9. yellow

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When Oliver's done talking to his phone I grab his hand and start talking him around

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When Oliver's done talking to his phone I grab his hand and start talking him around. This hotel is big and it even has an indoor and outdoor pool.

I go around giving him a tour of the hotel. When we go up the stairs I start unconsciously start heading to my room. When we start passing it I stop and blush.

"Do you want to see my room?" I ask pointing at said room. He nods and I open my door and we look around my room. I'm making sure I don't have anything embarrassing out in view.

He looks at my pictures I have hanging up and smiles a little. I watch him look around my room and I sit on my bed and it sends waves through my bed with impact. I love my water bed.

"You seem really close to your parents," he says and looks at me.

"Yeah, they are really good people and I'm nothing but grateful," I chirp and he smiles at that.

"Explain this picture," he says handing me one of me and Vic smiling like idiots in a stream. I smile at the memory.

"After I- um, well Vic took me to the stream so I could not think about things. It was really fun but after I got out of the water my foot was bleeding and I touched it and tHerE wAs a lEacH on ME," I say remembering the surprising moment that happened after a trip to the hospital.

"It was weird and scary, but it didn't attach itself yet so I didn't have to pull it off of anything weird.. but Vic took me to get ice cream so it was okay," I say and Oli is looking my outfit.

"Who's Vic?" He asks and grabs my camera.

"He's my friend, he sometimes rents a room here," I tell him and he looks through the camera at me.

He then looks at me and then comes over closer and pushes me back and I fall into a laying position. He grabs under my knee and lifts my knee and I blush. "Look at the ceiling or to the side," he says aiming the camera at me. I look to my right and he takes a picture.

After it's done I sit up and crawl over to look at it. I pout when I see it and take it from him. He does a pout and my heart almost explodes. "You can see up my skirt you pervert," I say looking at the picture.

"Hardly, let me have it," he says trying to grab it but I pull it away and he gets on top of me to grab it. I try to keep it away but he keeps trying and getting close to getting it. I shove it in my skirt and he looks at my skirt and them my eyes.

"Do you think I can't get it?" He asks and I blush but nod. Stupid if me to think he wouldn't but I'm not sure how against it I really am. He smirks and puts his hand on my thigh and slowly goes up my skirt.

I'm letting this happen, something must be wrong with me if I'm letting a guy put his hand up my skirt and I haven't even had my first kiss yet. He grabs the picture and brushes against the front of my underwear before removing his hand.

I'm probably blushing pinker than anything I'm this room. I look at his lips and he smirks at me. He must notice because he starts leaning in as his hand rests on my thigh. The one without the sensitive tattoo.

My door opens and I flinch back into reality and Oli looks at the door. Vic looks at us. "Ah, no, get off kellin hes to pure for you," Vic says embarrassing me.

"Vic, that's none of your business," I tell the boy in the yellow hoodie.

"Yeah Vic, trample off," Oli says making me giggle. He squeezes my thigh lightly and Vic rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, but I came over because I have important news," he says and I gently push Oliver off and sit up.

"Yea?" I say and Oliver starts looking around the room more.

"I'm dating Danielle now," he smiles and I jump up and hug him.

"She's so pretty! You definitely are going to be the cutest couple in the world!" I squeal and he laughs and blushes.

"But be careful kells, guys can be assholes," he whispers and looks at Oli. I look at him and smile at how much he stands out in my light pink room.

He's wearing dark and grungy clothes and I think he even has some eyeliner on but it's not girly or feminine. Its grungy or emo like. He's definitely the opposite of my aesthetic but I like it. It looks good on him.

I nod, "he's cool, now go to Dani," I say and he smiles and leaves.

When I turn around and look at Oli he's holding a light yellow skirt. "How about you wear this next time I see you," he says putting it on my bed.

"Sure, but.. um, I can't go back to Drop Dead. I have a thing about windowless rooms," I say slowly.

"Oh, well... I could do it here?" He says and I smile and hug him.

"Yess, please. Maybe Monday?" I ask and he nods. I would say Friday but I'm going to a concert then and the other days my parents are taking me places like the park, hospital (for a check-up), and the zoo. That and I have to work here and maybe the diner if it gets busy.

"Sure," he says and my phone starts ringing.

"Hey?" I say to my phone after answering it.

"Foods ready, you'll have to tell your boyfriend bye," my mom says and I blush.

"Okay, I'll do down soon," I say and hang up. I turn to him and hug him tightly. He hugs back and I smile.

"Thank you for getting me back here and cheering me up," I say and pull away after a little while. He kisses my forehead and I blush.

"Thank you for cheering me up," he says, and that makes me think. He wasn't happy before? I want to kiss him but I'm not sure how to start one and I'm clueless how it's supposed to happen so I don't act on my urge.

"I'll see you Monday," I say and he nods and he waves me bye as he shows himself out of my room.

He took that picture... I pout to myself but then smile. It's nice that he wants to see me.

I wonder if he likes me?

Any observations?

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