Chapter 6: Strange Things

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Saitama was walking down the street, the sun setting on him.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the feeling of his son ruffling his hair while he sat on his shoulders. A boy, maybe 10 years old with the same spiky black hair, was riding on his shoulders, arms folded on top of his head.
'What's for dinner tonight, Dad?' the boy smiled widely, looking down at the man.
Saitama smiled, 'I'm making your favorite--salmon and white rice.'
'Yes! I'm glad, you make hot pot too much,' His son teased.
Saitama scolded playfully, 'There's nothing wrong with hot pot, son. It doesn't take long to make, either.'
'Hey, didn't you tell one time that salmon is Mom's favorite?' the boy inquired.
Saitama didn't answer straight away, but managed a smile, 'Yeah, it is. Anyway, I think it's time we head home.'
'Hey, Dad? Have you ever wanted to be a hero?' his son asked, 'A kid in my class kept bragging about having a hero for a dad.'
Saitama gave it some thought, 'When I was your age, I suppose. What power do you think I'd have?'
'You would be the strongest! You would beat anything with a single punch!' His son threw his arms wide in exasperation.
Saitama chuckled, 'That's sounds like some power.'
His son then laid his head on top or Saitama's, now calm, 'But I like you the way you are now. If you were a hero you would have no time for me, right?'
'Well, I wouldn't say that. If I were as strong as you said, then I'd be home in no time,' Saitama smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, 'There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
The boy giggled, trying to shove his dad's hand away. He then threw his arms around Saitama's neck in a tiny hug.
'I love you, Dad,'

Saitama suddenly woke up, blinking a few times before sitting up in bed. "Another dream..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes with one hand. He had been having these strange dreams lately about being a father, only, it was like he was living an alternate reality. The dreams weren't that bad, but it always left him very confused in the morning.

He heard a small moan to his right and turned to see his wife still sleeping soundly.
A small smile crept onto his face. Saya was five months along now, and even though she wasn't showing much, the baby was healthy. And other symptoms haven't made themselves known, yet. Saya hadn't had any cravings, aches, pains, swollen feet--none of it. Saitama was grateful for that, but other things still hadn't made themselves known, like the baby moving. If the bald hero was honest, he was kind of looking forward to that. Seeing the growth is one thing, but to feel the baby would make it more real. However, Saitama decided not to dwell on it, and went to get ready for the day.

He headed downstairs, heading straight to the kitchen to make breakfast. As he was getting the pans out, he heard the routine knocking on his door. 

He opened the door to find Genos there, "Good morning, Master."

"Hey, Genos," Saitama put a finger to his lips, "Try to stay quiet, Saya is still sleeping. Come on in."

Saitama closed the door and Genos pointed out, "You seemed to be in a good mood today, Master."

Saitama replied as he started getting some ingredients out of the fridge, "I suppose I am. I'm just glad that Saya is doing so well, you know?"

"Has she been having any second trimester symptoms, Master?" Genos asked.

"Nope. I think it mostly has to do with the baby being carried so high, but Hitomi said that was normal because of Saya's physique," Saitama explained.

Genos walked beside his master and started to help with breakfast, "So, then the symptoms might present themselves later, is that correct?"

"Well, that depends on Saya's body," Saitama replied, "Hitomi explained that even though she's not having pain now, it might be worse later as the baby gets bigger. I read that the baby grows more quickly towards the end of the second trimester."

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