Chapter 4: Decisions, Decisions

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Everyone stared at the door, completely stunned that Saitama actually walked out of the room. Saya was the most shocked out of all of them.
"Don't worry, Saya," Hitomi tried to comfort her, "It's clear that Saitama is a little overwhelmed, but he should be back."
Saya was skeptical, but nodded. She had never seen him like that, before.
"Ms. Saya," Genos grabbed her attention as she turned to look up at him, "I am aware that this was supposed to be impossible for you. And I know that you want to keep the child, but what if Master does not want children?"
Saya blinked at this question, and looked back at her lap, "If he didn't want kids?" she didn't really think about that. What if he didn't?
If she wanted to keep it, would he leave her?
Or have her get rid of it?
These new questions brought about a wave of devastation to her mind. It almost made her sick to her stomach. Tears started to flow from her eyes, and she covered her mouth to conceal the upcoming sobs.
Genos was utterly terrified at the unexpected reaction, "Ms. Saya? What is--"
Hitomi then stepped in front of him, clearly not happy, "I understand you're looking out for their best interests, but you are causing unnecessary stress to an already very stressful situation. Saya did not need to think about that, right now. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room, so I can calm down my patient."
Genos protested, "But--"
"OUT," Hitomi said sternly.
Genos didn't argue any further and shut the door behind him. He stood outside the room, hearing Saya's sobs of distress and utter worry.
He really needed to learn how to choose his words carefully.
Meanwhile, on the hospital grounds. There were patients walking around the gardens, playing chess at the tables.
At one lone table, Saitama sat, his head in his hands. And he's internally freaking out.

'This is insane! I can't be a dad, I don't know how to raise a kid! I don't know what to do!' Saitama's thoughts were scattered, he was also thinking about how this will affect Saya. Immediately, he felt terrible, 'Dammit. I shouldn't have left her alone, like that, but it was too much for me! I mean, it was supposed to be impossible to get her pregnant! What was I supposed to do?!'
Saitama's mind was reeling. He wanted to hide, but he also wanted to just scream. All these emotions hitting him all at once was not pleasant for him. He knows the feeling of panic, but this kind was completely different. He helped create another life and he was now going to be responsible in keeping it alive!

Just then, he heard some commotion in the distance. Without taking his head from his hands, he glanced in that direction where the talking was coming from.
He saw a young man wheeling, who seemed to be his wife, down the trail in his direction. Saitama noticed her holding a bundle in her arms, 'Oh, did they just have a kid?'
He continued to watch as the couple went over to a bench to relax. The father looked really happy, the mother, although tired, was happy, as well. The pink little bundle squirming slightly in the mother's arms.
Saitama sighed, 'They look happy. Will Saya and I be that happy with a kid? Man, I don't know what to do. Can I even do this?'
Saitama sat there for a good while and was trying to think things through, when he heard, "Sir?"
"Hm?" Lifting his head out of his hands, he looked up to see that same young man in front of him, "Yeah...?"
The young man asked, "Are you alright?"
Saitama blinked at the young man, surprised that a stranger was asking if he was okay. He folded his arms on the table, looking away, "I just found out I'm having a kid."
The man smiled, "Oh, congratulations! My wife actually just had a baby yesterday. A monster totalled our car, that's why we were brought here, instead."
The young man's smile slowly disappeared when he didn't gain a response from the bald hero. Only a troubled look in his eyes, "I'm guessing, this isn't good news?"
Saitama wasn't sure what to say, "It's not like I don't want a kid because I hate them. I just...don't think I'm cut out to be a dad. This was supposed to be impossible, too, so I was even more shocked. I feel guilty, though. I just ran out of the room because I was so overwhelmed."
"I see," the man responded, then glanced over at his wife, "You know, I was in your shoes, too."
"Huh?" Saitama perked up, now curious.
The man looked back at him, smiling again, "It was supposed to be impossible for us to have kids, too. When it did happened, I was so scared, I wanted to hide under a rock."
'That's how I feel, right now,' Saitama thought, "What changed your mind?"
"Well, instead of looking at this as something that wasn't supposed to happen, I started looking at it as a chance," the man told him, "Life can be chaotic and unfair. The more I thought about it, I realized that it was a miracle. I mean, my daughter was born from the love me and my wife have. Yeah, every parent gets scared that they'll mess up, but that's normal. Once your child is born, they'll be nothing you wouldn't do for them."
'A miracle?' Saitama let that sink in for a minute.
Then, he started to realize that this stranger was right. Even though it was supposed to be impossible, this baby was created through his and Saya's love for each other. This might be the only chance they have to have a real family. Then his dream, came to mind.
That feeling he was having during that moment.
He came to realize that it was a longing. Deep down, he actually does want to be a dad.
He felt an overwhelming sense of joy at this revelation. He was going to be a dad.
Coming to a decision, Saitama stood up and then smiled at the man, "Thanks. This helped. Oh, and congrats."
The man smiled as Saitama turned to go back inside, "No problem! And thanks!"
Back in the hospital room, Saya was still sobbing, but a little less than before.
"Just try to relax, Saya. Think of the baby, okay?" Hitomi rubbed her back to comfort her.
Saya tried to wipe the tears away, "It's been over an hour since he left. What if he doesn't want the baby, Hitomi? What am I supposed to do?"
"You'll have to discuss it with him, if that's what's worrying you," Hitomi told her.
Just then, Saitama was walking towards the room, feeling prepared when he saw Genos standing outside, "Genos? What are you doing out here?"
Genos saw Saitama and became nervous, but answered while bowing in shame, "I had accidentally made Ms. Saya fall under the impression that you did not want the child, Master! I am sorry!"
Saitama's eyes widened some and then sighed in frustration, "Ugh, come back inside, I'll handle it," Genos followed guiltily.
When Saitama stepped inside, he saw Saya crying, concern overtaking him,"Saya, are you okay?" He sat on the bed with her.
Saya's voice was a little weak, but she responded through the tears, "Saitama, I want this baby. This is something I've wanted for so long. But don't want it, then--"
"I do want this, Saya," Saitama's declaration silenced her as her eyes widened, "This is our kid we made together. Plus, who knows if this will ever happen again? I'm not going to pass this up just because I'm nervous."
Saya's tears renewed but this time, out of relief and joy. She suddenly hugged him tightly, burying her face into his shoulder.
Saitama froze for a moment, for he wasn't expecting that, "Come on, stop crying, okay? The stress isn't good for Jr, is it?"
Saya sat up and wiped her tears away, "Sorry, I'm just so happy."
Saitama smiled, then looked up at Genos, "Genos, I know you were only trying to help, but you need think before you speak, man."
"I understand," Genos turned and bowed to Saya, "I am sorry for causing you distress, Ms. Saya. I was only trying to keep Master's interests in mind."
"But what made you think to say that, Genos?" Saya asked.
Genos then explained, "Master Saitama had made his concerns clear to me in regards to having children with you, because he was under the impression that conceiving would be impossible. Which in turn, made me conflicted, for I had already known that you were expecting, Ms. Saya."
"Wait, you're serious?!" Saitama shouted, "Since when?!"
"When I had run into Ms. Saya, yesterday. She did not look well, so I scanned her, revealing to me the embryo she was carrying," Genos explained, "I had tried to break the news to you slowly, Master, but you became angry. You then told me why it was impossible and to not bring it up again out of concern for Ms. Saya's well-being. So, I kept the information to myself until it was medically confirmed. Based off just Master's reaction, I was worried about bringing it up to you, Ms. Saya. Until now."
The whole room was shocked, but it quickly passed and Saya rested her head against Saitama's shoulder, "This is too much to handle," she sighed tiredly.
"Well, I think that's enough excitement for one day," Hitomi decided, "So, Saya, since you're keeping the baby, I'm going to write some prescription prenatal vitamins for you and have an ultrasound appointment set for you in two weeks. For the time being, you'll have to stay here."
"What, why?" Saya questioned, Saitama didn't like the idea, either.
Hitomi explained, "Like I said before, this is a high risk pregnancy for you and the first trimester is a critical time. Staying here will help minimize the chance of a miscarriage and then you'll be sent home once you enter your fourth month."
Saya frowned in agitation, "I hate hospitals, but okay."
Saitama then asked, "How often can I stay with her?"
"Considering the circumstances, I can make arrangements for the both of you, here," Hitomi said, "For now, you're only allowed to come during visiting hours."
Saitama nodded, but he wasn't happy to be staying away that long until the arrangements can be done.
Genos asked, "How long will the arrangements take?"
Hitomi turned to him, "It should take about three days."
Then, Saitama stood up and approached the kind doctor. Then, he grabbed her hand to shake it, "Thank you for taking care of us."
Hitomi blinked, but then smiled, "It's my pleasure. I'm looking forward to helping you both on this journey."
Three days. Easier said than done.
Saitama did not like this temporary situation. Sleeping was difficult without Saya being with him. Plus, as the first couple days went by, symptoms seemed to come through to further prove Saya's pregnancy. The second day, he walked in to the hospital room to hear Saya retching in the bathroom.
It was only when she told him that it was morning sickness that he relaxed a little. That didn't stop the worrying the more he had to go back home without her, though.
Finally, the arrangements were done.
The room was pretty nice--the bed was made for two people and there were a couple of dressers for clothes.
The first night they slept in the same bed was nice. They missed each other's company and cuddled the whole night.

The night before the appointment, Saitama was spooning Saya. The night was still young, so neither of them were asleep. Both of them thinking.
While spooning, Saitama's hand seemed to slithered under her shirt, caressing her belly, noticing a subtle difference,"Huh," he mumbled.
Saya giggled at the sudden touch, "What are you doing?"
"Your stomach feels harder than normal," Saitama pointed out," It's poking out a little, too. Turn over a sec."
Saya complied and turned over to face him, "What are you trying to do?" she smiled.
Saitama didn't say anything as he shuffled lower until he was eye level with her abdomen. He lifted up her shirt and just stared at her belly, "I can't believe our kid is really in there. It's kind of weird."
"Well, the baby will get bigger, then there won't be any denying it," Saya smiled fondly at him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her abdomen.
"Grow big and strong in there, okay?" He spoke into her skin.
Saya's heart was warmed at such a tender display.
They didn't move from that position, and they fell asleep.

Family is Chaos (One Punch Man x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora