When All Things Are Said And Done

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Stroking my horse's mane, I tried to calm the storm within. I had spent most of this morning listening to Oluo bitch on and on about the Sparhawkes and their actions during the Titan experiment, and my patience was nearing its end. It had been even more frustrating because when I had gone to collect Eren with my squad, I was informed that Aurora and Rian had been given duties by Erwin, so not only had I listened to Oluo bitch on, I now was deprived of Aurora on Erwin's account.  

It had been over three days since we were last alone together and the frustration I felt from not having her near was beyond a joke. Had it just been about needing to bed her, I would have taken myself in hand, but it wasn't just about the sex, I needed her physically close to me, in my arms preferably.

Once I am free, I will find her.

Sighing I forced myself back to the present as my squad, including Eren, all huddled around Gunther as he explained our version of the plan.

"They will only have our backs until we are clear of the city ruins, everything after will be uninterrupted Titan territory and we will be more or less on our own. The only thing to fall back on out there is commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation, and the Sparhawkes" Gunther said as he directed Eren to the plans before him, "The special ops squad will be positioned here, behind the centre rank. Even the horses don't get such fine treatment."

"Which is why it makes no sense for Aurora and Rian to be with us and not in the vanguard. Aren't their special abilities useless to us if they aren't spotters?" Eld asked as he directed his gaze towards me.

"Yes, but if the formation is compromised, they will know before any Titans reach us. It an effective failsafe to protect Eren." I explained somewhat annoyed, this was obvious information that shouldn't need explaining.

"Just Eren?" Oluo snarked and my eyes hardened as they snapped to him, making Oluo visibly swallow in fear.

"Get to where you're going with this" I drawled, "We don't have all day."

"Aurora would have taken us out had we not backed down." Oluo accused with his eyes full of anger and I had to fight not to roll my own at his childishness.

What did he expect? Aurora to roll over and let him kill her kid brother, because that was going to happen.

"She was just protecting me." Eren defended, his chest puffing proudly as he protected his sister's honour.  

"I don't care if she was protecting you, I want to know why she turned on us!" Oluo demanded, and my finally temper spiked.

"Then use your brain!" I snapped as the words fell from my mouth without meaning to. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself before I let on how much Oluo's low perception of Aurora was affecting me.

"Captain?" Petra asked uncertainly and letting my gaze pass over Eld, Oluo and Gunther I saw the same confusion on all of their faces marred with hurt at their perceived betrayal by Aurora and Rian.

Fuck it, they want to know so badly then I will tell them .

"If you want to know why Aurora stood against you, then use your brain." I said with a hint of derision in my tone, "I find it hard that soldiers I hand selected for my team are struggling to grasp the concept of why one of their own would stand against them for a boy she grew up with."

"She did it to protect Eren," Gunther said as he crossed his arms over his chest, still missing the point entirely. 

I'm surrounded by idiots.

The Birth of FreedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora