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tw: implications of figurative c@nnibalism

there's no such thing as good or evil people
but you, you've left me perplexed
you continuously failed to do what's right
yet now, you're displaying interest

you always knew i'd just take the bait
like another hungry fish in a pond
you made your claim far before we met,
and it wasn't long until i was conned

but i get it, you're hungry too
and you just couldn't stomach the wait
so you started to reel in the line
and it was then i realized it was too late

now, i was soon to be on a plate,
silverware on both sides of me
i just wanted to be your hot date
but i guess you had an appetite to feed

isn't that what you wanted?
to boast your unwavering power over me?
to prepare me hot and ready,
just to satisfy your own, personal needs?

how greedy of you
and how silly of me
to not see your hidden intentions
and know when it was time to flee

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

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