I Am Hers and She is Mine

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No sooner had Aurora and I left the gates of Trost on our mounts had rain began to drizzle, and the sound of thunder had clapped through the air, signalling the coming storm, just like the old witch had said. 

Fucking soothsayers.

Pushing our horses with all we had, we attempted to outrun the storm to no avail and found ourselves caught in the downpour when the heavens finally opened. The wind beat against my face as I struggled to keep my eyes open while I scanned the area, we couldn't be far from the Survey corps training outpost, maybe it would be best to make ways there and wait out the storm. 

Glancing over to Aurora, I made up my mind when I saw her sodden appearance and fast paling complexion hidden beneath her drenched cloak and bringing my horse close to hers, I leaned over and grabbed her reins to guide Kano towards where I knew the outpost stood.

"We will catch our death in this!" I shouted over the wind, "We aren't far from an outpost we can use!"

Riding with all haste, I lead us to the small cabin and stables nestled at the base of a small hill in the ass-end of nowhere and dismounting quickly, I guided our horses into the stables before securing their reins and collecting our bags. Aurora had already dismounted as I secured the reigns and had raced to the cabin door, disappearing inside. 

Following her, I entered the cold cabin and hastily closed the door to shelter us from the storm. Dust layered the sparse furniture, showing that no one had been here for a while and scanning the room, I located the fireplace at the centre of the room before racing over to check for wood. A sigh of relief passed my lips as fresh wood had been stack by whichever soldier had the foresight to lay fresh wood in the pit after their stay.

"We use this house sometimes on training exercises," I said as I searched for matches to light the fire "It should be adequate until the storm passes."

Aurora gave no answer and stood in the middle of the cabin watching me with her lips slightly parted. Rainwater began to pool at her feet as she watched me rush around with dark eyes. Had she gone into shock from the cold? Quickly locating the matches, I rushed to the fireplace and set a small fire before stripping off my cloak and turning to Aurora to take hers.

"We need to get you out of that cloak" I urged as my numb fingers pulled at the clasps of her brown cloak and unclipping the garment, Aurora allowed the sodden material to fall to the fall with a thud, never once taking her hooded eyes from my face.

That isn't the look of shock.

"Why are you looking at me that?" I whispered as stirring began in my groin at the intent of her gaze. Stepping closer, Aurora gently cupped my face and gently brushed her lips against mine before deepening the kiss and my hands instantly tangled into her damp hair, enjoying the feel between my fingers. Breaking the kiss, Aurora rested her forehead against mine, her mismatched eyes boring into my grey ones with burning desire. 

"I want..." Aurora trailed off seductively as she ran her nose against mine and my mind faltered as I felt myself harden in response to her words. Heat stirred in the pit of my stomach the longer her bold eyes gazed longingly into mine and standing as close as she was, I could feel the heat radiating from her drenched form.

Tracing a finger shyly along my chest, where the soaked material of clung, Aurora watched me with a raw expression on her face and lifting my hand, I tilted her chin upwards so I could gaze in the very eyes that haunted my dreams as I searched for any sign of doubt at her truly wanting this.

Reaching out her hand as if about to touch, Aurora hesitated with her fingertips hovering just over my heart. Uncertainty flickered across her flushed expression, and my heart dropped in understanding.

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