69 | beautiful little fools

27 7 0

i said, "get lost in my fantasy,
i promise it's not hard to breathe
don't suffocate on your own lies
inhale the truth in disguise;

get lost in all of my dreams,
wishing i could be a better me
so stuck on the "what if's"
can't grasp what true love is"

"two broken people
shouldn't try to love with
empty promises," said he

but two broken people who
recognize affection should
always try again

t h e b r o k e n o n e s

hi ! so firstly, i hit 500+ votes! like whaaaa
-thank you all of my children :*
secondly, this is literally a piece from one of my untitled "songs" so i'm sorry if it's a lil messy, i just wanted to update !
and thirdly, the title is actually a song from jorja smith , go check it out or whateva ;)

sour hearts catered by hopeful souls | editing!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt