Chapter 17: Wishes and Dreams

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"Come on, Kenji, stop squirming," Saitama muttered, trying to change his son in the nursery.
As a parent, this was his least favorite thing to do, changing a diaper. At three months, Kenji had way too much energy, interested in everything he saw and squirming to grasp and touch. Not to mention the smell, Saitama had to plug his nose with a clothes pin every time he had to change him.
The first diaper change, he didn't expect it to smell so horrible and wasn't amused when he found Saya silently laughing at him in the corner.
Finally, with a disgusted shudder, he dropped the dirty diaper in the waste basket and quickly put Kenji in a new diaper.
Sighing with relief, he took off the clothes pin and lifted Kenji off the changing table, "Now that that's over with, let's get your mom to put you in your yukata when she gets home, huh?"
Kenji seemed to coo in response as he went to chew on his little fist. Today was a special event, as it was the Tanabata Festival. After getting married, they made it a thing to go every year, this was the fourth one and this was their first one with Kenji.
Saitama was a bit nervous, as they hadn't taken Kenji out of the house very much since he was born. Well, at least, Hitomi and Genos were coming with them. Having their doctor come along gave him some reassurance.
While Saitama brought Kenji downstairs towards the living room, he heard the front door open, "I'm home!" it was Saya.
He found himself smiling as he changed course to meet his wife at the end of the corridor.
Saya walked in, wearing her uniform and smiled upon seeing the two most important boys in her life.
"Welcome home," Saitama greeted her and she kissed his cheek, "How was the meeting?"
Saya placed her hands on her hips, "Better than I expected. The Hero Association really don't like this guy, though. I get he gave you guys trouble, but he was barely out of his teens when this all went down. He needs guidance in the worst way, if you ask me."
"At least, they're allowing it. Before all the corrupt stuff that happened with the Association, they wouldn't have even considered doing this. What's the report for this month?" Saitama inquired.
Saya sighed, "He's currently under house arrest for this month, just to have him adjust. Bang has told me that he seems...withdrawn, which isn't like him, apparently."
"I'm not surprised. Most of the Class S heroes wanted to kill him right then and there, and what's worse is that he was about to let them," Saitama shared with her, "I think what I did kind of caused this, you know?"
"I read the file, Saitama. And honestly, I think you did the right thing," Saya told him, "It put things in perspective for him. And when people hit those lows, they need to surround themselves with support if they're going to bounce back."
"Let's hope so," Saitama then felt Kenji squirm in his arms and he looked down at him, "I think someone missed you."
Saya smiled widely and reached out to take Kenji, who was looking at her intently.
"How was he today?" Saya asked, smiling fondly at her baby boy, who was cooing and gazing back.
They walked back into the living room, "He was good today, he isn't fighting the bottle as much as he used to. Still prefers the real thing, though. Can't say I blame him," Saitama even gave a light smirk at his last comment.
Saya blushed at this, but smirking back, "You're such a pervert, you know that?"
"Maybe. Or maybe, I've been picking up some pointers from you," Saitama pulled her up from behind and against his chest, pecking at her neck, "Always being a tease, riling me up."
"Saitama, stop~! Kenji's watching," Saya giggled, but was quick to remind him that they had an audience.
Saitama stopped but didn't let her go, "So, when are Genos and Hitomi getting here?"
"In an hour. We're all going to be taking the train to the Festival together. So, we'd better get dressed," Saya pulled away, "I'm going to dress Kenji, first. And remember, Kaana and Bomb are coming, too, so try to be nice, okay?"
In that hour, the family of three had gotten dressed. Saya was wearing a black yukata with white diamond stars, red dancing around the trim and a yellow sash. Saitama wore an off white yukata, yellow trim and a dark gray sash. And little Kenji wore a black jinbei yukata with little dragons on it.
Kenji cooed and fussed slightly as Saya swaddled him against her chest with the baby sling, as he was not used to it.
"Saitama, do you have the baby bag?" Saya called to him from downstairs. Saitama made his way down and presented the bag, "Yep."
Just then, they heard the doorbell. Saya went to answer it and smiled upon seeing her friends.
Genos was wearing a simple blue yukata with a darker blue sash. Hitomi had her hair up with a cherry blossom pin, wearing a faded red yukata, cherry blossom print and a yellow sash.
"Right on time," Saya smiled, but stopped when she noticed that Kaana and Bomb were nowhere to be seen, "Where's--"
"Oh, Bomb insisted on meeting you guys at the train station," Hitomi told her, "He was worried about Kaana causing a scene with Saitama."
Saya gave a nod at this. It was clear that Kaana and Saitama did not like each other very much. Saitama had a hard time trusting her when it came to Kenji, and Kaana seemed to just not like Saitama for whatever reason. Of course, they try to hide this when Saya was around, but she knew.
"Well, I think we should get going," Saya decided, and they all went.
They all walked to the train station, which wasn't very far. There, they spotted Bomb and Kaana.
Bomb was wearing a yukata that was the same color as his Gi. Kaana was wearing a dark navy blue yukata with white flower print, red trim and a red sash. Her hair was up in a large bun, held by a rose pin.
"Bomb, Kaana," Saya waved them down.
They both looked to her direction, giving the group a smile. Saya and Saitama came up to them, Bomb greeting the couple first, "You're all just in time. The train will be arriving shortly."
"That's good," Saya then looked over to Kaana, giving a light hearted smile, "You look nice today, Kaana."
Kaana returned the smile, "Thank you," before gazing at Saitama and shooting a fast glare, "Saitama."
Saitama looked her way, but didn't return any glare, not seeing any point in doing so, "Kaana."
Saya looked between them and let out a sigh, "Let's try to have fun today, okay?"
Kaana didn't say anything, only looking away from the couple to pout silently, crossing her arms in her yukata.
Just then, the train arrived, and they all boarded. The two couples sat in a booth on the train, Bomb and Kaana sat in a booth behind them. The train ride would be an hour, since the festival was being held near the Hot Spring Resort Saya and Saitama had gone to for their Honeymoon.
Kaana sat across from her Master, looking out the window in deep thought. Bomb eyed her, trying to figure out what was wrong.
Lately, she had been in a daze, withdrawn, almost. There's also her behavior towards her bald brother-in-law. It came out of nowhere and it started not too long ago, as well. Was there an underlying issue regarding her past that he wasn't seeing?
"Kaana?" Kaana looked his way as he continued, "Is something bothering you? You've been rather...distant, of late."
Kaana moved away from the window, gazing at her lap, "It's nothing of concern, Master. Just thinking about old times, I suppose."
"Old times?" Bomb raised a brow.
Kaana fiddled with her hands, remembering those times, "I was living up in the mountains. I've run into many things during my time there. Many things happened up there, things that I don't wish to think about, but sometimes...they pop up."
"I see," Bomb hummed, "Kaana, I know that returning to society had been a big adjustment, being in isolation for so long. I want you to know that you're not alone, anymore. Your family has welcomed you back into their lives and you'll always have a family with us at the dojo. If you need to talk to someone, do not be afraid to confide in us."
"...Yes, Master," Kaana drew out, then presuming to look out the window, watching the passing buildings.
Bomb said no more, but felt that there was a great reluctance in her. There was something she was keeping to herself, but he knew he would get nothing from her. He left it be, for now.
They finally arrived at the last station, now making their way to the Festival.
"Wow, this is amazing!" Hitomi marvelled at the booths, the lights, the overall atmosphere.
Genos smiled at her, "This is your first festival, if I am not mistaken."
Holding onto his arm, Hitomi beamed at him, "Yeah, it is! Where should we start?"
"There are some game booths up ahead, if you two want some alone time," Saya suggested, "We can all meet back up at the shrine at sundown."
Hitomi and Genos looked at one another, "We can do what you want, Hitomi."
"Let's go see the game booths!" Hitomi then started to pull him along, Genos letting her do so.
Saya giggled at this as she watched the younger couple go off, "Looks like they'll have fun."
"Well, should we get going, too?" Bomb asked Kaana.
Kaana just shrugged, "I think it'll be better to stick with the group."
The five of them stayed together, looking around. They watched the story tellers, dancers, looking at as much as they can. Kaana, Bomb and Saitama tried their hand at some of the games while Saya carried little Kenji, who was asleep against her chest in the sling.
Bomb won a mask, Kaana won a trinket and Saitama won a yellow parasol.
So far, everything seemed to be going great, and Kaana wasn't trying to stir up trouble with Saitama.
That is, until they all went to get something to eat. Saitama was about to order kabobs for him and Saya when Kenji started to whine and fuss, pushing against the restraints of the sling.
Saitama noticed, "Is he okay?"
"I think he may be hungry," Saya replied and went to grab the baby bag from Saitama, "Here, I put the blanket in the bag."
At that, Saitama froze, "Oh, that was for his feedings? I left that at home."
Saya deadpanned at him, "Seriously? You've seen me use it before."
"Nice going, Egghead," Kaana taunted as she crossed her arms, making Saitama glare her way.
Saya sighed heavily, "It's fine, I'll be right back. Saitama, you stay here, okay?"
"Alright," Saitama watched as Saya went off to find a quiet place to nurse Kenji.
As soon as Saya was out of sight, Kaana started by scoffing, "You really need to work on being a better husband. It's embarrassing, honestly."
Saitama didn't say anything, knowing this would only cause more issues by feeding into it. However, Bomb stepped in, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Kaana, please show some respect. Saitama simply made a mistake, as would anyone. That does not make him a bad husband."
This seemed to only agitate Kaana as she jerked herself away and out of her Master's grasp, "Whatever."
Saitama furrowed his brow as he watched her seething silently. Bomb really couldn't do much, either and said nothing.
Kaana went to get some food of her own and that's when Saitama decided to try and get to root of these issues. He walked up Bomb, holding up his hand to whisper to the old master, "Bomb, do you think you can let me talk to her alone?"
Bomb looked at him, "I'm not supposed to let her out of my sight, Saitama."
"I get that, just go far enough, but not out of sight. I want to see if I can get her to tell me why she's acting like this. I know Saya wants us to get along, but that isn't going to happen unless we talk," Saitama explained.
Bomb sighed through his nose, "Very well. I'll be close by," and with that, Bomb walked away.
That's when Saitama turned to face Kaana, who still had her back to him as she was about to grab her food, "Can we talk?"
Kaana made no move to turn around, but shot back at him, "About what?"
"You seem to have a problem with me, and I don't know why. Saya doesn't know why, either," Saitama pointed out, walking up beside her, "She wants us to get along, so I want to get to bottom of this."
"Well, what's your problem with me, then? You're always hovering when I come to visit and you seem to get hostile when I hold Kenji," Kaana snapped at him, finally looking at him.
"Because I'm protective of him. In case you've forgotten, you attacked Saya and that led to her being hospitalized. She was pregnant with Kenji when that happened, although we didn't know at the time," Saitama explained, "I'll protect my son by any means, even from you if you pose as a threat."
"Saya trusts me, I don't give a damn what you think of me," Kaana shot back, trying to walk away. That's when she realized that Bomb was nowhere to be seen, "Where's Master Bomb?"
"I asked him to let us talk. Kaana, I have my reasons not to trust you, but I'm not going to start arguments over nothing like you've been doing. You've been trying to provoke me and taunt me every chance you get, and I don't get why," Saitama then stepped in front of her, "I'd like to know, because I don't want Saya worrying about this, anymore. She's got enough on her plate."
"Wait, you're only asking for Saya's sake?" Kaana asked incredulously, then got even angrier, "What about you?!"
"Honestly, I couldn't care less what you think of me. I've had a whole lot worse said to me and about me over the years just because I'm too strong. Whether you think I'm a good husband or father, or not, makes no difference to me. All I care about is Saya and Kenji's wellbeing," Saitama finished and waited for her to respond, then.
Kaana stared gobsmacked that he didn't care about himself and only about his family felt. He seemed to be a better guy than she was allowing herself to see. That only pissed her off even more, but it dissolved into defeat. She looked down, contemplating his words, clenching her fists.
A calm settled before she finally spoke.

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