Chapter 2: Surprise?

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"Kaana?" Saya's eyes were wide as she stepped closer to her long lost sister, "You're alive. What are you wearing?"
Kaana just stood there, a frown carved into her face. She was wearing a sleeveless black and red one piece suit, a large 'S' on her outfit with a katana strapped to her hip.

"You're one to talk. You're dressed like a hero," Kaana's words came out, almost like venom.
Saya said to her, "Well, I am a hero. I continued my training even after you disappeared. So, I could find you."
Kaana scoffed, "Please, it's been over three years since I've been gone. With all that training, you still couldn't find me, could you? I bet you just forgot about me."
"I didn't, Kaana. It's a little difficult finding someone who fell off the grid. I had to hire someone to search for you, but I never forgot you. Were you the one at the Hero Association?" Saya asked.
"I was. I asked them for you by name. They finally gave me your address when I threatened their lives," Kaana gave an accomplished smirk, "It's nice to be strong, especially when your big sister wasn't there for you."
While this was going on, Saitama was just standing there on the front porch. Seeing this woman, he vaguely remembered her, "Kaana? Who is she again? I'm pretty sure Saya mentioned her before," Saitama spoke amongst himself.
His self banter caught the redhead's attention though. She then looked back at Saya and pointed in Saitama's direction, "Who's the bald idiot on your porch?"
Saitama growled in anger at the mention of his head.
Saya didn't turn to look as Saitama made his way over, still fuming, "The name's Saitama," he snapped.
Kaana was unfazed by his anger as he approached, "What's with the costume? And why are you with my sister? Are you a squatter or something?"
Saya responded, having a feeling that this isn't going go well, "Saitama is my husband."
"Huh?!" That seemed to knock Kaana through a loop as she almost staggered in bewilderment before getting hysterical, "Are you serious?! You got married?! This guy looks like a deadbeat!! I knew you had horrible taste in men, but this is a new low, even for you!!"
Saya's eyes narrowed, but kept her cool, "You know nothing about Saitama, so don't you dare start on me about who I married. It was my decision and my decision alone."
Kaana scowled, "I knew you were lying, you did forget about me!! You got married and moved on with your life!! You're so selfish that you even left your own sister behind!!"
"Stop spewing nonsense, Saya has every right to do whatever she wants with her life. She had more important things to worry about than to be consumed by the fact that you were gone," Saitama interjected calmly, "The whole world doesn't revolve around you, Saya's life is no different. So, stop acting crazy."
Saya wanted to hit Saitama at that moment. Although he was right, his words were escalating the situation because it was clear that Kaana's head was not in the right place.
"Crazy?! Who do you think you are?!" Kaana yelled at him.
"I'm just a guy who's a hero," Saitama said, "And you need to apologize to Saya."
Kaana snarled, "Like hell, I will!! She wasn't coming for me, so I trained to get stronger and protect myself!! I only came back to give her a piece of my mind, but I think killing you will send a message across!!"
Saya then stepped in between them, her aura menacing, "Saitama, get back in the house."
"Are you sure?" He asked, only to get a deathly glare from his wife in return, "Alright, then. I'll get dinner started."
Saitama casually went back inside. Kaana grew furious, "You think sending him away will stop me?!"
Kaana drew her sword and went to chase after him with blazing speed. However, Saya was obviously faster as she grabbed her sister's wrist and twisted it behind her back. Kaana dropped the katana with a pained wince.
Saya was fuming, "After over three years, you decide to just come to my home, insult me and my husband just because I'm not hung up on the fact that you were gone? If you were capable of coming back, then why didn't you? Was it to make me suffer? Are you that self-absorbed?"
She released her little sister who stumbled before turning around to face her. Red with anger, Kaana grabbed her sword from the ground and charged at Saya. With a single swipe, her katana came down onto Saya's shoulder, only for the blade to shatter.
"Huh?" Kaana's eyes shifted to look at Saya, she dropped her sword. She asked incredulously, "What...did you do to yourself?"
"I'm disappointed in you, Kaana. I'm sorry you had to go through your hardships, but you chose to let hate and anger consume you. You clearly pose as a danger to yourself and others. I'm taking you to the Hero Association," Saya stepped towards her.
Kaana scowled,"I'd like to see you try!" She then held out her hands, a blue aura surrounding them. Suddenly, water shot out from the ground and started swirling around Saya, "I don't need a sword!! All I need is to make sure you're hurting!!"
Saya then found herself encased in a ball of water. Kaana slowly started to close her hands into fists, which in turn, started to freeze the water. It was then a giant ball of ice and Kaana sneered, "Not so tough, are you?"

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