Chapter 12

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Im a clown🤡

"Hyunjin" Jeongin whined entering the room. Hyunjin looked up from his book.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, Im sad" Jeongin said crawling into his bed and laying his head in his lap.

"Well excuse you, Im hurt" Chan scoffed. Jeongin turned his head, stared at Chan for a moment before turning his head once more and properly laying on Hyunjin's lap.

Hyunjin laughed at the look on Chan's face.

"Well Im busy" Hyunjin said. Jeongin turned his body so he was now staring at the book Hyunjin held above his head.

"Busy doing what?"

"Reading" Hyunjin sakd eyes glued to the book.

Jeongin hummed, "Is it good?"


"You have a godly talent..being able to read upside down"

"Its not," Hyunjin flipped the book seeing that it was in fact upside down.

"Okay whatever. I'll help" Hyunjin said tossing the book to the side and running his fingers through his hair.

"My boyfriend has been stolen" Chan pouted.

"Chan, leave. Its a boy to boy talk" Jeongin said.

"You're a baby" Chan stated.

"Okay and? Its a baby to boy talk"

Chan scoffed, "Fine."

He got up leaving the room. As soon as he left, Jeongin spoke.

"I like Chan"

"Um okay?"

"No Hyunjin, I really like him. I like Chan"

"Thats normal? He's your boyfriend- Jeongin I'm confused" Hyunjin huffed.

"Me and Chan arent dating"


"We're fake dating, he wanted to make Rosé jealous. It was fine until.." Jeongin paused, closing his eyes.

"Until you caught feelings" Hyunjin sighed.

"I don't think my feelings ever left" Jeongin whispered.


"I was separated from everyone. Chan was the only one allowed to visit. I dont know why was nice to have someone care about me. I began to fall for him. And when I was gonna tell him. He announced that he was dating Rosé. And then little by little his visits became fewer and fewer" Jeongin paused taking a breath. "Until he stopped completely"

"Baby" Hyunjin pouted. He uncrossed his legs, Jeongin getting up and fixing himself. Hyunjin laid down, having Jeongin lay next to him his head laying on his chest.

"Why dont you tell Chan how you feel?" Hyunjin suggested.

"He wont accept them. He wants Rosé back. I find it dumb"

"Well, Chan is dumb"

Jeongin giggled, "Yeah"

"Do you want to be with him? Like for real" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know. I like him and I wanna give him kisses and hold his hand but I know it will never happen. And if he gets back with Rosé its whatever, that's what the plan was" Jeongin stated.

"Thats good, I guess. You're not in too deep." Hyunjin said. "Maybe distance yourself"

"How? Hes so fixed on us spending so much time together to make it believable."

"Spend time with me. If he wants to hang out just decline. Only be with each other when Rosé is in the room." Hyunjin said.

"I dont want to take you away from Seungmin" Jeongin said.


"Yeah, aren't you guys dating. I thought you talked the other day" Jeongin asked confused.

"No, it was just to get you and Chan alone. We hung out with Minho" Hyunjin stated.


"Yeah. But think about what I said. You're always free to hang out with me or Seungmin"

"You and Seungmin need to date already" Jeongin sighed.

"I don't like him"

"I dOnt lIke hIm" Jeongin mocked. "Says you who gives him heart eyes every time he enters the room"

"I do not"

"Yes you do"

"Hyunjin, I was wondering if- I interrupting something?" Seungmin paused.

Hyunjin sat up quickly, Jeongin quietly laughing.

"Uh no, I was just helping him with boy troubles. You know Chan and um stuff" Hyunjin said.

"Oh okay" Seungmin nodded.

"Heart eyes" Jeongin teased.

Hyunjin grabbed a pillow, shoving it in Jeongin's face, making him laugh.

"Well I'll be going" Seungmin said awkwardly.

"No, Minnie stay. I need extra cuddles." Jeongin pleaded.

Seungmin smiled at the look Jeongin gave him, "Okay"

And so, Seungmin climbed into the bed with them.

"This is nice" Jeongin said after a moments silence making the other two laugh.

"You two are now my parents. Adopt me once we get out of this hell hole" Jeongin said.

Hyunjin glanced at Seungmin who laughed, his cheeks blushing a light pink.

"I leave for like what five minutes and already, you're cheating on me" Chan pouted.

"Oh hush, these are my parents." Jeongin said.

"Well Im your boyfriend, can I get cuddles?" Chan asked.


Short chapter, I know but I wanna share my experience with you. for three years of stanning Stray Kids, I joined in on the fun of calling Changbin short.

Today I was curious and looked up how tall each member was and all of them are taller than me and I come to Changbin and sis🤡 Im the same height as him, meaning if hes short im short and ive been calling him short for so long when in reality im just as short i-

The clownery luv😔✊

^That is the original author note and I still stand by my words so therefore I, author of this book, am a clown

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