Despite the fact the Doctor had quite literally said to your face that he regretted telling you that he loved you and you were basically useless, you still loved him. The fact you still loved him seemed stupid to almost everyone but you and River, the professor had told him you still loved him but he refused to believe it. It seemed the only way to make the time lord believe you would be to tell him to his face that you still loved him.

You knew he would never come to you so you would have to come to him, it just meant you would have to get River to trick him into coming near your home, which wouldn't be hard considering he is a little gullible. The Professor had agreed to help you out, she had given you a place and date to be at the park a mile from your house, you  couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing the Doctor again.

Without a second thought you race out of your house and towards the park you and the Doctor would visit with your younger siblings. You plop down on a park bench and wait for it to finally turn two o'clock.

A familiar sound fills your ears and brings a grin to your face, "River, why are we here?" the Doctor asks as he gets out of his ship, the architect shakes her head and shuts the Tardis door, "River, open the door."

"No, not until you talk."

"Talk to who?"

"Me," you say from behind him, he jumps. The time lord turns to face you, his eyes sad.

"(y/n), how are you here?" he asks quietly, you give him a soft smile.

"Time works in many ways Doctor."

He smiles a little back, "River called you didn't she." you nod as you take his hand, dragging him towards the swings he would usually push your siblings on. You take a seat next to each other, being near him made you remember all the things he said to you before you left.

Maybe he was right, you screwed up, you were unreliable. You didn't blame him for regretting loving you, you blamed yourself. Your family were right about you being stupid, why love a man when he clearly thinks you are the bane of the world. The Doctor sighs and looks down at his gangly legs as they sway along with the swing, he frowns as his toes dig up dry dirt, his droopy hair falls into his tired eyes.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it." the Doctor says quietly, you shake your head and frown, only he could say something that sounded like a child apologising to a kid they've pushed over.

"A whole year and thats the best you could come up with. I'm sorry? I have spent this last year still loving you despite the fact that you told me you regretted saying that in the first place. A year I have received calls from River telling me you do nothing but sulk and yet here you are giving me an apology that could have been made by a toddler. If you're truly sorry you can say something better than that, especially when I didn't do one thing to endanger all those people on that planet a year ago, it was all on you but as perusal it was my fault. I love you Doctor but I cant wait around for you when its clear to me you still act like a child."

The Doctor turns to you with tears in his eyes to match the ones in yours, he takes your hand in his and smiles slightly at the familiar feeling of butterflies he would always get when you took his hand in your own. His thumb strokes over the back of your hand as his other thumb brushes the tears away from your face.

"(y/n) (l/n), I can't take back what I said but I can fix this, I can fix us. I know I was the reason for almost killing all those people, I shouldn't have blamed it on you and I definitely shouldn't have kicked you off of the Tardis. For one year fourteen hours and seven minutes I have regretted every word I said, the only thing I have never regretted saying to you is I love you. I'm sorry that I hurt you more then I could ever imagine, everything I said wasn't true, you are the most perfect person I have ever met in my life and if you'll do me the honour i'd like to keep you in it for as long as possible."

You smile down at your interlocked fingers, "I think i'd like that."


You lie upside down on your couch, your head dangles off of the edge and your legs stick up in the air, one wrong move and you'd be on the floor.

Since leaving Missy behind at the university and sort of ending things with the Doctor, which to be fair was more his fault then yours, life had been rather slow. It had only been half an hour but you were already beginning to regret your decision, what if Missy was lying, well she was definitely lying about somethings but what if she was right? What if the Doctor never really loved you, he hadn't been around much recently and when he was he spent most of his time with Missy or Bill. You had talked to Nardole more times than the Doctor in the last month.

Ever since the Doctor spent all of those years with River he had been distant, he hardly looked at you, he never took you on adventures. You felt sympathy for him, his wife had died and he was almost completely alone, I guess you could say you were slightly hurt by the fact he didn't look at you the same way he used to look at River.

You hadn't cried or moped, no comfort food had been eating and not one thought that didn't include the Doctor went through your head. The Scot seemed to have planted himself firmly in your mind and refused to leave which was a typical stubborn trait of the Scottish, you missed him, it was hard not to but it was him neglecting you, not the other way around.

The Doctor was a man of wonder, he could be the best and worst thing all at once but then again that summed up your whole relationship. You had thought about going back to Missy's cell and talking to her more, you had even thought about calling the Doctor but he tended to ignore the phone.

A sudden knock at the door makes you jump, you try to grab the seat but fail miserably, you land on the floor with a bang and a soon to be bruise.

You scramble to your feet and fumble through the rooms and halls to the door, you grab the door handle and pull it open.

The door is only open a few inches before the Doctor pushes himself in, he slams it slightly behind him and towers above you who somehow managed to get pinned up towards the wall. His eyes study you, taking in every inch of your face and the surprise currently shown on it.

"You're an idiot, you know that right." he says plainly, you roll your eyes and try to move but are instead trapped by the Doctors arms going up on either side of the wall.

"No, I don't know that. Could you possibly tell me why I'm an idiot because I'm not following."

The Doctor sighs, "Why the hell do you think you wasted my time?"

"Missy and me talk, it became apparent..." you say quietly, the Doctor shakes his and takes a step closer, his arms stay still.

"So we believe everything Missy says now? (Y/n), you have never once wasted my time."

You frown, "I never get any of your time to waste in the first place, I'm always baby sitting Missy or you just simply ignore me. We haven't spoken in over a week, how can I waste your time if you never talk to me. Ever since River's...passing you have ignored me, you won't look at me, talk to me or even take me inside the Tardis let alone to a new planet." 

His eyes are sad as they look into yours, "I can't lose you too, not like the way I lost her and I'm definitely not losing you because Missy gave you relationship advice. You know I love you, don't let her tell you other wise."

You nod and look down your feet.

"Well are you not going to say it back? I've quite literally put my hearts on the line and all I get in return is a nod." 

You look back up at him and lightly peck his lips, "I love you too,"

He smiles and wraps his arms around you, "Thats better."

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