Ziyvuris and Gryphonsense

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My head was up against something soft and cushy, throbbing and swaying. It was a large mass and had fur because I felt it up against the sides of my face. I noticed that the throbbing and swaying wasn't the only life about it. I felt parts of it push into my back, then my head all intermittently touching certain parts of my body. My eyes were closed; I was only feeling what I felt through touch.
I heard muffled sound and a gurgle and my eyes went open. I remembered quickly where I was. Odaira had her own penthouse to where we had retreated after the ordeal. I was able to walk but she could not and had the stonitions hoist her up to the elevator. The Stonitions were strong creatures with their size.
"Mmmm" I heard the sound come from her muzzle as well as down through her body. The gurgly contents of her abdomen were still squirming actively, slightly violent at times, but made for a great massage for me.
I looked forward again at the darkened room and my eyes immediately adjusted without concentration. We were in her bedroom; on a double king size four poster bed with pinkish sheets and covers. I couldn't see directly forward because my own swimming tummy was in the way. The mass had many sensations enumerating through my body and since I had no need for digestion, they were trapped guests.
They would slowly vanish, though not too quickly so as to give the full effect of digestion. They were mere illusions when down to it. Michi did not want to expend so much effort on living things and Odaira knew better than to make the effect everlasting. But, the living things were still for acquisition if wanted. One just ordered them at the bars or from the Servers that went about the casino getting drinks. The guests didn't know the difference with the illusions until it became time to deposit the wastes from the previous night's eating.
Odaira was the exception for the spindleday and dusknight. She had Wovelmlos, and the four Saynajaus from the dusknight before but they were gone, absorbed back into the Art of Synth that was the Vore Synth.
The official name was Ziyvur. The Synth was also named Ziyvur. The titles they each had when involved with the Ziyvur were both a title of accomplishment and of ability, sometimes followed by a degree. The amount of creatures packed in equaled the title achieved. The title's degree was relevant to the amount of energy stipend off what was engorged upon.
Odaira moved onto her side which made her big belly move over and push me slightly over. I reached back over my shoulders and started massaging her belly. Odaira gave another mmmm in her sleep and brought a paw over her top side and to the lower part of her belly and left it there. I brought my hands back down and looked at the room again. It was very similar to Michi's bedroom except it was even more so enchanted to resemble the stomach of a creature. It even felt to sway visibly. The door to my left and the right of the far side of the room was the outlet sphincter, pylorus. The entry door to the opposite end was shaped to resemble the inlet. Then I looked in front of me and sat slowly up to see over my belly at the far mirror reflecting warmly on how I looked in it my brown furred paunch. At the other side of the bed and room from the mirror I remember was a large round table and chairs stained brown oak. Near the entry door was a slight armoire which Odaira hung her Synthician robes.
I looked up and into her furry face smiling and I came and lay facing her cuddling up next to her. I made sure her belly pressed into mine and mine into hers and brought an arm up over her body and closed my eyes again, going into a meditative state. I didn't have any reason for sleep. Absolute forms really only meditated as I did. This was more so for the pure reason to meditate but was still not necessary for any function.
Into the deepness surrounding the existence of things, there exists a profound place within. In this place, one's existence was defined separate from that which created such things. This spark, this light within each and every existing piece stood as a pillar against that which created it. Should the creator destroy that object of creation, the object is not truly destroyed. The object is different from what it was but still there just as that spark which was at the core of its definition.
Time passed far along the stream with which it passes. There I was, same as I was, still with Odaira. She wasn't as large and as such was not stuffed with creatures but she was there still sleeping next to me but we weren't sleeping on anything. Then she woke up and sat up. Details filtered in again to stone walls, not pink and gray floor. There were shattered bureaus and chests of drawers along the wall and shattered doors leading in and out. We weren't on a four poster bed, we were back in Primeon.
"What happened?" Odaira's voice was of the reserved bordering panic.
I looked around, "I am going to talk with Debacho and the Guardians here. Then I'll be back and we'll go back to the Casino."
"I'm due to the Ziyvur temple before mid stream," Odaira remarked coming a little out of her uneasiness.
"Then you can practice here. Let me see about some Qizards," I remarked to her.
She blinked, "Wow, those little things."
A Qizard was the Gnome of Lizards in that it was no wider than two paws together and not much taller than a paw and a half. They had larger heads than bodies. The ones that were still in Primeon were designed as they were, biologically engineered constructs based on Gnome technology. These creatures essentially were crossed with Gnomes and Dwardras. The result was unique. Michi had taken several of them into his own care trying to keep them mostly away from the 'experiments' the gnomes and dwarves had performed on them. They picked up his Vore and Corpulent interests and Michi re-engineered them with his Stonition concepts to immunity from acid.
When Michi left, he put them into stasis and they were not very happy about it. I had released them and they were very good creatures to patrol the place.
Sedas did not take well to them as, while I phased back and forth to Primeon, they had been wandering around the big dragon down in the caverns and the one of them crawled into her throat. The others soon pursued and she had ten of them crawling about inside her stomach. Sedas took offense to them since they were giving her indigestion.
Redalis, Zeck, and Slas thought well of them so coaxed them out.
I had told them in advance I was going to come back in one of the bedrooms on the third floor. They had no names but numbers so I referred to them as Qizard, until I could name them or otherwise. I could tell them apart but Odaira could not.
One found us then the others soon came and were jumping up onto the bed and talking with us. They were mature in their sense but knew not much about the world so came on as little children at times. Odaira was reserved at first but when I was getting ready to teleport downstairs, she had one sitting on her big mound of a belly. The others lounged around or against her or stood talking around her on the bed. She then had grabbed the one on her belly and brought it closer to her face. Just when I was about to teleport, the creature hugged her around the muzzle.
I came into the southwest meeting room, unnoticed, during a meeting that was already going on. A shadow of a humanoid was floating on the top of the table with Debacho nearest it as well as a few other sprites. Nellms, Elaejia, Zeck, Slas, and Redalis were all there. I joined them sitting down in a chair and the shadowy apparition went on in a deep raspy voice:
"The disarray that has ensued from the attacks by the gryphons have crippled our defense. However, an opportunity presents itself. There is a breach of their encroachment to the south. Our best efforts would be concentrated there to try discouraging the main force."
"Define favorable outcome, Falderal," Debacho said floating up off his chair he was standing on.
"They all die," Falderal's voice took an even lower octave with that statement.
"That'll do," Debacho remarked with a devilish grin.
I stood up grinning on my own, "No, that most certainly won't do."
The assembly all jumped except the sprits and demon, Falderal.
"Alternative?" Falderal asked me his light orbs for eyes, the only other feature about him, glowing fierce red.
"Some may end up perishing. You will need to get to the leader's gryphon family. Then it'll collapse. There's really no central leadership other than that. Get Kuandi," I suggested.
"Sem," Falderal said starting to fade out.
"Alive, unharmed," I added.
"Sem," Falderal phased back in to remark giving a nod while bringing his arm across his chest. He started to fade back out.
"They are trying to come down into the tower," Sko remarked fading in beside me.
"Where's Vigaush?" I asked looking around.
"Heh, he's squawking at them, trying to make them think twice," Redalis chuckled.
"There's really not much 'we' can do is there?" Zeck asked sluggishly. He looked tired to me but I knew it was oversleep.
"Oh no, you two can go out the front and scout from the ground. Go walk around the perimeter. Watch out for the Shykes and the Gryphons," I told them.
Zeck yawned but Slas looked about with gleaming eyes and alertness, mouth slightly open. I turned to Nellms and Elaejia and Nellms shrugged, "I figure we both could destroy half the force before we get taken down."
"Oooo don't talk about it like that," Elaejia scolded.
"Okay then, and Debacho," I responded coming to look upon him.
"Yes," Debacho responded coming to strict attention.
"I don't know what you're going to do." I said stifling a chuckle.
Debacho gave a grimace, "Alright..."
"He could probably help with the regular defenders," Sko said coming out of the group of Sprites already present.
"Oh oh yeah, you do that Debacho," I told him.
Debacho brightened at the statement and vanished so I turned to the Masprits except Sko addressing them, "You'll do the same."
"Zeck and Slas," I turned to them and Zeck was dreamy eyed but awake. Slas was the usual, more attentive than Zeck.
"Scouting, maybe," Zeck responded in an even tone with a sigh.
"No, we're going to go see a gryphie," I reported upbeat.
Slas snapped out of his sleepy swoon, "Oh really?"
"Yes, we fly," I told them.
"Hey I can't fly?" Slas vocaled abruptly after nodding in agreement at Zeck.
"Ah don't worry about that," I told the two.
"Wait, where are you going?" Slas asked.
"I am going to visit someone. You two can go on outside," I responded remotely opening the doors and portcullises that lead to the outside of Primeon and Mt. Belone.
"Who's this you're going to see?" Zeck protested.
"A friend. Now get going, you'll see me sometime soon," I responded and phased out back at Odaira's room.
The raccoon was in the midst of ingesting what looked like to be the last of the Qizards. She had her muzzle and gullet through her mouth opened toward me when she swallowed. The Qizard I saw down in the pink long folded gullet disappeared as her throat moved and the folds came over concealing it. The motion actively pushed up her belly adding to the big mound of fur that pushed up into the air from the bed.
She looked at me giving a hiccup followed by a muffled 'wheee' from her belly. She patted it and looked over at me with dribble coming out of her mouth and slobbering said to me, "I ya... I ya... ha ha... I didn't think... ha ha heee heee... they would tickle me from inside like that... ha ha... they tingle... umph but it feels like a tickle... hee hee."
"Are you having fun?" I asked her.
"Eh... ha ha... mmm..." She went to massaging her belly for a few moments enough to be able to conjure up a big pillow which she propped up behind her head.
"We will be returning to Michi's Casino after while," I told her, unable to keep beaming at her in a pleasant miasma.
"Wasn't Michi going to the Ziyvur Temple soon though?" Odaira asked through closed eyes and an even sigh, opening her eyes at the end to look at me.
"No, I took you back in time, we're way before we even went to the casino," I told her.
She couldn't jump up quickly but stirred and turned her belly toward me. Additional sounds of sloshing and muffled rumblings and various round extensions big or small appeared pushing out from inside her belly. Her belly moved around on its own way visibly from the distance I stood. She stopped and made an ooo but spoke to me half languidly, "How is that possible... mmmm... what kind of creature are you? You're not just a regular Jackalope are you?"
I stared at her with a smirk, "What do you think I am?"
"Something great? Let me see..." She rubbed her belly as I said that and brought crackling power to a free paw and gestured at me. Nothing happened as a result so she poured on the power making one side of her with the free arm and paw shimmer. When the effort still didn't work she poured even more power making one side of her body shine brightly. Her belly was reduced to a bit of pudginess but she was no close to making me do what she wanted me to do.
"Resistant to accelerated synth effects. I just thought you were a synthician sent by the Saynajaus. They are a little more respectful than the regular assassins," Odaira merred getting up off the bed.
She patted her smaller belly with a disappointment. I made a small gray bear furry anthropomorphic doll come onto my hand and it came fully alive and real trying to squirm away. Odaira happily opened her maw and I fed her the creature whole. She swallowed it with the outline of it appearing in her throat until it met her shoulder line and came into her belly. Then I put my hands on her belly and felt it move slightly and it gurgled so we both chuckled.
I teleported us up into the lower west peaks of Mt. Belone, settling into a slight depression of a basin between the peaks. Through the V in the outer peaks I could make out the smaller mountains below and the gryphons poised and flying around there. Some flew toward and onto Mt. Belone below which resulted in a group of shadows coming alive from the mountain and striking at them. Each time this happened, they retreated and circled while more came in to attack.
"So, how shall it happen," I responded with red energy coming onto my left paw.
"How shall what happen?" Odaira asked still dreamy.
I raised the paw with power up and a flash of red erupted. When it cleared, several gryphons were below dead, dashed upon the rocks. The sudden action made the gryphons break off for a moment in a squawking frenzy.
I brought more crimson power to my paw saying to Odaira, "The way I kill them is brought out rather than blinking and making them all dead. A certain preservation of life must be equated even amongst the total destruction, so thinks some first forms. In the field of police enforcement of this kind, we call this an attention getter. A few of the rest can dwell in your belly in the folds of your raccoon stomach. How does that sound?"
"Do they taste like chicken?" The raccoon asked saliva dribbling from her mouth.
I nodded with a smile at her and struck out my paw at a flying gryphon and lassoed it yanking back with a line of power. My yanking ripped it out of its flight abruptly knocking it into a daze. I just kept roping it in and soon took off the power because I had it between my paws vaguely dazed, jerking and wavering.
Odaira came over and took the gryphon, easily the size if not larger than her and looked over at me commenting, "I have eaten bigger, you know."
I smiled light heartedly as she opened her jaws onto it. The whole aura around us seemed to slow allowing me to take in every bit and piece of her ingestive action. First in her was the beak that oversized her mouth, and inch by inch, expulsion by expulsion, of the size of her gullet to her tummy. Her gulping made her tummy grumble. The air could've been full of pure energy around us, a higher sense which the Ziyvur gave made Odaira leap to a newer high in her awareness just through eating a creature that was average to the ones she had eaten. I could've joined her on that level but I was higher than it and far more elated by the vorephilia scene she was making. Yet, I could be happy for her as this was probably the best moment in her anthropomorphic Raccoon life as far as vore went. Though, it was still quite an elevated point for her in her Raccoon life alone.
I snapped back to regular 1/4 time from 1/1 beat time as a mass of gryphons of various shapes and sizes and of various colors were pouring over us. Odaira was still in the midst of stuffing herself of the gryphon. She stared wide eyed at the mass and started to move to eject the gryphon. I motioned her to desist while I said aloud, "Where's Sidge when he's needed? This may outdo what he's done already."
Odaira looked at me puzzled but I was already flying through the air at the next moment toward the mass of gryphons.

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