5. purple

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I'm loving this story so much

Vic is talking about how I shouldn't get a tattoo and how it wouldn't look good on my pale delicate skin. I understand he's trying to be protective but in this moment I don't care.

"When you talk I'll I think is: Brick wall, waterfall, viccy thinks he got it all but he don't, and I do so Boom with that attitude. Peace punch, Capt'n Crunch, I've got something you can't touch. Bang-bang choo-choo train, wind me up I do my thing. No Reeses Pieces, 7-Up, you mess with me, I'll mess you up," I giggle at the end.

Vic looks unimpressed at my words. Then he smiles while rolling his eyes, "fine, I do agree if it's the one you picked it would be good on you. I'm just trying to make you think because everyone is so for it. You know?" He says and I hug him.

"Thank you for supporting me," I say and pull away.

"I'll be back later!" I squeal now running out his room. Vic is staying in the hotel, he comes here every other week. "Bye!" He calls and I giggle and rush down the stairs.

"I love you, yes I'll be safe!" I say as I run past my dad in the lobby.

Before he can say anything I'm out the door skipping to the closest tattoo shop. When I get in I glance at the mirror and smile at my outfit.

Then I look at the girl behind the desk

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Then I look at the girl behind the desk. "I'd like to get a tattoo," I chip bouncing as I talk. I'm so excited.

"Okay, I'm on my break so Oli will tattoo you. Just go through that door he'll be there," she says and I absentmindedly go into the room and look at Oliver. Oh, Oli is short for Oliver!

He looks at me and I smile excitedly. "I'm getting a tattoo and I was scared some random person was going to be taking my tattoo virginity but Nope, I know you," I rush and giggle as I see him smile to himself.

"Okay, cutie. What are you getting and where?" He says gesturing for me to sit in the tattooing seat that reclines. But as I sit in it it's in a sitting position.

"I'm getting purple roses and- Oh shit," I say looking at my overall shorts. I'm going to have to take off more clothes than I thought.

He gives me a look to explain and I pout. "I want it here," I say pulling out my phone shoving him the picture of what and where I want it.

 "I want it here," I say pulling out my phone shoving him the picture of what and where I want it

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"I can do that, it's pretty," he says and I fiddle with the overall straps. "Take that off and I'll get my markers so I can do a sketch before I start tattooing," he tells me and I blush.

I undo my overall part and pull them down a little until the chest flap is on my crotch and the side of the thighs are exposed and my hips. I put my hands in my lap from more protection. My pink panties and covering some of my hip.. he'll have to pull them down later.

The blush never leaves my face and when he gets back to me he looks at the exposed skin. "Which side?" He asks and I point and he brings his stool over and looks at the picture then my skin.

"So right here is where this flower will be? And it will to about here?" He says and I nod as he touches my skin and I can tell he's planning it all out in his mind. He reclines the chair back so I'm laying and he has a good workspace.

He starts drawing with a special marker and pin and keeps checking the picture. "So since this is a big tattoo we can do the outlines today and when you're free next we can add color?" He says and glances at me and then continues to draw.

"Yeah, that sounds good, how long will outlines take?" I ask and he looks at the picture.

"Well, we might should only do half of it because all this will take up to ten hours just the outlines," he says and I pout.

"I have to be home before dark," I say and he looks at the time.

"We have about 4 hours then. I'll do this as fast and smooth a possible," he tells me and I smile at how nice he is.

"That sounds good," I say a giggle a little when he runs the marker across my sensitive hips.

"You wear some cute clothes.. what pronouns do you go by?" He asks respectfully and I smile.

"I'm a boy, I just love to look cute," I say and he nods looking at my outfit.

"I'm sure you'll look just as cute without any," he says and I blush. Did he just say that he thought I would be cute without any clothes on? Did I just take that the wrong way?

"So what made you want to get a tattoo?" He asks and I recognize this as a question he probably asks a lot of people.

"Well I have a list of things I want to do this year and I've always wanted a tattoo so it's on the list. Hopefully, I'm not a baby and cry.. Does it really hurt as much as people keep telling me?" I ask and he looks at me with a smirk.

"I'll be gentle, and probably not. I'm full of tattoos and trust me, I've never made them stop," he says and I smile.

"I'm almost done how does it look?" He says after half an hour of drawing and sometimes making me giggle. I'm really ticklish.

"It looks really good! Wow, I'm so stoked," I say and he smiles and continues on it pulling my panties down a few inches making me blush a thousand shades of pink.

It's only so he can draw so I try to not feel embarrassed.

I definitely have a crush on this guy...

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