Chapter 15: Family

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The couple cuddled and admired the newborn. Just enjoying the moment of peace and quiet.
The baby still sleeping soundly in his father's arms. Saya was leaning up against Saitama, still tired and was sore all over.
Saya took noticed to the bruising on Saitama's left hand as he adjusted the infant's covering, "How's your hand?"
"Hm?" Saitama looked at his hand, only now feeling a light soreness, "I'll be fine. Doesn't feel broken."
"Why didn't you say I was hurting you?" Saya frowned, feeling a bit guilty for the bruising.
Saitama replied with, "You went through 12 hours of pain, I'd say we're even."
The baby started to stir, the couple looking down at him. Saya caressed the infant's cheek with her finger, "We should start thinking about names."
"Yeah. I'll admit, I haven't really thought of any," Saitama admitted.
Just before Saya can say anything, they heard a knock at the door.
It opened and Hitomi peaked her head in, speaking softly,"Saya? Are you okay with Genos coming in?"
Saitama and Saya looked at one another before back at their doctor, "He can come in," Saya told her.
Hitomi entered first, her scrubs were gone and she held the door open for the cyborg to come in.
Genos stepped in almost cautiously and turned to the new parents. His eyes widened and he tensed upon seeing his Master holding a bundle in his arms.
Saitama looked up at his friend, "Hey, man. Wanna meet my son?"
Genos gave a small nod and slowly walked over. Before anything, he looked to Saya, "How are you feeling, Ms. Saya? I heard the shouting from downstairs."
"I'm feeling very tired, but I'm okay. Sorry for the worry, " Saya smiled and beckoned him forward, "Come closer."
Genos nervously came closer, then crouched to be eye level with the newborn. Saitama wanted to say something about how close Genos was, but halted it. He just seemed curious.
"He looks very much like you, Master," Genos said suddenly, now standing back up, "He looks very healthy, as well. Congratulations."
"Thanks, Genos," Saitama replied a little awkwardly.
Saya then asked, "Do you want to hold him, Genos?"
"Is it alright if I do?" Genos was clearly apprehensive. Saitama then stood up and stepped in front of his disciple.
"Just support his head. You'll be fine," Saitama said simply and slowly transferred the baby over to him.
Genos looked very flustered as the baby's weight settled into his arms, "He is heavier than I anticipated."
Suddenly, the baby started to fuss, not recognizing the touch of this person.
Genos noticed and started to panic, "Um, Master, I do not think your son likes me."
"He's just not familiar with you, yet, Genos. Give it time," Hitomi tried to encourage. That's when the baby decided to protest by crying loudly.
Genos looked frozen on the spot, completely out of his depth. Saitama, who had been standing in front of his disciple, suddenly felt a foreign type of worry form in his stomach. Almost instinctively, he took the baby back and started to bounce him very lightly.
"I am sorry, Master," Genos frowned, feeling disappointed in himself.
Saitama just gave a shrug, his focus completely on his son, "Don't worry about it. It's going to take time."
Just then, the baby started to settle down until he went back to sleep,
"Already, you are an excellent father, Master," Genos said, amazed by his Master's paternal instincts.
Saitama blinked at him, "You really think so?"
"I knew he had nothing to worry about," Saya pitched in.
"Oh, by the way," Genos then perked and turned to the bed ridden woman, "Ms. Saya, Bomb had called. He was hoping to bring your sister over if you are feeling well enough."
"No way," Saitama declared before Saya can say anything, "She isn't going anywhere near our kid."
"Saitama," Saya sat up with a slight wince, "I think we should."
Saitama furrowed his brow at her, not at all happy with this idea, "You just gave birth. Plus, Kaana tried to hurt you the first time she came around."
"I know that, but Bomb will be here. Besides, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't at least, give Kaana a chance," Saya explained, "I understand your concern, I'm still angry with her, too, but she's my only living relative. Let's try giving her a chance."
Saitama grumbled, still not on board with it, "Fine, but she isn't touching him."
After giving Bomb a call, giving him the okay, Hitomi documented everything. Baby feet and all.
All that was left was a name.
Saitama was in the middle of actually fitting a diaper on his son in the scale. His son was not too pleased with the cold air, as he was fussing and crying.
"So, do you have any other ideas for names?" Saya asked as she adjusted herself in the bed.
"Nope. I can't really think of any," Saitama swaddled the infant in a blanket, instead of a towel. He instantly stopped crying as his father picked him up.
Saya smiled, noticing this, "He adores you, Saitama."
"It's weird that he somehow knows it's me," Saitama gave a small smile as he walked over and sat on the bed, "Do you have any names in mind?"
Saya looked down at her baby, now soundly asleep, his hair was dry and sticking out everywhere, and his skin was less red. She didn't even have to think of a name.
"Kenji," Saya said and looked at Saitama.
Saitama looked down at his son, "Kenji...I think it fits. Yeah," he looked at her.
Saya smiled and leaned into Saitama's side. Just then, Kenji started to fuss, Saitama glanced back down at him in confusion, "Is something wrong with him?"
Saya sat back up, not sure why he was becoming fussy. Kenji then started to cry, Saitama tried to calm him down by bouncing him. Strangely enough, this seemed to agitate Kenji even more.
Now, it was Saitama's turn to panic, "Why is he crying?" he looked to his wife, uncertain as to what to do.
"I don't know," Saya shrugged, not sure why, herself, but was becoming concerned. She reached over and Saitama passed the baby over to her.
Saya started to hush him, "It's okay, don't get upset."
Saitama watched, but then noticed how Kenji managed to get his arms free and was reaching towards Saya's chest.
"I think he's hungry," as soon as he suggested that, Saya glanced down and saw Kenji blindly grasping at her shirt.
Saya didn't say anything, but she reached the sleeve of her shirt to pull it down. As soon as she did, she shifted Kenji closer to her chest and he immediately latched on, all crying ceasing.
Kenji wasted no time, suckling as hard as he can so he can receive his first meal. Saya felt a slight twinge as her son suckled, not feeling anything coming out. Honestly, she didn't expect anything to come out, not this soon, anyway.
"Are you lactating?" Saitama wondered, seeing Saya's slight discomfort.
Saya kept her eyes on Kenji, but she shook her head, "I'm not feeling any--Wait."
She noticed Kenji started gulping, a yellowish white foam forming around his lips, "I guess, I am," she said wide eyed, a little shocked.
"He must be starving. He isn't stopping," Saitama watched intently, which was a bit unsettling.
Saya suddenly, felt a little self conscious under his intense gaze, and started looking away, "Um, can you get a towel? Kaana and Bomb are going to be here soon, I don't want to feel exposed."
"Oh. Sure," Saitama got up, oblivious to her discomfort, grabbed a clean towel from the table and stood next to the bed, "Here."
Saya used it to cover herself while Kenji continued to suckle. Just then, Hitomi had opened the door, walking inside, "Is everything okay?"
"Saya's just feeding Kenji," Saitama said plainly.
"Oh, you guys picked a name? That's great," Hitomi smiled and looked over to Saya, seeing her nursing was a surprise, "I'm surprised your milk is coming in so soon. How much is he drinking?"
"Seems like he's drinking plenty," Saya moved the towel and Hitomi saw that Kenji was still suckling, "Am I supposed to be producing this much milk?"
"Well, it's not common for it to come in so soon after birth. It usually takes 48 to 72 hours for anything to come in," Hitomi explained, cupping her chin in thought, "It might have to do with your physical prowess, so your body might be recovering much faster than average."
"I guess, that makes sense," Saya shrugged. Suddenly, they heard the doorbell from downstairs, some talking amongst Genos and a separate party.
Saya covered herself again when she heard the footsteps. Hitomi got up and walked up to the door, opening it to reveal Bomb.
"Bomb, it's good to see you," Saya smiled upon seeing him.
Bomb returned the smile, "It's good to see you, as well, Saya. Congratulations on a healthy delivery."
Saya gave a nod in gratitude, her smile never leaving.
Bomb stepped further into the room, then stepped aside, revealing a nervous looking Kaana. Saya's smile vanished, leaving a neutral expression as the room went quiet. The silence could not have been any more awkward.
Kaana was pursing her lips, rubbing her right arm as she clutched a plastic bag in that hand, "Um, hi," Kaana spoke nervously, glancing at the floor.

Family is Chaos (One Punch Man x OC)Where stories live. Discover now