Chapter 8: It Begins

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The night was late.
It was peaceful, the crickets chirping.
Saitama and Saya were sleeping peacefully, spooning one another.
Saya was at the start of six months and she popped out even more, clearly showing her pregnancy, now.
It was well past midnight when something woke up the pregnant woman.
With a grimace and a soft groan, Saya suddenly woke from a sound sleep. When she became aware of the time of night, she recognized this sensation.
She was hungry. Very hungry.
Tiredly, she reached over and shook Saitama's arm that was around her.

"Saitama?" nothing, "Saitama," a small groan in response.
Saya huffed, her hunger quickly growing and she was not in the mood. Winding up her leg under the covers, she promptly kicked him in the shin.
Saitama grunted and shot up slightly. He was awake, but his eyes were still closed in a daze, "W-what--what is it?" He mumbled sleepily.
"I'm hungry," Saya's declaration woke him up even more.

She was having cravings.

He mentally cursed.
Saitama sat up more, rubbing his eyes with his hand. He glanced at the clock, "Saya, it's three in the morning. Can't it wait?"
Saya sat up, leaning on her forearms, looking at the baldy, "No. This literally woke me up. I want something."
Saitama sighed and threw the covers off, sitting at the edge of the bed, "I'll get a snack downstairs."
"We don't have what I want. You'll have to go to the supermarket," Saya told him.
Saitama asked, as he sleepily started pulling some pants on, "What is it?"
"Durian cookies," The room went still, as did Saitama as he heard this.
Saitama looked at her over his shoulder, very blankly, "But you hate durian."
"That's what I want," Saya said simply.
Saitama sighed heavily, "Fine, but if you're asleep when I get back, I'm throwing them away. The smell is horrible."
"Fine, but please hurry," Saya sighed, leaning into the pillows.
Saitama wasn't liking this. It was the middle of the night and the closest supermarket that was open at this hour was a train ride away.
He decided to just run there to save time. It only took ten minutes.
Of course, the store was empty upon arrival.
Although he ran, he was still very tired. Regardless, he searched the aisles, looking for durian cookies his wife was craving.
After having to ask a clerk, who gave him a confused expression, then having to explain his odd predicament, he found what he was looking for.
The same clerk rang him up, gave him a good luck and congratulations on the way out.
Saitama ran back home, kicking off his shoes. He tiredly climbed up the stairs with the bag in tow.
He opened the bedroom door, "Saya, I got--" he stopped.
She was asleep.
A vein popped on annoyance.
It was a fleeting feeling, though. Despite his earlier threat to throw them out, he decided to just put the unopened pack in the end table drawer. He figured if she woke up again, he won't have to run back to the store again.

Little did he realize, this was only the beginning of an already difficult road.
The midnight trips didn't stop after that. Maybe three or four times a week, Saya would wake up with a craving.
It was always something durian.
Saitama would've been fine with anything else.
Weird food combos maybe, but nope.
It was only durian.
It smelled to high heavens and he couldn't stand the odor. It got to a point where he had to air out the room a few times, the smell got that bad.
He drew the line at having to cut one of these things open for her and nearly hurling.
Sleeping quickly became another issue for her, as well. She wouldn't even allow him to spoon her anymore because she got so hot at night. She would toss and turn, the baby's weight making it hard for her to sleep.
This in turn, kept Saitama up most nights, too.
As a result, his patience for some things grew incredibly thin. Because of this, it came back to bite him in the ass. He would have outbursts of frustration, unintentionally directed at Saya.
Now, add new mood swings to the mix and you got Caped Baldy sleeping on the couch for extended periods.
It was a normal day, or as normal as it could get between the power couple.
Saya was lying down on the couch, her feet mounted on a small hill of pillows.
She was now at seven months and her belly practically turned into a large beach ball. With that being said, she was not having fun. Her feet hurt, her back hurt, she pretty much ached almost everywhere. She was hungry all the time, she was tired and her overall mood had turned into irritation.
Did she regret it, though? No. She can never regret being able to have this baby. She just wished that her body wasn't out to destroy her.

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