Chapter 23

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"How do you feel?" Chan asked, tracing shapes on Jeongin's thigh.

"Tired" Jeongin sighed.

"No, about Rosè leaving"

"This is the fifth time you asked me the past two weeks" Jeongin stated.

"I'm sorry, it's just she is your sister. She's family. I know if Felix was transferred, I would have been really upset" Chan said.

"Let's put it this way. She was the cause of my problems. I never liked her and she never liked me. It's better this way"

"Okay baby"

"Now can you stop bringing her up" Jeongin said.

"I'm sorry" Chan apologized. Jeongin pecked his lips.

"Don't be"

Chan smiled bringing Jeongin in for a kiss, his hand rubbing up and down his thigh.

"My shirt looks good on you" He commented when they pulled away. "But it'll look better off"

Jeongin giggled biting his lip, "Maybe"

Chan hummed, "Hm maybe we should go for a round three"

"Maybe" Jeongin repeated, bringing Chan in for another kiss.

Chan deepened it, crawling on top of Jeongin.

"Yo Chan I got some great-woah!" Minho slapped his  hand over his eyeballs.

"Are you serious?" Chan groaned sitting up.

"Are you serious? This is a hospital not a hotel"

"Whatever mean-hoe"

"Am I interrupting something or...cause I'm guessing this isn't as important as you guys fucking"

"You're not" Jeongin said.

"You are" Chan said at the same time. The two looking at each other.

"Are you both dressed?" Minho asked.

"Not for long" Chan said as Jeongin began tapping his thigh.

"Can I open eyes though?"


Minho peaked through his fingers and sighed in relief. "What I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted"

"You interrupted us" Chan said.

"Shush. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted again" Minho continued. "I have good and bad news"

"Good news" Chan said.

"You're free time go" Minho said.

"Wait really?" Chan said getting off the bed. Jeongin sitting up.

"Can you put a shirt on, please" Minho said.

"Jeongin's wearing it but what you're saying is-"

"You're free to go. With the help of yours truly and Jisung, we managed to get apartments and jobs for you"

"So we can just leave? Like any time?" Chan asked.

"When you finish packing and signing papers, yeah" Minho said with a smile.

"Wait what's the bad news?" Jeongin asked. Minho's smile dropped.

"Only Chan, Felix and Changbin get to leave"

"Wait, why is that?" Jeongin asked standing up from the bed and walking over.

"Well according to records Chan hasn't needed any medication and he's been doing perfectly fine. Felix gets to leave because he's Chan's brother and he's improved a lot. And since Changbin and Felix help each other and they are dating and Changbin's insomnia got better too so there's that"

"Where are they even going to stay?" Jeongin asked.

"Me and Jisung moved out of our apartment and got a house. So Felix and Changbin are going to live there. And we were able to get the apartment on the floor above them so that's where Chan will be"

"And jobs?"

"There's a café two blocks away from the neighborhood. It's new and looking for workers. Was able to get them an interview for next week"

"And Hyunjin and Seungmin?" Jeongin asked feeling himself get close to tears.

"Hyunjin was able to leave too but he wanted to wait till Seungmin was able to leave as well." Minho said.

"When can we leave?" Chan asked.

"You can leave today if you want. Or tomorrow if you want to spend one last day together" Minho said.

Jeongin looked at the floor walking back to the bed as Chan nodded. Minho gave a small smile, "I'll leave you two alone now" he said leaving the room. Chan closing the door behind him.


"So you're just gonna leave me here, alone?" Jeongin said turning around.

"Baby, listen-"

"Do what Hyunjin is doing and wait for me" Jeongin pleaded.

"Jeongin you know how long I've wanted to get out of this place" Chan said walking over to him. Jeongin sighed.

Chan wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "I promise I will visit every single day when I get the chance. And when you get out, we could live together in the apartment Minho got me"

"Promise?" Jeongin mumbled. Chan kissed his forehead, "I promise"

"Now let's finish what we started and then you can help me pack"

"Okay" Jeongin said going on his tiptoes to kiss him.


It's late and I have school tomorrow but I'm here writing chapters because I can't sleep

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