70 | my blue

39 7 16

"who has your heart
and what kind of soul do they have?
deep and mysterious,
or as clear as looking glass?"

even if heaven and earth intertwined,
or the day met the night
i'd only be able to describe you
casting a dark blue light;

bitterly cold, and unable to feel
but somehow brighter than the others,
you felt so real

everyone else were like walls
drowning in their own miseries
but you, my blue, had more than the world could see

you've experienced true gloominess, down to its core
it's only when i'm around, that you say "it is no more"

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

worst writer of the year award def belongs to me, i am litrally so inactive and for what??
thank you for readin this, i appreciate you, i love you, and i wish the best for you!!
not that anyone cares lmao but i've been feelin so much better than usual lately, hopefully this means i write more? because like, i wanna🥺
ahh if you're still readin this you're a real one, i'm gonna do homework but have a nice day/night<3

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