Chapter 2

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"Hey Chan"

Chan looked up from his drawing, seeing Rosé standing next to him.

"Go away" Chan said going back to his drawing.

"Aww, you dont have to be rude. I just want to be friends" She said sitting in the chair in front of him.

"What did you do to him?" Chan asked.

"I didn't do anything." Rosé spat.

"Well you obviously did something, he's terrified of you"

"You're one to talk Chan. I know who you are...what you are...what you did" She whispered the last part.

"You're the one who he should be terrified of" she added.

Chan stayed quiet, going back to his drawing.

"Where is he anyway?" he asked changing the topic.

"How would I know?"

"You're siblings. And the staff are dumb, I know you two share a room"

Rosé smirked, "Therapy. He tried to strangle me"

"Wouldn't blame him, I'll strangle you if I could" Chan said looking up at her.

"Kinky" She took a breath in.

"You know you're kind of cute" She leaned forward so they were face to face.

"We could get along pretty well..if you let me" She paused her lips slightly touching his before pulling away. She hummed winking before standing up and walking away.

Chan let out a breath, feeling his lips tingle from the soft touch.

Felix walked up, sitting in the chair Rosé was once in.

"Dont tell me you guys are fiddling with each other" he pleaded his eyes wide.

"No" Chan licked his bottom lip. "But shes hot"

"Im disgusted. May the gay gods help you" Felix crossed his arms.

Chan rolled his eyes, "Whatever" he said going back to drawing a unicorn.


Jeongin stared at the wall, "You dont hear that?" he asked genuinely confused.

"Hear what?" The doctor asked pushing up his glasses.

"You cant help me. You dont know shit about what I've been through, what I'm going through." Jeongin spat avoiding the question.

"I cant understand unless you talk to me"

Jeongin sniffed. "I wanna go home"

"You're sick, we can make you feel better"


The doctor sighed, writing something down in his notebook before closing it.

"Do you want to be with the others?" He asked.

"No" Jeongin shook his head.

"It could help you"


"Remember Chan?"

"Chan?" Jeongin repeated before shaking his head.

"Felix?" The doctor tried.

Jeongin nodded slowly, "They didn't like that"

"Whose they?" The doctor asked.

"They..they" He began breathing heavily curling into a ball.

"Jeongin, whose they?" the doctor asked once more.

"I can't, I can't" Jeongin repeated, pressing his hands against his ears.

"Jeongin. Whose they?!" The doctor pried, trying to get the answer out of him.

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, please stop. Im sorry, I can't" Jeongin cried, "I can't tell you"

"You have to"

"I cant"

"You can"


"Fight it"



"Stop" He cried, "I can't. They wont- I cant"

The doctor sighed, getting up and going through the cabinet.

"Take your medicine" he said taking a couple pills out and handing it to him.

"No" Jeongin shook his head.

The doctor sighed once more, knocking on the door making Jeongin yelp, his eyes widened.

The door opened, the two male nurses walked in.

"No, don't touch me!" Jeongin shouted getting up.

"We're not here to hurt you, we're here to help you" The doctor said.

Jeongin stood there staring at the three grownups before running past them.

One of the nurse grabbed a hold of him, Jeongin thrashing around to get free of his grip.

And when that failed, he bit them. The nurse immediately letting him go.

He ran down the hall and into the lobby. He saw Felix and Chan, calling out to them.

"Jeongin?" Chan questioned standing up. The younger ran over, hiding behind him, wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"You okay?" Felix asked.

"Give him up" a nurse said.

"Hold on, whats going on?" Chan asked.

"He needs to take his medicine" they said.

"So you chased him down because he needs to take two little pills that wont even help him?" Chan questioned getting upset.

"Hey, just give me his medicine" Felix said knowing how Chan was.

The nurse sighed, giving him a cup full of red liquid.

"I thought he took pills" Chan questioned as Felix walked to Jeongin.

"Hey, Jeongin. Can you take your medicine please?" Felix asked softly.

"Don't wanna" Jeongin mumbled, holding onto Chan tighter. 

"Please? And they'll go away"

Jeongin thought for a moment, "Really?" Felix nodded.

Jeongin hesitantly took the cup, downing the red liquid as told.

"See he drank it now can you please go away" Felix asked tossing the cup in a nearby trashcan.

"We have to take him away" the nurse said.

"What, why?" Chan asked.

"He tried to strangle his sister and he bit me. He cant be around other people" The nurse stated.

"That doesnt mean take him away! He was scared!" Chan stated.

The nurse sighed, signaling to the guards. They came over taking hold of Chan which made Felix take a couple steps back.

The nurses took hold of Jeongin who was drowsy from the medicine.

"Hey! Let him go" Chan yelled trying to push them off.

"We dont take orders from you" The nurse said as they carried Jeongin away.

Once they were out of sight, Chan was let go.

"Fucking assholes" he spat throwing his notebook at the wall.

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