Chapter 3: The Impossible

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After Saitama got the call that Saya had collapsed, he didn't know what to say or think.
His body did, though.
He ended the call abruptly and he ran to the hospital in the city.

It didn't take him long to get there as Saitama ran through the front door and straight to the receptionist desk.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Saya Furukawa!" Saitama, due to the sudden entrance, frightened the receptionist lady.
She stuttered as she gathered her bearings, "Uh, y-your name, sir?"
"Saitama, I'm her husband," Saitama gained some of his composure back as the lady looked through her computer really quick.
Calmly, the lady told him, "Your wife is being seen by the doctor, now. I'll inform them you've arrived. Please, have a seat."
She gestured to the chairs a few feet behind him.
Reluctantly, Saitama walked away from the counter and sat down. As soon as he sat, his mind started running a million miles a minute, 'I knew something was up with her. What happened, though? Saya wouldn't just collapse unless something was very wrong. Could she be really sick? Is it her powers wearing her out? Please, just be okay.'
A few minutes have passed when he heard his name be called, "Mr. Saitama?"
Saitama's head snapped up. He saw a woman with shoulder length golden blonde hair and hazel eyes, wearing a doctor's coat, walking up to him.
He stood up to greet her, "Are you the doctor?"
"Yes, I'm Dr. Hitomi Ishikawa, I'm the one looking after your wife," She greeted with a comforting smile.
Saitama was still worried, "Is she alright? What happened?"
"Saya seems to have collapsed due to high stress and dehydration. We did our best to administer fluids, she is doing a little better than before. We've also been keeping her body cool, which should help with the slight fever she has. She should wake up in the morning,"
Saitama requested, "Can I see her, please?"
"I understand all of this is sudden, but unfortunately, visiting hours are over. It's best to come back in the morning, she should be awake by then," Hitomi said apologetically.
Saitama didn't want to leave, not without seeing Saya, "Please, let me see her."
"I'm sorry, I can't allow that. It appears to be nothing serious, but given her hero status, your wife is under strict observation, right now. Like I said, it's best to come back in the morning. We'll call in case there are any changes," Hitomi turned and started to walk away.
Saitama wanted to protest, but she was already gone. He hated this feeling of helplessness as he was left standing there.
Defeated, he decided to go back home.
When he got home, he put everything away, no longer hungry. He showered and went to bed.
If it were only that easy.
For a few hours, he was restless. Saitama kept on tossing and turning in bed, not used to the extra space. He found this incredibly frustrating. He stopped turning over and put his arm over his eyes.
'This is the first time in two years that I had to sleep alone. I don't like this feeling. Not having Saya next to me,' Saitama then faced the right side, where Saya would be sleeping. The area feeling unusually cold, 'I don't know how I'm ever going to get to sleep.'
He turned onto his back, staring at the dark ceiling. He tried to ease his thoughts, so he could get a few hours of sleep.
Sure enough, his eyelids started to grow heavy, and finally, he fell asleep.
It was a heavy sleep.

Suddenly, he heard the cries of a baby.

This made Saitama nearly jump out of bed in a cold sweat. That's when he realized that it was already morning. There were no more cries, but it shook the poor man quite badly. Saitama then heard a knocking at the door downstairs. Gathering his thoughts, he got out of bed and rushed down the steps and over to the door.
Opening the door quickly, he saw Genos standing there, "Genos? What are you doing here so early? What time is it?"
"It is 7:48 a.m., Master. I had received a call this morning about Ms. Saya from the hospital and came over so we can both go see her," Genos explained.
Saitama blinked in confusion, "Why did the hospital call you?"
"Ms. Saya had listed me as immediate family, after you, Master," Genos replied.
Saitama just sighed tiredly, rubbing his eyes before giving the cyborg space to come in, "Alright, just give me a second to get dressed."
Genos took notice to how tired Saitama seemed to be as the bald hero closed the door, "Did you not sleep well, Master?"
"Not really, no," Saitama replied truthfully, both of them making their way to the bedroom. Saitama then grabbed his Oppai hoodie and some pants, "That was the first night in two years I slept by myself."
"I see. Being creatures of habit, an unwelcome change, such as the sudden lack of ones companion can cause a certain level of distress," Genos told him.
"Uh-huh," Saitama dismissed tiredly. Finally zipping up his pants, he sat on the bed to get his socks on, "Did the hospital tell you anything else about Saya?"
"No. When I asked, they only told me about her collapsing. Any further information is not privileged because I am not her spouse," Genos explained.
Saitama didn't respond, but he felt kind of special because he was Saya's husband. He got his socks on and made his way back to the front door, Genos following behind, "Come on, let's go."
When they got the hospital, everything was a bit calmer. Saitama walked over to the receptionist, "Excuse me, We're here to see Saya Furukawa."
"Yes, you're the husband," the receptionist smiled, "Your wife is on the third floor, room 24."
"Thanks," Saitama turned to go to the elevator, Genos closer behind. When they got to the third floor, they immediately found room 24.
Going inside, Saitama's eyes quickly met Saya's alert ones.
"Saya!" Saitama rushed over to her as her arms stretched out to reach him.
"Saitama!" Saya laid her hands on his shoulders as the Cue-ball sat on the edge of the bed, holding her shoulders, too.
"Are you okay?" Saitama asked, letting his worry show.
Saya nodded, "I'm fine, now. Sorry, I scared you."
Saitama sighed relief and pulled her into a hug, which she happily received.
The whole time, Genos watched the loving display. He was happy that Saya was okay, but deep down, he couldn't help but be a little envious of his Master. That feeling was fleeting, though, as the doctor walked in.
Hitomi, seeing the couple hugging, smiled, "Well, isn't that a cute sight to see?"
The couple froze and immediately pulled away from each other in embarrassment.
Hitomi couldn't help, but giggle a little, "There's no need to be embarrassed. It's nice to see a couple who love each other so deeply. Saitama, if you would please have a seat in the chair? You too, Mr. Genos."
Genos blinked as soon as the blonde doctor addressed him. He immediately sat in the chair against the wall by the window while Saitama brought the other chair next to Saya's bed.
Hitomi started with some questions, "How are you feeling, Saya?"
"I'm feeling much better, Hitomi. I'm happy that nothing's wrong," Saya replied.
Genos noticed how casual the two girls were, "Ms. Saya, you are on first name basis with your doctor?"
Saya blinked at him, "Oh, Hitomi and I are old friends. We go back a couple years."
Hitomi chimed in, "That's right. Now, I know you feel okay, but I'd like to try to get to the root of the problem to help you prevent this, next time. I'll have to ask you some procedure questions, okay?"
Saya nodded and Hitomi started, "Do you smoke?"
"Do you drink, and if so, how often?"
"Rarely. Last time I drank was two years ago."
"Okay. Are you sexually active?"
There was a pause as both Saitama and Saya turned red. They had quickly glanced at one another before glancing away, Saitama cleared his throat.
Saya answered, "Yes..."
"When was your last menstrual cycle?"
Saya looked at her hands, "I haven't had my monthly in almost six years."
Hitomi was writing down the information, but stopped as she heard this answer.
She looked up at Saya, "Did I hear that correctly, Saya?"
"Yeah. Being a hero, my training...kind of made it stop," Saya hesitated, not liking to talk about it.
"Hm," Hitomi furrowed her brow, "If I can ask bluntly, how often do you and your husband engage in unprotected intercourse?"
Steam was now coming out of the couple's ears, their faces completely red. Genos was looking away, to avoid any further embarrassing tension.
Saya, despite the embarrassment, answered, "Almost everyday."
Hitomi kept writing things down, "Interesting. I don't have that many patients who have such high libido."
Saitama then cut in, embarrassment now gone, "Come on, what's with these weird questions? What's this got to do with what happened to Saya?"
"Please, be patient, I'm only collecting information to eliminate possible other factors," Hitomi dismissed him, "Saya, from what you told me earlier, you've been experiencing a bit of grogginess and before you collapsed, you felt abnormal cramping, correct?"

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