2-In 500 years

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You're probably wondering. How we did it?
How we managed to remain excluded from the world? How we grabbed the necessities? How we fed ourselves? How we familiarised ourselves with normal stuff and constant adaptations?

To be frank, I don't really know how we did it. Granted we did know English, before in Opentam.

We travelled to countries using boats. Strangely enough, we didn't even come across any harsh weathers. Whenever we needed food, we'd happen to come across an abandoned loft or house.

I feel like the world would give us stuff. Maybe because we were unnatural to the planet. We hardly ran into anybody or anything. We'd get lucky.

Depends on your definition of luck. Doesn't it.

To be honest the world seemed to help us a lot. Not symbolically but literally. Because we were foreign to the planet- time just worked differently. We would wake up, unaware that it had been 100 years since we last kept count because it didn't feel like it. It felt like a year.

Not to mention that we barely ran into any humans, faced harsh weathers or ran out of supply. It was really weird.

In 500 years a lot changes. The hardest was just the convenience and acceptance. Our fate was a ping pong ball that couldn't be stopped. To lose our powers, then finally after we'd accepted it, to gain them. It was rough. A lot of people like change. Some people hate it.
I hate it. It's inevitable.


The sky was slate grey and the sun hung meagrely like a ball attached to string. The Wispy dust smothered the air; engulfing everything it deemed worthy.

The day started normal.

Lexi tended to her frail beauty, secretly compensating for her lack of remorse.

Lexi has gorgeous locks of hair, that was normally curled. Just like Kai, she has a blonde tinge to it.
Her eyes are the same blue. We all have blue eyes.

She has a cream coloured face with perfectly chiselled features. Her nose is pointed. Her lips are sized to the point, where it's not too big yet not too small. She has big eyes, that are rich with colour. Lexi is, as you call it, a barbie doll.
She was round in the middle and a bit chunky- like fat.

So like I said before, a beautiful barbie doll.

Lexi is an Electrine. (Pronounced 'e-e-n')
Whats an Electrine? You may ask.

Despite having the same blood coursing through our veins. The reason we have different magical abilities, is because we have different blood components.

Lexi possesses electrical abilities.
Since we don't use our powers, we've rarely seen what she can do. Once, Lexi accidentally sent sparks flying from her ears. Aunt Carol was fuming, as one of them accidentally shocked Stiles.

We don't really know how and why we had different powers. Maybe it could've had something to do with genetics. We could never find out as Carol would refuse to talk about our parents and Opentam.
Kai got ready for school, following his endless, boring routine.

As Jess silently studied, Stiles was still sleeping. He was always weak.

I was also asleep. Dreaming flashbacks that I had no control over.

See throughout the last century, we often dreamt about Imperium. We remember the purple tint that submerged the whole planet, while the golden moon interrogated the icy sun.

We remember the chartreuse grass that blanketed the spongy, surface.

We barely remembered the delicate face of our mother, who's love shattered through the cracks of our once ideal life.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu