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The sweet release of violence was like a balm to my raging soul. They would pay every last one of them, and with the strength of the gods that flowed in my veins, I would exact my vengeance. Every last Titan would suffer as countless humans had and their reign would come toppling down by my hand.

This isn't your world, not anymore.

Tearing steaming flesh apart with my bare hands was the truest freedom I had ever known, and I wasn't going to give it up. Not when it felt like this. Reaching the next Titan I shoved my fist through its open mouth and basked in the thrill of the kill.

I'll kill every last one of you.

It ended too quickly; the kill had not been as drawn out as I had intended. Screaming in frustration, I began to stomp on the steaming pile of bloody pulp.

Get up! Get up and let me kill you again and again and again.

Your mine all of you. Your all gonna die.


"Eren?" Armin's soft voice shook me from my deep slumber, and a pounding headache began to dominate my senses.

That was a hell of a dream.

The dark vision drifted away as I came to my surroundings slowly. Armin was supporting my body upright with a look of pure fear on his face and standing in front of us with a protective stance, Mikasa upheld her withdrawn blades as she too looked back at me with a face of fear.

Why are they afraid?

"You alright?" Mikasa asked nervously and looking past her, it was easy to see why. Backed into the corner of a large square, we were surrounded the Garrison regiment and their arsenal all directed at the three of us. My heart began to race at the terrifying display before me and the look of hatred and fear on those soldier's face sent an unpleasant feeling down my spine.

What was happening?!

"Look at me Eren" Armin pleaded as he roughly shook me to pull my attention to him,  his eyes darted around the square. "Hey can you move? Can you hear me? Say something! Listen, you've got to tell them everything! They're terrified, but they will understand" 

What was going on? Why are we surrounded?

"Armin ... what?" I stammered in confusion, I didn't know what he wanted me to tell them and how could I when I don't even know how we got here!

"Did you catch that, he said we're all going to die!" someone snarled "There is not much else you can make of that. Son of a bitch wants to eat us! You watch!"

When had I said that? I didn't want to eat anyone, that didn't make any sense. What the hell are they talking about? Why are all their blades pointed at us? Those are meant for taking down Titans not to be used on people. 

I could feel myself beginning to lose my calm. I needed to breathe, but I also needed to know what the hell was going on. I couldn't stop my stomach turning as I took in all of the snarling faces directed at with deranged looks as if they  were terrified of me. Why couldn't I understand what was happening and why was my head hurting so damn much?!

"Cadets Eren Yaeger, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Alert! The three of you have jointly committed an act of high treason! Whether or not a swift execution is at hand depends on you!" Captain Woerman threatened.


"Any attempt to move from where you stand now, anything I deem the least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire. Do not test me!" the Captain warned again. "Answer carefully! Eren Yaeger what exactly are you?! Human or Titan?"

The Birth of FreedomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon