Preface - Hunted

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Grisha Jaeger sat in the corner of the crowded tavern with a small smile on his face. The raven-haired waitress was dancing across the floor, serving her patrons and Grisha watched her enthralled. It was in these moments he could forget about his burdens and pretend he was a normal man smiling at a pretty woman.

The pretty woman in question looked up and meeting Grisha's eye, she gave him a wide smile that lit up her entire face. Blushing deeply, Carla bit her lip before she opened her mouth as if to say something when a huge figure blocked her from Grisha's view. Looking up in irritation, Grisha saw a tall man with large mismatched eyes staring down at him with a sinister grin and a shiver of dread ran down his spine. 

"Doctor Jaeger is it? May I sit?" The large man sat in the nearest chair before Grisha could answer, making himself comfortable.

"Yes, I am Grisha Jaeger, can I help you with something?" Grisha offered while sipping on his own ale and subtly peering back at Carla who was once again dancing across the tavern with a smile on her face, hoping she would stay away from this man.

"In a way I suppose you can" the man gruffly replied and Grisha's eyes snapped back to him.

"What do you mean?" Grisha gazed quizzically at the tall man as he puzzled over his words.

Assessing him now, Grisha placed the man in his late fifties if the lines on his face were any indicator and his frame was solid and radiated a strength that was surprising for a man his age. His mostly white hair boasted some patches of soft red, but most strange of all was his eyes. One an evergreen, full of colour, the other the palest of greys. Their stark contrast unsettling, especially when they stared into his own green eyes as they were now.

"I know what you are." The tall man smiled and Grisha's heart stopped. Eyes snapping to Carla, who was filling pints at the bar and then back to the man in front of him, A single drop of sweat ran down Grisha's temple as he tried to remain calm.

"Yes, a Doctor" Grisha replied slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements.

He can't know. No one inside the walls knows. Can Carla hear this?

"You mistake me Grisha. Can I call you Grisha?" the tall man smiled sympathetically, "I'm not here to threaten you. Walls only know the things you've seen and done to get to where we are now, and I don't mean to add to the burdens you undoubtedly have"

No he can't know, this is some elaborate joke. HE CAN'T KNOW!

"See the thing is Grisha I'm not like other people, a little like yourself in that regard though I don't claim to be able to do the things you can do" the tall man scoffed as Grisha stared at him in disbelief.

This is impossible!

Jumping from his seat, Grisha grabbed the large man's arm and hauling him out the tavern as on lookers gawked at the aggressive display. The smell of stale piss filled Grisha's nose the moment he left the public house but he kept moving onwards until he saw an alley and pulled the tall man down it until he was sure they could not be overheard.

"I don't know who you think I am but your mistaken! I am a doctor and nothing more!" Grisha hissed as his eyes darted around the area, searching every shadow for enemies. 

"A doctor who can shift into a Titan but yes, a Doctor none the less." The tall man smiled conspiratorially. Grabbing the man by the throat, Grisha forced him back against the alley wall, ready to crush his windpipe if he uttered another word.

"Who are you, and what do you want with me!?" Grisha snarled, his green eyes filled with fear.

In an instance, the tall man moved and Grisha found their roles reversed. The man had managed to spin Grisha and slam him into the alley wall but rather than grab his throat as Grisha had done to him, the large man placed a hand on Grisha's shoulder. Pale moonlight shone through the clouds upon them both, making the tall man's eyes appear even more unnatural as Grisha stared wide-eyed in shock.

How did he...?

"My name is Rowan Sparhawke, and I need your help. I swear to never tell a soul of your secret, and I will tell you everything I know, but first, I desperately need your help. I don't know how else to keep them safe." Rowan's voice broke as he let go of Grisha's shoulder. Stepping back, the large man slumped against the wall sighing into the darkness as he ran a hand through his unruly hair, eyes cast towards the stars. 

Them? who is he talking about and how does he know? If he knows how many others know? How do I find the coordinate if I'm exposed?

"How did you know?" Grisha whispered as he too slumped against the alley wall, knowing that he was at this man's mercy one way or another. 

"That you can take that form? I knew you were different the moment I saw you; I can't really explain it. I just know the nature of things. I followed you from the market and saw you shift in the woods. You're not the only one, but you already know that don't you. I can help you find the Founder" Rowan offered as he straightened his body and Grisha's face betrayed his secrets as he stared in shock.

What are the chances of that? Could he really know where the coordinate is? He could have told anyone about me, and they could have taken me, but he didn't. Why?

"I can help you, but I need your help in return. Please just let me show you, let me explain" Rowan's hand grabbed onto Grisha's shoulder again, his eyes taking on the look of a desperate man with nothing and everything to lose.

"Explain what? You're making no sense" Grisha shoved his hands away from him forcefully, not liking the glint in the tall man's eyes. 

"They aren't far from here. Let me show you, and I'll explain everything. I swear it." Rowan said while walking to the edge of the alley, barely stopping to look over his shoulder and something moved Grisha's feet without him deciding to do so.

Following Rowan as he weaved through lower Shiganshina, they came to an abrupt stop in a dead-end alley where an older looking man that Grisha recognised from the markets stood. On each side the elder balanced two small skinny children, with the larger of the two snuggled into his neck asleep, the other who possessed a mane of wild red hair was wide awake and reaching for Rowan the moment he came into her line of sight. Taking both of the children into his arms as gently as he could, Rowan accidentally jostling the sleeping child awake and groaned deeply when the larger child began to stir and whine. 

It's children, he wanted to show me children.

"Thank you Alert, I won't forget this" Rowan sighed rocking side to side to quiet the whimpering child as the other child in his arms began to squirm and demand his attention.

"I don't know what your involved in Rowan but for the sake of my niece and her children, for the love of walls sort it out or I will - oh Doctor Jaeger it's good to see you. You're a good man, please help him" Alert placed his hand on Grisha's shoulder looking him in the eyes pleadingly before taking his leave, leaving Grisha with Rowan and the two agitated children.

I don't want to be involved in anything with children.

Grisha watched Rowan attempt to rock the two children to settle them to no avail and sighed deeply before stepping forward and taking the smaller child with the wild red hair from him. She was clearly a girl and had mismatched green and grey eyes like Rowan but she was severely under fed, both children were, and Grisha slowly felt his reservations slipping away as the girl turned her large eyes towards in awe.

"Her name is Aurora" Rowan mumbled as he finally settled the boy in his arms "And this is Rian. They are my Grandchildren"

As if on request Aurora made a sweet noise that only the young can make in greeting and reached forward touching Grisha's nose. A small smile spread on both men's lips as the little girl won over the Titan shifter when she giggled with joy and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I need help falsifying medical documents," Rowan said while watching his Granddaughter paw the man and Grisha broke his gaze from the child in his arms and frowned

"Why?" Grisha asked before the young Aurora patted his glasses.

"Because my Titan friend, we are being Hunted."

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