The One Called Blae

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I was largely disappointed with the way the proceedings were working out. Jyiri and his band had joined ours, but I was more disappointed by the prospect of what warpath we ran along. Lord Power, Lady Dream, and Lady Explore had very well assented to the idea to go to General Hedin. I had wanted to go and talk with him to determine in person what threat he was and to have him face everyone. I didn't want to attack him. I realized though, with the force we represented, the outlook was changed to a narrower tunnel. The idea to confront him and to take him down, with Lord All undecided and Glite backing Jyiri up, was approaching as the additional guests were.
Lady Dream and Lady Explore were still for the ousting of Jyiri but not by force, but Lord Power had taken over and brought Amaze, along with Jarges and a force of Ezens. Gia and Gilges had come with a small bunch of Lion tribe warriors. Jaze had returned to her father Wain and he had sent Warriors and they had just arrived. This coupled with Jyiri's guards, Michi with Juir bringing some Ziyvur fighting monks, and several other contingents that were being discussed to arrive, and we were going to have a considerable army.
We were loading a convoy of carriages and carts down with items and people. I came over to Lady Explore who was wandering about, jumping up to look around carts, she had started moving out of the edge of town and came back and had started discussing with Eckstal in depth about her in depth knowledge of the region, Eckstal was feverishly trying to make notes on the side of a nearby carriage with regular quill and ink bottle.
Jyiri and Lady Dream were having a laughing and joking conversation about any particular topic. I came up to Explore first and she stopped and I beckoned her to come with me and went over to Dream. Dream saw me come up but kept talking to Jyiri and Jyiri back with Xelivi breaking in talking a moment to Jyiri seeing us approach and Jyiri went walking off along the front cart.
"Can you tell me if I'm the only one that minds this much force? I thought we were going to negotiate with him first," I asked Dream and Explore in front of them.
"Why? We are still going to negotiate with him. We aren't going to senselessly send everyone in, of course," Lady Explore said.
"I want to hear him in First Form time make his intentions really known. Besides, Explore here wants to go show her friend Eckstal everything there is to be documented about this," Dream resounded and looked after Jyiri.
"You don't really care about Jyiri," Explore said.
"He has excellent appreciation for himself. That is all that concerns me and does not constitute to a war in this way. I told you all before Beliefs, Dreams, Wisdom is the only part that concerns me about others around him. This is the only reason and a great reason for war for us to approach him. We need to talk to him, tell him about it. He does have the ability to apply what he has learned, everyone tells him he needs to loosen up his grip," Dream explained.
"And he has learned only to continue with the ways he knows work. The information is there he can seek the Knowledge, explore the possibilities but he does not. Maybe we can convince him," Explore said.
"All of us, leaving this region unaccounted for?" Lord Power asked coming up to us.
"Ah, you're the cause of the war," Dream told him.
"This war is mine, I will march on Hedin and take him out of this area, annihilate his existence," He made an image of a map of the area appear in the air in front of him.
I spoke, "We are going to go ahead and talk..."
"Don't stop me now, we have so many creatures and nations lending their abilities to this. Even my Eliuser tribe and Xixzok with the newfound Ziyvur knights," Power complained.
Lord All appeared next to us bending in to listen to our close group we formed now, "The end has been planned. Glite is not happy. I again have assured him he will continue. However, I did not say with Hedin. It's time to put him to an end."
Odaira pulled me aside with Jaze and said to me in a whisper, although the remainder of the Elders could hear it and paused to do so, "Hedin finds full harsh vore to be very entertaining. He has Ziyvur on his call too."
"Of course my Raccoon and Cait. Hedin is a well learned creature," All said.
I felt a wave of changing energy and looked around for Sidge. He was not with us and I had noted that for some time. Lord Power looked around as well and then stopped and laughed outright. The rest noted this in turn what had happened to Sidge.
I could only smile as I found out where he was and I turned to Dream who responded with a smile, "A little love can give two creatures undying fervor."
"Oh but really, the audience loves the events to have a bit of vore in it," I responded.
"Sidge and Camyey will meet each other as planned. I see a little snacking involved," Lord Power said laughing.
"They will? I'm not pissed off, but I am angry with that idea? I don't know your plan but I can guess down to it. Is this cow-dragon species so worth it?" Explore complained.
"I think it will be divinely pleasant. The warm cooing pleasure of it. They will make such an outsiders mismatch, though. They will be adorable at everything else, at the bit of bright new love that I desire to enable every creature to have once," Dream said absently looking up toward the sky.
"You're not seriously considering? Oh Ias I'm getting upset you're even considering this... this blatant force. Dream? Oh no, she's even..." Explore started to protest but paused noticing her sister was gone, she crossed her arms and went back over by Eckstal glaring back over at me.
"It starts," Lord All grinned shrugging and vanished.
I joined Explore and Eckstal and Power came with me. I turned to Eckstal and nodded. Explore and Power looked at me then Explore surprisingly at Eckstal.
"Mr. Ias has given me the balanced scrolls of Hail Primus for my keeping until I read them and will turn over Karen Kavenshire, Ms. Explore. This is witnessed by Alan Cein, Mr. Power. The original balance was the five regions which were designated by keeping of the five powers, Dream, Power, Explore, All, and Itheone I' Ney, Mr. Ias. I already have affirmations with Yaslin Ian Juin Bin, Mr. All, and Ms. Meln Tene, Ms. Dream. The remaining affirmation I have with Power and Explore, Mr. Ias has included the deferment of at least one of you two are in agreement. Lady Dream and Lord Ias have entered in a sub-agreement to the central lands respective to the parent agreement, of the Belly Mountains.
The scrolls of balance in summation say that each region is independently governed by the designated region holder, Lord Power to North, Lady Explore to the South, Lord all to the west and east. Lady Dream has deferred again to the Central Region, Ias has deferred to this region as well. Is this reconfirmed?" Eckstal dictated, as she moved over to a nearby cart, and retrieving a golden embroidered scroll from a red leather satchel she unraveled it.
"It was in Primeon all this time. Why didn't you ever let me see it?" Lady Explore spoke snatching it out of a surprised Eckstal's paws.
"Seriously, I gave you all the benefit of the doubt to your ability to keep to yourselves unless you wanted to share. Lord All and Lord Power had allowed each other to go between the lands and Lord All had let Glite have this opportunity while he went elsewhere. Lord All has deferred and agreed in his usual way. Now, Lord Power, because of Lord Power and how he is wants to have his North Land back just for the battles that will result," I told them.
"Exactly, and I affirm so unless Lady Explore has something drastic to admit. Let me get on with my war," Power stated raising his wings up and out and back down.
"Not at all, I want to add another chapter into the study of my brother here: What makes a clock explode?" Lady Explore retorted.
"I had agreed to let you go 'talk' to him. I will give yooouuuu... three pillar passes to meet and talk with him," Lord Power grumbled.
"Three pillar passes? I was intending to take some of his subjects to talk with him, mainly Jyiri. Can I have seven?" Lady Explore said.
"Ahhhh... fuck! Fine, seven, but that's it," Lord Power snapped.

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