this it makes me want to sing along but I don't know the words. I'm having fun but then I get that feeling in my throat again. I start coughing and run backstage and go to security. Blood gets on my hand and the security guy starts yelling for the paramedics that are always at concerts.

More blood comes up and I have to continue to cough or the blood will get in my lungs. The security guards get me to an amazing and I want to cry because I wanted to stay and watch Oli more.


I look at my phone and then run my hand through my hair. How did he get my number and how do I respond?

Unknown: This is Oli, are you okay? My crew said you got taken away by an ambulance? I'm packing my equipment now but I'll come visit you

I add his contact and pout. I look at the stupid white walls and white floors. This room is so plain and the even made me wear this white hospital grown.

I hate this boring white...

Me: I'm okay and I'm home so no need to visit me, how did you get my number?

Oli: well what happened? And I called your hotel and asked your parents for your number

Me: nothing major, I didn't know you are a singer?

Oli: did you have fun?

Me: I loved it

I bite my lip as I smile at my phone. We kissed! My mom starts whispering to my dad and I look up to see she's crying and talking to my dad. I stop smiling and listen.

"-he deserves a longer life," I look away and pretend I can't hear them.

Oli: you look beautiful, sorry if the kiss was uncalled for

Me: thank you and it surprised me but I wouldn't change it

Oli: that's sweet, I'll be back I have to do something

Me: okay ♡

I put a clear heart because a red one is too flirty? I'm not sure...

I look at my mom to see she's still crying and I know it's my fault. "Mom I'm okay," I tell her.

"No you're not baby," she cries and comes over pulling me into a hug. Her crying and my dad's teary eyes get to me and I start crying too. My dad comes over and rubs my back as we cry.

I'm scared about my health but I'm more upset about my parents being upset. My phone starts ringing and my parents excuse themselves. I wipe my tears and accidentally press answer before I can gather myself.

"Hey, were you lying? I'm at the hotel but Vic is at the desk saying your parents rushed out a little while ago," he says and I hiccup a little and sniffle.

"I-im sorry," I cry and it a takes a moment of silence before he talks again. Well mostly silent, my crying isn't silent.

"Okay, I'm on my way to the hospital. Now tell me why your crying," he says and I try to talk but sob instead.

"I- rea-lly need a hug," I say and I hear him sigh.

"Okay, I'll give you one in five minutes," he says and I keep wiping my eyes trying not to cry but failing. He's so sweet..

I hope I get over this sickness...

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