6. Green

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Please watch at least a few minutes of that video up there^

"Can I move this a bit?" He asks grabbing the overall flap that's covering some of my thighs and my crotch.

"Y-yea?" I say and he moves it a bit to extend the tattoo in. I'm so glad he's being respectful because my anxiety is through my the roof. Guys, or even girls, just anyone touching me can be nerve-racking.

After he's done I look at it and nervously smile. He looks at me and bites his lip. "You don't like it," he says seeming disappointed.

"W-what? I do," I say and he gives me a skeptical look.

"Your stutter, it's fine I can redo it," he says and I grab his hand before he can grab a rag.

"I-im nervous because y-you touching my thighs, hip, and sides.. it's beautiful," I say and then he smirks.

"You ready to get tattooed?" He asks and I nod happily.

He grabs the tattoo gun and starts doing things to it. "Don't worry, it will hurt but like sex, the pain will numb as you get used to it," he explains and I blush harder.

He gets beside me once again and put it close to my leg. "You are tensing up," he points out.

I relax against the chair more. As I'm laying I close my eyes and breathe out. "Okay... I'm ready," I say faintly getting ready to embrace the pain. The buzzing touches my bearskin and I take a breath in.

It hurts but not as bad as I thought. I can handle this. "You didn't die did you?" He asks still tattooing me.

"Not yet, this is better than I thought," I admit and open my eyes. As I watch him I admire how skilled he seems to be at this. Every once in a while he pulls it back and wipes it with a rag to get the extra ink off.

"How long have you lived here?" I ask wanting to know why he was a British accent here in California.

"About a year, I got bullied back in England so I came for a fresh start. I don't miss it at all because my best mates came with me," he tells me and I like that he's open with me.

After about thirty minutes he sets the gun down and picks up the marker. "I wiped away to much ink and my hand plus your skin need a break," he says and I'm thankful for that.

I said it didn't hurt as bad as I thought but tears started to pool up as he went over the same spots over and over.

Do you ever get those weird thoughts where you know it's not right or good but they still pop into your head? When as Oliver's hand rests on my inner thigh as he works I start getting dirty thoughts but I still am about to cry.

I'm not sure if I should cry or masturbate

Of course, I'm not going to do that.. but the thoughts of touching myself in front of him makes my mind fill with dirty thoughts. As his hand moves against my skin something embarrassing starts to happen...

I'm getting a boner..

I put my hands in front of my crotch and blush like crazy. He doesn't notice yet but it's kinda obvious. He looks at my face and I look away embarrassed. He then looks at my hands blocking my crotch.

"Someone's excited about their tattoo," he snickers and I blush harder than before. Luckily after he starts tattooing again it starts to go away. In embarrassed as fuck but he doesn't seem to care about it.


"Um," Oli says as he's trying to put the plastic over my freshly inked skin.

I look at the problem and blush. My underwear is in the way so he can't put it on. "Do I need it?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah, it's going to protect you from it getting infected and stuff," he says. I look away from him and the curtains blocking costumers' and employees views.

"I-I'll.. take it off but you have to turn around until I say so," I say and he turns around.

"Okay," he says and I take off my shorts and then my panties. When they are off I pull up my shorts to wear they were and hold onto my panties. I have no pockets...

"O-okay," I say and he turns around and puts the plastic on and tapes it to me. I pull up my shorts and stand up. "T-thank you," I say getting out money. I pay for the whole tattoo and more or less hide my underwear behind me.

I know he knows they are in my hand but it is embarrassing. "No problem sweetie. Oh, I meant to ask. Why aren't you in school right now?" He asks and I bite my bottom lip.

"I'm homeschooled, my tutors come by a few times a week, and yeah.. it's cool," I say and he smiles. I wave bye and walk out slightly uncomfortable in my shorts. These shorts slightly hurt without underwear.

I walk down the sidewalk holding my underwear in a way nobody can see them. When I get home I go up to my room and observe that art that's permanently on me. I'm so excited for it to be finished.

I take pictures of it and send it to Matty and Vic but I make sure not to send to inappropriate pictures.

Matty: that's really cool, I cant wait to see it in person and finished.

I go smiling to a confused face. How will he see it without me making off my pants? I dismiss the thought and look at Vic's response.

Vic: that art is wicked

Me: I agree XD

I put my phone down not caring that I left Matty on 'seen'. He understands I don't text much. I almost never text back.

I get on YouTube and click on something that looks interesting 'don't hug me I'm scared' after watching it all I pout. Green is a creative color.. why did they say it isn't?

I worked out so much and hhhhh I'm in pain. But hopefully I'll start getting in shape?

Welp, what do you think so far?

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