Her cheeks grew red before she buried her head into her knees as she pulled them to her chest. Minato and Inoichi chuckled softly. They spoke amongst themselves for a moment. Then, they stopped abruptly as the door slid open again. A nurse appeared with a bundle of clothes in her hands.

"Here is a change of clothes for the young girl." She handed them to Minato.

"Thank you," Minato responded.

Minato sat them on the bed next to me, "We'll step out while you dress."

They all exited, leaving the shy girl alone for the first time since she was found outside the gates. She began to cry. Do I cry? She wasn't sure what to do. Should she be crying? Should she try to escape? Where would she run to? She rubbed the tears from her cheeks and stood. She felt safe in the village for some reason. Y/n took the gown off and slipped into the clothes given to her. A basic white t-shirt and black pants, with sandals to finish.

Y/n stood at the door silently. She could hear the male Shinobi talking, only picking up a few words here and there. Lost. Alone. Memory blocked. Tears brimmed again, threatening to fall until she heard Minato speak. Safe. Home. Family. Sliding the door open, Y/n stepped out.

"Thank you." It was a gentle whisper.

Minato crouched in front of the small girl, "There's nothing for you to thank me for, Y/n. I'm always going to be here for you from now on."

She threw herself towards him, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck. She buried her face into the crook of his neck. Then, hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her. It was a tight embrace and one neither of them would forget. Inoichi laughed lightly and left the two alone. Minato stood, taking the girl with him, and then shifted her to his hip.

"Let's go home. Kushina is waiting." Minato spoke softly.

Y/n let sleep cover her in a warm blanket as he walked home, much like Minato's embrace. The girl wouldn't find out for a long time the importance of that night.


Y/n awoke to the smell of something cooking. A cheerful female voice called out to Minato. Kushina is who Y/n suspected it was. Moving slowly, unsure of where she was- a bed. A soft, plush mat on the floor. She crawled from the bedroll and packed it away in the corner. Making her way down the hall to the kitchen, following the scent of the food. There stood Minato and a woman with fiery red hair.

"You're awake! Just in time for breakfast." He exclaimed.

The woman turned and smiled wide at the small girl, "Good morning, little one. I was starting to worry about you."

Kushina moved to plate the food while Minato set the table. Y/n remained standing, unsure of where to sit. The couple looked at one another before focusing on Y/n.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." She offered them a bow in apology.

"Don't worry, sweetie," Minato assured me, "You needed the rest."

As Kushina sat the plates, Y/n watched where she placed the smallest bowl before taking her seat. Then, folding her hands in her lap, she thought for a moment.

"Thank you," Her voice was hushed and timid almost.

They both smiled at Y/n softly and began eating. Taking a few bites, Y/n started to wonder about the last time she actually ate. She couldn't recall when or even what she ate last. As her mind began to wander, trying to think back on anything, she stopped eating. The young girl's mind drifted all over the place as the two adults watched in concern.

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя