84 | let the yellow outweigh the gray

21 5 12

the yellow days linger;
the yellow days are noticed
know this while you hold it, and seek it when it goes

it is when the yellow fades, the gray has been chosen

you watch as the others are out in the open

a storm has been baking, and it is almost prepared;
ready to feed the drooling children and the hungry stares

but you're unaware;

so lost, you feel for a compass
you're stuck being filled with an emptiness you cannot stomach

as the gray skies approach, you can't escape your fright;

your fear that even the smiling sun can't hide your own gray sky

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

hi lovelies!! i miss having more inspiration to write n not always taking years to whip up something for yall😅 but how r u guys?

has online school started yet? mine has:( i actually have sm hw to do so why am i writing poetry rn? who knows fr

anyways, i hope u all r well:) stay safe and mwah !!

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