Part one

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That fucker thinks he can send me to conversion therapy. Yeah, beat me my whole life, pretend to get better, figure out I'm fucking gay and send me to the electric chair. Guess what father, I'm fucking eighteen. I should've told him that before I left, god thinking of comebacks after the moment passes sucks. Goodbye New York, hope I never see your ugly face again.
"Watch it," exclaimed a random person. Probably should not be day dreaming in a airport. I'm on the next flight to California. Sucky thing is I have to finish senior year. Ugh, school. I swear if I see another motherfucking queen bee I will pour a smoothie on her head mean girl style. I hope they got an underground somewhere, I'm itching for a good brawl.


That's me, I suppose. I take the money my uncle in Cali sent me and shove it in my backpack with the rest of my belongings.  My uncle met his wife around twenty two, she was the best fighter in the gang. After the leader died she became leader and my uncle went with her. At least I'll have a place to sleep when I get there. And a new family of sorts.
One dark sleep later I landed in Cali. I walked off the flying metal soup can to get my bag. I see the black and white camo bag coming around the baggage claim belt. I snatched it from the belt and began looking for my name on a sign. Then I caught it, two buff guys and one scrawny one in the middle wearing all black with a black leather jacket. What can I say, I've seen better. The guy in the middle held a sign that said Cameron.
"Woah girl, I think your in the wrong place. I'm looking for a guy named Cameron." He assumed I was a dude, great.
"Cameron Silver," I said holding out my hand. He looked at me up and down from my combat boots to my leather jacket and lastly into my green eyes. I dropped my hand seeing as he wasn't going to take it.
"Wheres the car," I asked buff guy number one.
"I'll show you."
"Thanks Nolan."
I followed Nolan while asshole and buff guy number two followed.
              I threw my stuff in the trunk of the black SUV and climbed in the back with asshole, unfortunately.  Nolan and buff guy number two sat in the front.  "Hey Nolan, what's your buddies name."
                "I'm Ryan, you could've just asked you know," said the previously unnamed man.
                 "Well what was I supposed to say. 'Hey, buff guy number two what's your name'?"  Both Ryan and Nolan chuckled.
                 "That would have sufficed," Ryan told me and watched me roll my eyes.
                 "Hey asshole, you got a name?"
                 "I'm wounded. Liam, and not an asshole."
                 "Last parts debatable.  And don't go cute on me pretty boy, I am a raging homosexual and not afraid to kick your scrawny little ass."  His face was priceless.  Ryan and Nolan were wheezing in the front.
                  "Not funny," he mumbled.
                  "You know it is kid.  We haven't laughed like that with someone new ever," Nolan wheezed.  Ryan nodded trying to refocus on driving.
About ten minutes worth of laughs later we arrived at a big dark wood mansion, we made it to the gang house.

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