Epilogue- It Has Only Just Begun

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That's what Pastor Nick had called my sister and me the day before yesterday when I had accompanied Hange upon the wall to question him about what we had discovered and instead of answering our questions, he had turned his fanatical eyes at me and started spouting nonsense.

"Alright, you wanna tell me what's going on?" Hange had challenged the wall priest after she had dragged him on top of the wall to question him about the shocking discovery we had made when Annie had damaged the wall revealing a colossal skinless Titan face inside, sending us all for a loop.

"Why the Titan? What's the purpose? What on earth is the point of having one hidden inside the wall?" Hange had rambled off question after question as I had tried to comprehend what the hell was going on, "And why chose to keep it a secret?"

Pastor Nick had remained silent as he knelt on his hands and knees peering over the wall down upon the large sheet of cloth we had used to hide the Titan from the sun and the unknowing citizens of Stohess like a man at prayer, which I had found out of place considering he should have been cowering in fear not worshipping.

"I need answer Pastor, and I'm gonna need them right now" Hange had pressed, but instead of getting any answers, the wall priest had jumped to his feet and began flapping his gums.

"I don't have time for this nonsense! My flock has been devastated! I demand restitution! Do you know who I am?" Pastor Nick had ranted with his delusions of self-importance, and I had begun to lose my temper.

"Then why don't you tell us instead of avoiding the subject entirely and you can be on your way" I had snapped and had been confused at seeing the look of fear spread across Pastor Nick's face at noticing it was I who had spoken.

"You! Stay away!" Pastor Nick had wailed as he backed away from me, hastily, "I have nothing to say to that... that...-"

"That is Rian Sparhawke, and he helped save your life today." Hange had chastised as she stepped in-between the wall priest and me, shooting confused looks between the two of us.

"I know his name! Him and his sister's!" Pastor Nick had shrieked as he took another step back, his eyes never once leaving me as he had done so.

"You have me at a loss then sir because I don't seem to recall ever meeting you" I had informed the Pastor as I had taken a step forward, "So why don't we-"

"Stay back, Abomination! The very air you breathe is a sin! You and your vile murderous sister both are monstrous violations against our Lord!" Pastor Nick had spat before he had turned on Hange with wild eyes, "You! I demand you let me down from this wall at once!"

"Will straight down do the trick!" Hange had exploded as she grabbed the front of Pastor Nick's clothing and forced him to hang precariously on the edge of the wall, having had enough of his wailing and insults. I wish I could say that I was appalled at her actions, but after I had heard him call Aurora vile, I had been happy to see the fear in his eyes.

"Do you have any concept of how many scouts have laid down their lives fighting these monsters? More than you can count! They died fighting for your right to live and the soldiers who your calling abominations, they were with them, willing to lay down their own lives too so you could live out your shitty existence in peace! Now you can either explain what is happening here or take the plunge, your choice, I can always move on to the next blowhard. Matter of fact they probably know more than you anyway, why am I bothering!?" Hange had bellowed as she had feigned letting the Pastor go to shock him into talking.

"Let go! Unhand me!" Pastor Nick had demanded, his eyes had been wide as he had stared down at the drop below him.

"That's kind of what I had in mind!" Hange had sneered, and the Pastor had replied with the last thing I had expected him to.

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