Wiley held my hand as we walked Spence to the car. On the way to my house, we talked about what the gang will think of the kid. I know half of them will not want to go near it in fear of harming him or looking too weak, but especially the girls, the ex-white blades, and the pups will want to hold him. And the gang will surely support mine and Wiley's relationship. And if they don't, I still lead this gang.

"I'll watch Spencer, you shower," he got the car seat from the car and we walked to the door, "take a nap if you need. I'm gonna have a talk with the kid."

"Don't engrave your bad boy ways into my baby," I lectured and opened the door. I did as told though and took a shower and a half-hour nap. Left him and the baby alone for 40 minutes at most.


I held Spencer and Wiley stood off to the side. Since Sodapop was in the room we didn't want to cause too much of an uproar too quickly. "So," I started. "This is Spencer Bovino." I smiled at all the Coyotes as I held my baby. Eyes darted over to Wiley and some even looked for a reaction in Sodapop. "In that, me and Wiley are together," I told them.

Sodapop looked hurt yet angry at the same time. He's still a good guy, and I love him still. And of course, we will work out a plan for when Sodapop gets Spencer and when I get him, but we're divorced and have been for six months. We both need to move on.

"Really?" He muttered to me.

I nodded my head, "I love you, Soda. But we clearly had issues that weren't able to be worked out."

His eyes softened and he stared at Spencer. "Biggest mistake I think I've ever made."

"Yeah, well," I shrugged light-heartedly and smiled a little. "Now that I'm not so mad, would you like to hold him?"

"Yes," Sodapop nodded and held his arms out slightly. I put him in his father's arms and smiled at the sight of them together. I wouldn't mind being married to Sodapop still. But since I got with Wiley, I don't know if it's our relationship or the fact that my son was born. But I've been so happy.

Wiley walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I hope there are no hard feelings, man," Wiley addressed Soda.

"You're good. Treat her right. Both of them actually." Soda nodded at Wiley without taking his eyes off Spencer. "Gonna have to fight me over who gets to teach him what though." Soda joked.

"I get sports and mischief, you can have girls and cars." Wiley chuckled.

"Dibs on fun uncle!" Pony shouted from over by the door.

I laughed, "you gonna need to talk to Steve and Darry about that."

"Pft," Soda laughed, "Steve's the mean uncle and Darry's the strict uncle," he glanced at the two. "Be lax."

"Yeah yeah," Darry chuckled and leaned against the wall.

All the Coyotes spent the day with us going about how much we love the first baby in our gang. He definitely will not be around the gang until he gets older. Sure, I'll have him with me sometimes but we are still a pretty dangerous gang. And ever since we took down the Key Men, our numbers spiked. My baby can be a pup when he is old enough to decide for himself. After all, if he doesn't choose to be a Coyote, in the long run, I don't know who my throne would go to.

"We make cute kids," Soda muttered as he stared at our son.

I nodded my head and took Spencer back. "Now that everyone has met him, we're gonna go home."

Wiley walked us back out to the car and kissed my lips before I drove off. I still had to make one more stop before heading home though. I had to see an old friend. Friend is a stretch, but I had to visit none the less. He doesn't know I have a baby.

At the police station, I held Spencer close to me as I walked down the hall to Steve's office.

"Knock knock," I smiled.

Steve looked over and a smile came to his face, "Elle? I haven't seen you in years."

"Well, here I am," I walked into his office and he stood up. "No more gunfights." I pointed out.

"And who's this?"

"My son. His name is Spencer." I allowed him to hold him. "We got released today."

"You're so grown up, Elle. You married to his dad?"

I sat down, "no. I mean I was, but we got a divorce about six months ago. A high school sweetheart kind of thing. Still friends." I explained.

Steve smiled and handed Spencer back to me, "good for you, Elle. And for the Coyotes?"

"I'm still leading, yes. I'm gonna talk to my boyfriend about fulfilling my duties still as gang leader while I'm taking care of my kid. Maternity leave kind of thing." I smiled.

Steve sat down, "when he's 16 bring the kid here, I'll probably be gone because I'm so damn old but I'll put in my good word. We'll give him a job."

"Come on you're not that old," I stood up and walked to the door, "nice seeing you, Steve." I left.

𝘙𝘌𝘋 (The Outsiders) ·Sodapop Curtis· [Finished] Where stories live. Discover now