"Merlin?" he tried to call, but his voice was strangled and nearly silent. He cleared his throat before calling out again, head swiveling to take in his surroundings. It took another moment before he found the energy to stand up, bracing an arm against a tree for support.

Arthur made sure he could stand on his own before calling, "Merlin!" again, taking some stumbling steps forwards. He eventually managed to walk normally, calling Merlin's name a few more times.

"Merlin. This isn't funny. Come out from wherever you're hiding," Arthur said, his tone serious. He spun slowly in a circle, realizing slowly that he had been holding his breath. "Merlin."

There was still no response from the forest, just the sounds of birds singing and a storm cracking in the distance. Arthur clenched his jaw, spinning in a slow circle again. "Mer-- Merlin, I'm serious. This isn't a joke. I need you to come out now. I'm not going to hurt you-- Nothing's going to happen. I need you."

And still no response. Arthur walked slowly through the forest.

Hours passed by. The storm rolled in.

Arthur was still out in the forest.

"Merlin... Please..."


Leon slammed his hands on the table, dropping his head, chin hitting his chest. The other knights were surprised to see the usually calm knight so angry, as he seemed to be.

"What. Do. You. Mean--" he inhaled sharply-- "You didn't find Arthur? How could you have not?" Leon snarled, staring at Quentin, who usually guarded Arthur's doors.

Quentin held his hands up in a nearly placating way, but he narrowed his eyes at Leon. "What else am I supposed to mean? We couldn't find him! Vince and I were searching everywhere-- Our parties must have scoured the entirety of Camelot's forests," he said, tone cold as he eyed Leon.

"Oh, did you now? Then how come you didn't find Arthur? It's been two days." Leon leaned further over the table, practically hissing at Quentin.

Quentin arched an eyebrow at Leon. "I know that. I've been out in that storm for two days," he retaliated, hissing right back at Leon.

"Where is Vince, anyways?" a knight asked from Quentin's left, drawing Leon's attention.

"With Gaius. His horse went down, breaking his leg," Quentin explained, his voice still cold. His eyes were still focused on Leon, like he blamed the older knight for his friend's injury.

Leon ignored Quentin's stare. "Get a day of rest. The search parties will go back out tomorrow. I'll add an extra knight to both groups, and set up a third group."

"You're leaving Camelot practically defenseless, Leon. We're probably not going to find Arthur until the storm has passed," Quentin said, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

"Then you'd best hope the storm is over by tomorrow." With that, Leon stalked out of the room, vanishing into the extensive maze of the castle.


Arthur stumbled into a village, looking around. Luckily for him, the rain seemed to have lightened up a bit, not hammering down on the forest below like it was trying to beat it into submission. He thought he recognized the buildings, but he couldn't be sure due to the damage some of them had received and the mud that was everywhere.

A man came up to him, holding a pitchfork and looking suspicious. "Who're you," he said, in a surprisingly soft voice.

Arthur stared at the man for a moment before responding. "I'm Arthur. I'm looking for someone named Merlin."

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