The Trece Band

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I have to admit that the elaboration of vore in the further sections originally did not match up to what was told previously. This is mostly because I left the final parts up to Eckstal. Then, I felt bad about not including more vore details so I went back and put in some spots more details about the vore. The other details, which I thought I could do better justice to.
Sidge had been introduced to Camyey by Dream who had unpossessed him, leaving a bewildered Sandis. I went back to Camyey and when inside her house with Sidge and Sandis, I started to speak to Camyey. Lord Power came by and interrupted us before I even got started relaying one word.
He came as his mink form with Lady Dream in her Ferret form.
Camyey immediately stood up and went to them. Lord Power looked at us and at Sandis who sat right beside Sidge in a wicker made chair. They both were still quite full and the remainder of the squirrels still squirmed around inside of them.
"Could you come with us Sandis, Michi wants to check up on you?" Power told the herm-dragon.
"Oh, Michi?" Sandis resounded and stood up.
Sidge did too standing up but Lord Power came over to him waving his paw at Sidge stating, "No no, Michi wants to see hir alone."
Sidge stared at him for a moment then sat slowly back down. There was a knock at the door and Michi came in with Blae, Jaze, and Odaira, "Sandis? I want to see how the healing is going with your stomach before we march on," The Doctor said in a solid tone and waved at Camyey who waved giving an unsure grin at him.
Sandis joined him and they all left after that, Jaze giving me a wink and Odaira a wave at Camyey and me in turn. Once the door was closed, Sidge sat back further in his chair placing his hands on his enlarged belly with a sigh laying his head back. He gave a belch.
Camyey had gotten up when the door closed and was putting her recently finished garments and many extras into several sacs she had gathered around the loom. She was going to come with us as part of the newly formed, fully surfaced resistance movement against C'Vince Hedin.
I went right over to Camyey and said flat to her, "Camyey, I would like you to come with the small band who are going to try to meet with Hedin before sending in the full force."
"Okay," She said at length with a small smile.
Sidge was looking at us and Camyey noticed this and continued with her gathering task and I sat down with a sigh in the chair beside her loom. I looked at Sidge who was leaning back again. I vanished from view from them but stayed there and watched them. I did feel they had some connection and didn't think I needed to cultivate it anymore.
"Whoa, he's gone," Camyey said and sighed herself and continued to pack away the clothes.
"He tends to do that. Um... do I have to wear those things? I never wore clothes before," Sidge asked sitting up.
"What about them? You've never worn clothes before. Why not?" She asked stopping and looking on him and she put a paw in the front of her snoot and I saw her stifle a laugh before she dropped her arm back by her side.
"I'm several times the size of this usually, I'd probably take up the bulk of this place," Sidge told her.
"Ah, so that's why you look so big!" Camyey said her voice much more calmer and clearer.
"Well not really. That and I ate about twenty squirrels with Sandis back there," Sidge responded casually.
She balked but made as if to brush something out of her hair. I didn't see it as a balk of disgust though. Sidge sat back even more massaging his belly. Camyey started to sit down on my chair I was at and I floated backwards phasing through it and behind it standing behind it. I passed over until I was behind Sidge's chair, looking down on his belly
"I've never shared this before," She said slowly and stopped.
"What?" Sidge asked but Camyey didn't respond but stared off to the side away from him.
"Hey, that's okay. C'mon, what is it? I can't stand secrets," Sidge said.
"Well, Michi... you know?" She said.
"What about him?" Sidge asked plainly.
"I... I went to him once. I was probably seven years old," Camyey said.
Sidge bent forward again, more fervor on his voice as he asked, "What did he do?"
"Well, he didn't want to do anything. He said it was best to leave it be. But my mom wanted it out. She couldn't have her little girl like to eat the muskrat. She didn't want me to go with that group who would more than likely end up at the evil Ziyvur temple near Michi's," Camyey explained looking down at the ground uneasily.
"Ah muskrats? That's nothing. You should try some squirrels," Sidge said on the edge of his seat fully grinning.
Camyey had picked up a bordering ascent into a grin, "It was peer pressure at the time. They all did become Monks at the Ziyvur temple, except me. I did try some more muskrat's down by the lake when I could catch them. Then my mom found out and went down on me so hard, I didn't dare try it again."
"I see why they wanted me to come down around here. Oh! Those son's of bitches, they wanted me to meet you," Sidge said rocking forward and leaning fully back into his chair, his paws and arms raised above his head.
I appeared back above Sidge and gave his belly a good slap grinning, "Very good!"
"You! You didn't leave. You spy," Sidge said clutching his belly laughing as the squirrels shifted around.
Camyey was stricken and stood up, "Um..."
"Oh Camyey, don't worry, I knew this before the fact," I said to her.
She looked around, "Well, you could have warned me. Oh get out!" She had an uneasy look about her as she ushered me out but before she got me to the door Sidge started calling after her, "He knows more than that. Ah, Camyey, it's okay!"
She sighed dropping her hands by my side and went back into the room her arms crossed in front of her. She started picking up the clothes again. I smiled, and opening the door, I passed outside. Odaira met me there. I put my arm around her and we passed Jaze who was standing with her back off to the side.
"Don't make it too hard for them," I told Jaze. She nodded and sighed, still looking ahead toward the front door and into the hut.
"If the burnout happens over time, for the audience and us, then what newness could we introduce?" I asked her.
"What newness? I'm a Ziyvur Goddess? You need to be asking Jaze?" She quickly offered back.
"So, Ziyvur does not have anything to do with vore," I asked her and facing the lake I summoned a large trout from it holding it squirming in my hands. Odaira looked at me oddly and I stepped toward her and gave the wriggling fish to her. She summoned a small badger, an otter, and a few mid-sized lizards the size of my hand. I summoned a raccoon and she stared at me as the animals she summoned squirmed in her arms.
"No way, you're not going to feed him to someone," Odaira complained.
I put the animals down and they were squirming away but looked past me and were sucked away past me through the air and into a waiting crystal Xizxok had raised.
"Saving something for later," Xixzok said and came up to us putting the crystal into a satchel bag he had across his back. Odaira approached him and presented her creatures she got and he sucked him in with another crystal.
"Just in time, you can be on the Thirteen person Trece band we are taking to see General Hedin," I said to him and walked past.
We joined the rest of them and Dream came to me, "Sidge is eating Camyey."
"Yes," Jaze said appearing.
"I will check on with them after sometime. Elders and others alike, we're only taking thirteen. I will go, Xixzok, Juir, Blae, Jyiri, Sidge, Camyey as tank support just in case. Jarges and then Doctor Michi which leaves four more," I told them.
"That's not very fair as we can't be included because we can always be there. Are you denying that?" Lady Explore pointed out.
"If I don't include myself then there's five more. How about ol' Deyli, Mr. Gibbens, Eckstal, Gesh. I'm not sure who the thirteenth will be?" I told them ignoring Lady Explore who didn't protest.
Jyiri had been listening next to Dream while whispering to Xelivi who had especially started to speak to him when I finished with the names, "No, Xelivi, I don't want to see you get hurt, especially with our one on the way. How about we have Deivon come along. He is such a handy porter and driver. We'll need a driver for a carriage right? Deivon is good, he even installed those little holders for you to put your goblets if you have a drink. He also did the paintings on the side of the carriage, did you know that. He's a good tracker too, when he puts his mind to it. You should have seen what he found out that one day, remember Xelivi when we found that old odd chest off the side of the road. That was that scarf you got out of that. Yeah, that looked good on you..." Jyiri continued on aloud toward us.
Everyone had turned toward Jyiri and slowly came back to me, "The fox driver. He is still addled from being eaten by me. He is still under your service Jyiri."
"Hey Deivon! Come here for a moment. Deivon! Yeah... yeah... bring those sacs with you so you can... yeah. Okay! Come here!" Jyiri shouted across the assembling caravan and army sprawled out around the north side. The whole of it had blocked most traffic from the north in a way that they were being asked to move out of the way by Cein.
Deivon the red fox driver I had eaten before, dressed as he was before in his brown vested, white shirt outfit joined us and though gave a few wary looks at me I waved to him, "Here he is. Um... despite what I did before. We do need one more person to go with us and since you would be the best, will you come with us to Caprice Castle?
"As long as you don't eat me without asking first?" He said outright causing Power to laugh outright and draw a few sniggers from Xixzok and smiles from Odaira.
"I won't." I said raising my paws above my shoulders and back down.

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